View Full Version : Need help! ASAP

05-12-2003, 07:14 PM
okay i'm planning to start playing in tournaments this summer. i play back and need a marker that is fast. i was looking at the rt pro. hearing that it has the intelli trigger and level 10 bolt for 550 is a pretty good deal. i was wondering if i get the vert feed would i still be able to put warp feed on later?? how quiet is the rt pro [ my neighbors kinda flip when i shoot in my back yard [ my rebel sounds like shotgun:D ]?? is it true that the rt pro is a gas hog?? i have an evo II and 68ci 4500psi tank. do i need to upgrade anything when i get the marker?? thanks...

05-12-2003, 07:47 PM
If you plan on getting a warp later on, just get a power feed body. Only upgrades I can think of are LX. RT is kinda loud, but not that loud.

05-12-2003, 07:50 PM
LX?? i'm a bit new to the automag markers and etc. little help please:)

05-12-2003, 07:57 PM
i thought the newer versions of the rt pro has the lx in it?? and how does the lx work?? does it really prevent chopping?

05-12-2003, 08:12 PM
yes some new rtps come with the xvalve with has lvl 10 in it. It does prevent chopping, but does not prevent barrel breaks. If you have the right paint to barrel match you will hardly get a barrel break.

BTW welcome to AO, hang on for the ride and have fun

05-12-2003, 08:29 PM
You might need to upgrade the barrel if you want, but otherwise it looks like you are set :)

05-12-2003, 08:35 PM
That would be a sweet set up. Just make sure you buy directly from AGD and call them and ask for one with the X-valve. If you buy from some other store they may still have the ones that were made when the X was not standerd.

05-12-2003, 09:17 PM
i'm gettin a freak kit for it for the summer. is the rt pro a gas hog? i play back so if i need a bigger tank please tell me. i currently have a 68ci 4500psi tank. if i need a bigger tank please say something thanks. i shoot at least half a box each round when i'm going to play in tournaments. thanks

05-12-2003, 09:48 PM
I have an e-mag but I play in full manual sometimes. This would compare to your rt. With a fill 68ci/4500psi tank I can get about 1000 shots. My input pressure is about 950 psi though. Mags are awsome guns but they tend to be gas hogs. You will need a bigger tank get a 88ci or 114ci tank if possible if you think you will dump a lot of paint (1000 balls in a game).

Am RT pro is sweet. If you get a vet feed you will probably get the stainless highrise body instead of the new ULE bodies. You could put a warp feed on any vert feed body it just depends on the body and if it has a removable feed port.

Have you shot a mag with a warp feed? MOst folks who shoot with a warp don't shoot a fert feed marker. This might be because the warp gives you an insanely lower profile and you get used to playing w/ no hopper. I would advise tying a warp and see if you like it. If so just get a warp feed body for the lowest profile and fastest feed.

Quietnedd can be controllled by what barrel you have. The stock mag barrel usually has no porting and a crown point tip. I have a J&J ceramic I got for $40 and I won't change too soon.

Make sure it has an X-valve (should be standard) and intelli frame. That's it and new barrel and it's done.

05-12-2003, 10:00 PM
well i got the evoII. and i think i might not even outshoot it tho :rolleyes: i just like the conecpt that i can shoot with the mark sideways :D

05-13-2003, 05:10 AM
and also what kind of detent does the rt pro use??

05-13-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by DevGroup
i'm gettin a freak kit for it for the summer. is the rt pro a gas hog? i play back so if i need a bigger tank please tell me. i currently have a 68ci 4500psi tank. if i need a bigger tank please say something thanks. i shoot at least half a box each round when i'm going to play in tournaments. thanks

The RT-Pro with Level-10 doesn't get great efficiency, but I've seen worse.

Half a box each round(1000 balls), assuming you are getting true 4500 fills then you can estimate that you would get 1020 shots with average efficency...Assuming you actually shoot that much, you might be better off with a 88ci tank just in case.

05-13-2003, 01:57 PM
yikes thanks xmetal2001. what kind of detent does the rt pro use anyways??

05-13-2003, 02:03 PM
they use nubbins on the barrel.

05-13-2003, 02:51 PM
so the detent is on the barrel?? and it uses mag barrels not emags [ autococker ] barrels right?

05-13-2003, 03:31 PM
are you suppose to clean the marker in water?

05-13-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by DevGroup
so the detent is on the barrel?? and it uses mag barrels not emags [ autococker ] barrels right?

Yes, the detent(actually called a nubbin) is on the barrel. Yes it does use mag barrels. Actually all of the standard Emag's use mag barrel's too, its only the X-Mags and micromags that dont. Also any mag that has a ULE body will use Cocker barrels.

Eventually the RT Pro's will start coming with ULE bodies, but that might be a while. They probably have to use up the current stock of stainless steel bodies first.

Yes, a PRESSURIZED RT Pro can be put underwater(but not fired) and yes you could clean that way. Personally I dont clean that way, but you could.

05-13-2003, 10:28 PM
As a general rule I would try to keep all pb things away from water. But if you are talking about wipeing it all down with a damp cloth that should be ok. Just make sure everything is dry before you reassemble it. Don't want watter sitting in you gun and rusting it up.