View Full Version : One hopper game?

05-12-2003, 10:07 PM
Just a question, but would anybody enjoy a game of paintball in which each player can only bring a hopper full of paint and no more? I think It would #1 Not waste Paint #2 Require more skill, and #3 Would be more fun! I can't tell you how sick I am of some "tourny player" who comes onto an open game with a case of paint on his back and sprays untill he is eliminated, I think that they should restrict paint on a pro level too, Allowing it to be more of a thinking, fast paced game, instead of a spray and pray based game, that and it would make the game a lot more noob freindly,(not to mention help out paint sponcers) any thoughts? comments welcome, flames are somewhat expected, so please, comment away!

05-12-2003, 10:20 PM
I play like this all the time during rec play indoor. I only use my pod belt for tourneys and tourney practice. It will help sharpen your skills if you know you have a limited amount of paint while everyone esle can have as much as they want.

05-12-2003, 10:30 PM
I enjoy playing hopper ball. It saves me ALOT of money, and is hard trying to keep a watch on how much paint you have, and how many shots to use on each person. It can add alot of different stratagies, and changes the gameplay ALOT. I love hopper ball :) Just like alot of people enjoy playing pump, even if they have an X-mag. Makes you think about your shots, and know when to shoot.

05-12-2003, 10:42 PM
heh, I buddy up with the 12 year old with an angel and a rich mom, he sprays and spends the $$ on paint and I take my time :D

adam shannon
05-12-2003, 11:46 PM
ive played alot of 1 hopper games...even though i concentrate on not shooting alot im geneticly prohibited from firing slow...im usually out of paint in a few minutes and end up running around trying to scare newbs into surrendering by diving into their bunker firing air.

05-12-2003, 11:55 PM
i've been playing hopperball ever since I started... I'm getting sick of it, I'm getting a pack and pods soon.

05-13-2003, 12:13 AM
PB isn't as fun if there is paint flying every which way at all times durring the game IMO. For shot rec games it would be great to make a rule of only alowing a hopper full of paint and no more. It would make it easyer to get up close and play some real ball. I agree it would be ALOT more noob friendly becuase I know that my first time, when paint was flying everywhere it scared the $%^^ out of me. In tournees it fine if your a back player to shoot a lot of paint becuse you have too and you and your team have a plan so you know where each other are and are good enough not to shoot each other. When some kid who isn't very good sits at the back and sprays paint all over the feild he usualy ends up hitting his team mates.

05-13-2003, 12:18 AM
hopper games are good for practice, players sometimes get too comfortable with a huge pack of paint on their back and just hose. it teaches you to conserve paint, and make you want to make the moves to take the game. if your really into hopper games you should check out the pan-am circuit where only a hopper is allowed.

05-13-2003, 02:28 AM
i used to play 10 shot in the woods a lot about 5 years ago. It was fun because we would get so close to eachother before shooting, but it also made for some really long boring games.

land hurricane
05-13-2003, 05:50 AM
We've played hopper ball at the local field quite a few times. Seeing that I dont own a harness its better for me anyway. Unless I decide to put a pod in my pocket.

05-13-2003, 06:05 AM
its called PANAM. at least the 5 man is still hopper ball. the 7 man switched. its funny to watch unlimited teams try to play hopper ball.

It is very easy to shoot more paint, but very hard to shoot less, so always practice with less than you want to carry in the average game.

05-13-2003, 07:14 AM
I play hopperball all the time too. Most of the time I get two games outta one hopper. Sometimes I take only a BE Pocket Hopper out. I found if I carry X paint, I will shoot X/2

so if I ihave pods I end up using one, if not.. then I dont.. weird. but its the whole knowing your shots have to count mentality. Plus I with my PGP against semi alot so I dont mind having less paint to shoot.

05-13-2003, 03:19 PM
I personally like to play hopperball too it makes me save money on paint and seem much more fun trying to sneek up instead of spraying and praying.

