View Full Version : I'm Sorry To Everyone Who Helped

05-14-2003, 11:34 AM
I an't go to the megameet. ive been planning it out so much and all but when it comes down to it all, i just dont have enough money. i've gotten so much help from so many people that i feel that it will be a bigger dissapointment letting other people down then it will not being able to go. i would like to use this thread to appologise and thank everyone who tried to help me. i've never been so organised in my life than i have with this meet but as ive said it just all came down to not having enough money.

Thank yous

-Askman, loaned me some money
-TooDamnSweet, loaned me some money
-Law, first person to offer me a ride, he has finals and cant go
-Scooter/Cootie, 2nd to offer ride, cancel from the lack of AO intrest in the meet
-Datapimp69, offered ride if i could get to Ann Arbor, last hope i had to go and my BIGGEST apology, thank you for your help
-Mossman, offered me part of a hotel room when he learned that Law canceled
-Dayspring, again, offered me a place to stay
-AutomagRT1483, even though he wasnt going he tried his hardest to help find me a ride and lodging. he even put up a thread to help over in the meet/greet forum.
-AGD, you didnt really help but i know its a disapointment for me not going, i know you really wanted to gog me:D

And to the rest of AO, if you say you will be there i expect nothing but the hand of god combined with bad luck to keep you from going. it's because of the lack of people going that caused all this. if i could have gotten a car pool from the people who said they would have i could have gone. figuring in the cost of the trains or busses i figured i would have enough money for one meal and a case of paint.

Thank you AO and Sorry to those who helped

Wc Keep
05-14-2003, 11:38 AM
its a pity to hear that. save some money and come out to nj ao day. itll be just as fun.

05-14-2003, 12:47 PM
I so sorry to hear that and I am sorry I had to let you down and that I could not go as well.... I don't even have a car since it is having transmission problems and is at the dealer till next wed so there is no way besides flying or train I could even get to the megameet....

the job market sucks and I cant even find work....

05-14-2003, 12:50 PM
originally posted by law
the job market sucks and I cant even find work...

Firefighter= job security :D

05-14-2003, 01:06 PM
fire1811- are you serious? At least in MA firefighters are one of the first groups to be cut (along with police and teachers) due to the financial picture of states and towns just flat out sucking. I'm graduating with a criminal justice degree on saturday and i can't find a police job for the life of me. I'm hoping the crime rate goes up soon and people remove their heads from their butts and figure out that we need police, firefighters, emts, and teachers. People just don't understand the basics lately (at least in towns and cities across MA, but maybe that's because our governor is a complete ***).

05-14-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by paintball8869
fire1811- are you serious? At least in MA firefighters are one of the first groups to be cut (along with police and teachers) due to the financial picture of states and towns just flat out sucking. I'm graduating with a criminal justice degree on saturday and i can't find a police job for the life of me. I'm hoping the crime rate goes up soon and people remove their heads from their butts and figure out that we need police, firefighters, emts, and teachers. People just don't understand the basics lately (at least in towns and cities across MA, but maybe that's because our governor is a complete ***).

That is pretty much true around my area as well... its been the way of things lately. I agree with you

05-14-2003, 01:11 PM
yeah bro no job cuts around here that i have heard of.
move to IL we have plenty of crazies you can arrest :p

FDNY has talked about closing 8 firehouses but i dont think it will happen since they just started a new acadamy of 300(my bro included) and another one slated to start in august with another 300

just start robbing stuff an then they will have to hire more cops :D

05-14-2003, 02:19 PM
lol. I'm off to start robbing :) That's quite an interesting way to look at it (i was actually hoping other people would do it so i could still get a job as a cop :) )

Wc Keep
05-14-2003, 02:53 PM
disclaimer: the people of ao in no way urge you to go rob things. well except half our members do.

05-14-2003, 02:55 PM
yeah its pretty bad to say but arsonist make me happy :p

05-14-2003, 05:28 PM
Sorry to here that you can not go BT, look me up if you need any help with anything else in the future.


05-14-2003, 06:15 PM
Berkely County, WV is hiring county sheriff's.
going to put my application in tomorrow if i can get down their! this has been my life long dream!!!!!!!!!
acually i want to be a marshel but that will take time.

05-14-2003, 08:42 PM
"yeah its pretty bad to say but arsonist make me happy " Fire1811

RofLOL, that is such a funny quote!..that is one of those quotes that people put in their sig!!! SEE LOL
I love it.

05-14-2003, 10:35 PM
lol sweet i have been quoted in a sig :D

05-15-2003, 03:07 PM
By the time I get a job and the market picks up... I will have lost all the weight I original put on. Things are so tight now Im actually losing weight almost every week.

Im looking forward to being skinny!~

05-15-2003, 08:38 PM
I'm so sorry that you can't go! It was really my pleasure to try and help you out. I did get my check back in the mail today because I put your address down wrong so I was about to email you and ask if I could WU it too you. Don't be upset, there will be lots of AO Meets you can go to in the future. And there's always Shatnerball II!!!!!

05-15-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
I'm so sorry that you can't go! It was really my pleasure to try and help you out. I did get my check back in the mail today because I put your address down wrong so I was about to email you and ask if I could WU it too you. Don't be upset, there will be lots of AO Meets you can go to in the future. And there's always Shatnerball II!!!!!

Here here! Camping is free while space is available!

05-15-2003, 09:17 PM
yea im gonna try to get to shattnerball.

TDS, i was wondering why it hadnt come yet but i wasnt to worried since i figured i couldnt go (i couldnt go anyways, i have a 103 degree temp right now, wait a tick, why am i on the computer with a 103 degree temp:))