View Full Version : Renagade Paintball YA or NA

05-16-2003, 09:24 AM
A quick poll do you think Renagade paintball is good or bd for the sport as a whole and put in a little comment as to why you think it is. Now I am not asking if you think is ok to play but do you think its good or bad for the sport.

05-16-2003, 11:03 AM
If its safe with a chrono and saftey rules, then YAY.
If not, nay.
I play some "renegade" pball with my friends but we always chrono/Use Mask Rules/ Make sure we are out of range of any other people and animals.

05-16-2003, 11:33 AM
I am not realy saying if its fun, safe, or ok to play just if it good for the sport as a whole. I mean what kind of image do we project when people pass by a open feild with people playing and no visable signs of control and or saftey. And i am not saying you cant runn a game without being safe.

05-16-2003, 11:41 AM
Ditto Beef's post. The problem with renagade ball is Safety and permission to use the land. I play with a group on occasion that has permission to play on the land they use, has a crono, a designated safe zone and gives a brief safety/rules talk at the begining of each day of play. I feel safer playing there that one of the pay fields here in town that doesn't even bother to insure that people crono their guns.