I think it would make paintball a much better spectator sport if more major turneys limit the paint, it makes the game much more exciting since it will involve more skillz and tactics.(Well after watching a few games on warpigtv it looks very boring since no one is moving much, they only sit there and spray....it gets very boring)

05-13-2003, 03:42 PM
I tend to camp in a bunker if I have a full set of pods, so I play hopperball most of the time. Makes me learn movement better. Besides, if I can make a quarter or half case last all day. It's that much cheaper! :p

05-13-2003, 03:45 PM
that's why I like pump guns, while the other suckers are shilling out $80 for a case i am happy and content with my $15 bag of five hundered. If you really want to not use so much paint, you could always try and see if there is a organzied woods ball field around were you live (like husker paintball in nebraska), you usually use alot less paint in woodsballs games.

05-13-2003, 04:31 PM
If I'm too lazy to get out my pack I'll play hopperball.

Frankly the little kids whose mommy buys them cases of paint everyday don't bother me. I dont care how much paint they shoot at me, if they aren't any good they aren't gonna hit me, if they good, then they might...
Are they having fun? Good. Thats what its about.

As for hopper ball in tournaments, No i dont think so. Its just not enough! Too much would be put into wasting the other teams paint.

05-13-2003, 04:38 PM
Pan/Am 5 man is hopperball, only 200 rounds per player per game.

05-13-2003, 04:42 PM
I'll one up ya. our club plays 30 round limited paint games. try to play a whole game with only 30 rounds. makes you think and work together alot more, when you can't spray.

05-13-2003, 04:42 PM
We play hopper ball all the time at our private field. It is loads of fun. And we don’t find ourselves getting into lulls, but quite the opposite. Because we have limited shots, we are forced to move and take chances. It makes for a GREAT time.

05-13-2003, 05:02 PM
I have never seen somebody carry a pack out on a saturday ( open play) at my field. Only time anybody uses them is on sunday aka team practice day.

Evil Bob
05-13-2003, 05:11 PM
Hopperball is a great way to discipline yourself and work on movement and tactics.

We used to play several rounds of hopperball on the local speedball field to warm up for team practice, got everyone on the same sheet of music when it came time to work on team movement drills.

When I play recball, I usually don't carry more then 300 rounds onto the field unless it's a attack and defend round and our team is defending, nothing discourages the attacking team more then long strings of paint raining down on them.

-Evil Bob

05-13-2003, 05:49 PM
heres anohter good reason: Im too poor to shoot that much anyway.

Recon by Fire
05-13-2003, 05:55 PM
A whole hopper full? Try sticking to a 10-15 round tube and a 12 gram CO2 :)

05-13-2003, 06:13 PM
I have used a pod in a speedball game three times in my whole paintball career

05-13-2003, 06:17 PM
I rarely use more then 200 rounds in 1 game. For example, I went to TAG 3 weeks ago, and I used about 1000 paintballs the entire day. Only once did I run out of paint (and barrowed some paint from other players). Basically in speedball, if I dont see the person popping out, whats the point in wasting paint? Unless of course I'm covering someone or trying to keep him pinned down. Woods is a little different though.

05-13-2003, 06:27 PM
I used to be really conservative, then I got a nice electro. Although I suppose I still don't shoot as much as some, 300 a game seems right if I stay in til the end. In tournies I usually shoot less, because my flying squirrel frontman tactics usually allow no more than two eliminations before I get rocked.

05-13-2003, 06:36 PM
It's the way that my group plays all the time. It allows for a lot of movement, but still enough paint for suppression. We used to play 50 ball.

05-13-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Recon by Fire
A whole hopper full? Try sticking to a 10-15 round tube and a 12 gram CO2 :)

My kinda guy!

Seriously, when playing a field full of renters, I like to stick to a hopper. If I do carry pods, usually they're for the guy I'm stuck in a bunker with. :) I really don't mind giving a noob or 2 a pod every now and then... it just helps them to enjoy the game a bit more.

When playing the field regulars, however, it's one pod/elimination time!

05-13-2003, 06:44 PM
i think it is a good idea, but it would never work, becuz fields/tourny hosts make alot of their money in paint sales, so thats like them limiting how much money they make. :D just my opinion

05-13-2003, 06:47 PM
wow, didn't expect so many positive responses, I was expecting "back players" to flame away (thats what happened when I asked one guy why he plays with 5 pods) anywho I didn't know about the panam, how often/where are the tournies at usually? (sorry, not big into following tourny circuts)

05-13-2003, 06:49 PM
Panam's mostly west coast. Try http://www.panamcircuit.com/

05-13-2003, 06:52 PM
I'm a back guy, but I love hopperball, why I'm going to start a Pan/Am team. 5 man. 200 rounds per player, per game.

