View Full Version : Powder coating procedure

05-14-2003, 08:07 PM
Im thinking about powder coating my automag classic a nice green, not diggin the gray too much anymore. Is sandblasting a major factor in the quality and overall appearance of the finished product? I know degreasing and cleaning is important just not sure about blasting. Any color recommendations would also be helpful.


05-14-2003, 08:13 PM
powder coating wont hurt ur mag in anyway. just make sure that you dont get any on the insides, and that you only do it on the grey body (coating ur valve will be a bad idea) green is sorta out unless u play in the woods alot. what im gonna do is go down to a hobby store and buy some enamel paints (they come in every color u can imagine) and paint my mag black with red flames (im sorta artsey, but not really). another option, although more expensive, is to get a new body (chrome is sweet).

05-15-2003, 07:28 AM
hey i do powder coating and you dont have to blast it thats
just an option to make it hold better but yeah you can just coat w/ out blasting it just use laquer thinner and rubbing achcoal to prep