View Full Version : why all the classics and polls...

05-12-2003, 06:14 AM
Not to rant but it seems insane that there are 9 classic post about stuff that doesn't pertain to everyone, followed by 12 polls about what gun is better. You have to scroll down a half a page to find someithing new, and when you get there it is someone wanting to know what gun is better an angel or a mag! What kind of a response do you think you are going to get in an AGD website.

I mean an poll from tom about what you would buy is fine by me, but these "rate my gun" and "is it worth it yes or no" polls are kinda lacking any real use in general discussion.

Sorry for the rant. I just stayed up all night for my last final. College players i know you feel my pain. Peace.

05-12-2003, 09:55 AM
Well, at least two of the classics are contests from AGD, 2 are about the Megameet. One is about an all 'Mag team that won a tourney. (doesn't happen that often). 5 out of 9 are actually pertinent. And honestly, not everything on AO pertains to everybody. These are just the important ones.