05-13-2003, 06:52 PM
I love hopper ball. Evens up the field for markers and allows Pump guns to compete with electo's. You can play all day and have fun on a half a case. Hopper ball is cool.

05-13-2003, 07:34 PM
ive played hopper ball for a year now, and i love it. i even use my RT, and i find it sooo hard not to rip on people, but i only have 200 balls, so it really helps me with my snapshooting and tactics

05-13-2003, 09:03 PM
i don't even own a harness, i've only ran out a few times playin hopper ball.

05-14-2003, 07:42 AM
Is this still hopper ball?

ok my plan is to make another slower firing gun cause I always need a project.

so I am going to run and air-assist 50 round pocket hopper (then tend to jam over the feed hole, hence the air assist)

Since 50 balls is a little light sometimes, I am going to take pods and cut them down to hold like 46ish balls and then carry them on in place of normal pods. That way I would have the 50ish in my hopper and one or two "pods" that way I still have at most 150 rnds. Which equals one hopper for most.

So is that still hopper ball?:D

PS I hate polls.

05-14-2003, 09:27 AM
They have that, without the air assist. E-tron.

05-14-2003, 10:07 AM
Ever since I started using my Ricochet loader I've been running out of ammo when I play hopper ball. The capacity of the loader is 180 but I think that I probably only fill it to 150 or so.

Still there is something about opening the lid for your hopper and counting your remaining shots and realizing you have to make every one count. It does make the game pretty exciting. I'd play more local tournaments if they were limited paint.

05-14-2003, 11:52 AM
i am a back player when we are at tournies, but at rec ball i play all over the place. rec ball i generally play with 3 pods but i never refill, i think i just like the feel of my pack hahaa, and it helps when we dont go back to the staging area inbetween games. hopper ball is fun

05-14-2003, 03:35 PM
Hopperball Is alot of fun. But, it does not help you work on movement (as some have said) unless the other team is not playing hopperball. If the other team has less paint than normal, it is not nearly as difficult to make bunkers as they will often not even "waste" paint trying to hit someone on the run. It will help your shooting and movement skills ALOT if you are the only one on the field with <200 rds. though. That said, I think hopperball is an awesome alternative to more expensive unlimited paint games.

05-14-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Smoken
But, it does not help you work on movement (as some have said) unless the other team is not playing hopperball. If the other team has less paint than normal, it is not nearly as difficult to make bunkers as they will often not even "waste" paint trying to hit someone on the run.

Never played with us!

05-14-2003, 04:49 PM
True, just speaking from MY experiences.

05-14-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by LoveMyMagMoreThanYou
Never played with us!

He is right, however. Making it to your bunker playing hopperball on the rec field is completely different than an unlimited paint tournament. It is totally different.

05-14-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by xadamx
i am a back player when we are at tournies, but at rec ball i play all over the place. rec ball i generally play with 3 pods but i never refill, i think i just like the feel of my pack hahaa, and it helps when we dont go back to the staging area inbetween games. hopper ball is fun

That's what I do, I hate walking back to the staging area after every game. When you have a pack you can just load right up and not miss any games.

05-14-2003, 10:00 PM
I like playing with limited paint. This past Easter, me and my friends went down to our woods with tons of huge plastic eggs. We had bought two cases of paint earlier, and we filled the eggs with paint, (they would hold about 15 balls each) and hid them out in the woods. We all started at one spot and it was basically a race. It sure helps on reloding skills. Anyone else got any cool games they've made up?

05-14-2003, 11:43 PM
you all might like it.. but fields would hate it, since paint = $$ for them.

I play back, i shoot a lot.. and in my opinion, limited paint will nose dive as time goes on.

05-15-2003, 07:12 AM
I have been playing on two fields since 99 and both use limited paint. They dont care if you bring more... but no one does.

05-15-2003, 12:48 PM
Hopper ball is great for walk on games and indoor rec play. There's nothing like the feeling of "Ok, i'm the last guy left, it's four against one..... and I only have three paintballs." :D