View Full Version : What loader to use now?

05-11-2003, 08:53 PM
I have a 12V revi that works really great up until the shells break.They keep breaking right at the neck , and its never just one.I have bought three sets of shell halves for this hopper and I have only used it about a half dozen times on the field.
Well I am about fed up completly with this crap.I am set on finding a new hopper to use.I really don't know what to get though.I would like a Halo B but am unable to find any of them and the way its looking may not be available again.I really don't like Rico's and don't know what else is available ,if anything, and how good the others are.
Any suggestions would be helpful.

05-11-2003, 09:00 PM
How fast do you shoot?
thats the main question.
Evolution 2 (egg) for i think 69 bucks does about 16 bps reliably.
halo TSA is comming out and should be pretty nice is said to compete with the 12vlt in price. should be as fast or faster than 12vlt and it is sound activated. Also has tilt control which switches the direction of the paddle when the gun is tilted so balls are always being forced (but not force fed) in the direction of the feedneck.

05-11-2003, 09:08 PM
i suggest trying to find a pre- BE revvy. that solves the shell problem.

05-11-2003, 09:09 PM
You could try the reloader. They have Halo b's at this Site (http://www.canadianpaintball.com/main/access/hoppers.htm). It's canadian but it will cost about the same as in the US. Also give the G loader a try. LOL look at it at on ebay. link (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3607251908&category=36285&rd=1)

05-11-2003, 09:14 PM
I just got an egg2 and I LOVE It. It is SO cute and round... :)

I am a little worried about its durability, but I have heard no complaints since they changed from the egg1 to the egg2.

it holds 195 rnds and can load over 17+ bps with the new ones.

05-19-2003, 08:13 AM
Your best bet would be to buy a used Halo B. With the money you saved from by buying a used hopper, send it in to Odyssey Paintball and take advantage of their update program.
http://www.odysseypaintball.com/halobupdate.html For $10 + $6 shipping (continental USA) they completely service your Halo, including upgrading any/all out of date parts to the newest design; replacing worn parts as necessary; and re-programming of the circuit board with the newest TE software.
While your at it, have them install the RIP DRIVE Upgrade ($30) which allows you to continue playing if your battery goes dead during a game.
At 22bps my Halo can keep up with my son's warp while my Egg 2 at times falls behind. The few extra dollars for the Halo B is money well spent.