View Full Version : first tourney, help me out!

05-12-2003, 10:19 PM
ok, my cousin my dad and i are entering our first tourney. it is center flag and we are needing some strategies to give us a better chance. help us please!

05-12-2003, 10:24 PM
1. Make sure you have enough air and paint before the game.
2. No major changes in the week prior to the tourney.
3. Have all your gear organized at the tourney.
4. Communication is KEY. You must constantly let each other know where and how many are still on the field.
5. Have a timer.
6. If you have time check the player before he hangs the flag for hits.
7. Hang the flag on the right side
8. Have FUN!!!!!

Not really strategies but some things I learned the HARD way.

05-12-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by jayloo

7. Hang the flag on the right side


Anyhow Go for good position off the break. With 3 man you can basically have your choice in bunkers. Get as far up as you can without getting overextended, and make sure you can still hear your back man (i assume your daddy).

Clarify what you're going to be calling all the bunkers, shapes and colors are the easiest ways, just to make sure there's as little confusion as necessary.

If it ends in a 2v1 vs. you keep your eye on both guys as much as possible and when the paint really starts slapping your bunker use your instincts and pop out whichever side you think the guy who's about to bunker your azz is coming from.

If it ends in you and a teammate vs. their last guy you have to work together, pepper his bunker, and move to places he wouldnt expect you to be. Get a great angle on him or go in for the bunker.

Enjoy yourself, and don't get down on yourself if you guys don't do as well as you hope, the 1st few times are learning experiences (i'm still learning :D)