View Full Version : To alll of those complaining about the x-mag

05-12-2003, 04:14 PM
QUIT IT. Its old, and annoying, there are about 3 new threads everyday about you all complaining. It is realy freekin old, so knock it off.

If your waiting for your x-mag, then wait some more, you knew there was a wait when you signed up. I can garauntee you that AGD is trying to get them out the door as fast as they can.

"tok could spend some money, get in house milling machines etc. "

NO tom cant. AGD E owns the rights to the x-mag, the aluminum unibody, with changeable breaches idea. Tom needs to wait for agde to send the bodies over, so complain to them.

"i dont see angels with quality control issues"

I dont see x-mags with them either do you? It isnt quality control that is taking up the time, its waiting for the bodies to come across, then having to anno em here, and make sure the anno is perfect. You dont want youe new 1300 dollar marker with a crappy anno job do you?

"tom needs to spped up production"

Cant you see he is trying to do that? HE is trying his hardest, as well as trying to get the damn ule bodies out the door as well, the man is trying his hardest!

"i want my x-mag now now now!"

Well i ask you this, why dont the x-mags that go up for sale why arent they gone with in an hour(meaning the ones in the for sale forums

So stop complaining about the damn x-mags comming, they are trying to shove em out the door, as well as complete their team markers etc.

If you are going to complain, atleast do it in one consolidated official complaining thread

05-12-2003, 04:34 PM
sry to say this but this thread is pointless... i mean if u look at it all the ppl that post threads like I WANT A X_MAG or WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG, etc the ppl that ussally post threads like that are 98% of them are new, and wont see this thread, i understand its annoying but atleat, AO is getting new ppl all the time and that are actually intrested in the mag again, so just kick back injoy the forum and help the noobs out, yes its annoying to see 2-3 threads a day but what can u do...

p.s. it would be nice if a mod would make a sticky explaining everything about the x-mag and put it on the top of the page where NEW ppl can read about y its takeing so long, they also could right the diffrences between the x-mag and how much it actually ways and cost, this would save tons of threads from being made, just a thought..

05-12-2003, 04:35 PM
You posted this about 5 seconds before i was going to leave this forum just because i am sick of the whining about xmags. You all should have expected a wait for your guns. Its not anyones fault but your own that you choose to buy one of the nicest rarest markers being made. This takes time and effort to put together.

05-12-2003, 05:23 PM
EVERY ONE SEE TOMS POST, MODS, PLease close this, as tom took waht i said, and made it much lengthier and more informative