View Full Version : the army has been good to me

05-14-2003, 06:15 PM
Welcome me back everone. I just got out of basic training. well i got out a month ago. I am now in ait in beaitiful fort Eutis Va. Which is in new port news. Tomarrow I will get to seee my first apache up close. And more Importaintly this weekend is the first time i will be allowed to go off post. so this weekend i get to play for the first time in 4 1/2 months.

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for aqll of your support, and prayers.

Hey army you were right I love being in the ARMY. its the best thing i have ever done. after ait i'm probley going to end up in Korea but not if they let me go air assult first.


Evil Bob
05-14-2003, 06:41 PM
Welcome back, Trigger, what is your MOS?

-Evil Bob

05-14-2003, 06:48 PM
67D I'm going to be a long bow michinac.

05-14-2003, 07:27 PM
Ahh, scenic Fort Eustis... I knew a bunch of guys from Ft.E. whe I was down at William & Mary. Back then, we played at New Kent Paintball Games, which was back towards Richmond from Williamsburg. But that was from '88 to '92, so I'm not sure the place is still open anymore. Man, what a weird crew that was: us college kids (mostly my ROTC buddies and me), guys from Ft.E., a few from Naw-fok, and a bunch of guys from the Ann-Busch brewery. Good times.

Where are y'all playing these days?

PS: can't spell out Norfolk the way yer supposed to say it, or the mods'll crush me.

05-14-2003, 08:36 PM
Welcome back :)
Go play at splattbrothers

05-15-2003, 12:28 AM
WOOHOO! Congrats Private, HOOAH!

Don't let the ball stop rolling, keep on your command to get sent to "Dope on a Rope" school (just don't be a friggen pest about it!)

Really cool to hear from you...since I noticed we didn't have your APO addy...dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn!



05-15-2003, 05:30 AM
Grats bro... glad to hear your digging your new home.

anyhow you say your an AH-64 mechanic.... in the USAF we have several types of aircraft mechanics, Crew Cheif's (Deticated to maintaining a single airframe primarly) Weapons (What I do, we load and maintain the weapons systems for all of our units airframes) Specialists (various smarty bastards ie.. Electricians, Avionics, Engines, blah, blah, blah)

What flavor of mechanic would you be?

Recon by Fire
05-15-2003, 02:05 PM
Ahem...."dope on a rope"? Congrats, hope you enjoy your military career. Air Assault is not a big requirement for crew chiefs but I hope you get it.

Scouts out!

Evil Bob
05-15-2003, 02:11 PM
Yep, dope on a rope, that's how you feel during the stabo section of air assult school... hanging helplessly 100 feet below that crash hawk helo kicking your feet in the air, tied in with 3 other dopes, hoping that nothing happens to the big heavy bird above you... of course it doesn't help much when the crew chief tells you he's more then happy to cut the lines to save his bird.

-Evil Bob

Recon by Fire
05-15-2003, 02:30 PM
Damn, give a guy 1 point of contact and they still complain! AA just gets their feet wet, the real fun starts when you are in an actual unit that will make use of that training :)

05-15-2003, 02:39 PM
Anyone on here an 11 or 18 series MOS? It'd be fun to talk to any of you. No offense to any of you service-men on here but the only real "high speed" unit is the 75th. Anyone agree with me on this? I'm enlisting in August as 11x Option 40. Anyone care to talk post or PM me. Thanks. RLTW!

Recon by Fire
05-15-2003, 02:57 PM
11 or 18, nope just a 19D here (Scout, not a DAT). 75th Ranger Bat is a good unit, my buddy was in it for a long time but is now an instructor for Ranger school. But don't go thinking that is the only high speed low drag unit around! You haven't even started training yet, no offense but you have no idea yet what high speed is all about :)

U.S. Cavalry since 1986. Air Assault, Jungle Expert...Recon Leads the Way! HOOAH!

Nice to see all the fine young men of AO fulfilling their patriotic duty and serving proudly :)

05-15-2003, 04:12 PM
Hey Recon I'm just speaking from the info I've got from other Batt boys. I know a guy who was in the 2nd batt. and he said after the 2nd he went to the 101. He said it was so much less disciplined than the 75th. The 75th is also the only unit in the army that can keep their bolts in their weapons while in the presence of the president.(All others have to keep it in their cargo pockets) What other units are hooah, high speed, low drag?

Recon by Fire
05-15-2003, 04:51 PM
Of course somebody in a Ranger batt will tell you they are the only good unit around! But I agree that the 101st is not all that impressive IMHO.

I don't know about the bolts around the President, but I have heard that no military unit is allowed to have ammo while in the presence of the Pres. Never encountered that first hand since I never met him on active duty.