View Full Version : Grip Gurl Strikes Again!!

05-16-2003, 05:37 PM
somebody must love me...guess what I just got in my email box...(not that they were free..but they are cool looking)


05-16-2003, 05:45 PM
sweet. i thought she wasnt gonna make any more though?

05-16-2003, 05:57 PM
let me answer this...and I wanted to show off how beautiful her work is but I don't want you guys flooding her email box. I have been talking to her on and off for a long time about doing some grips but she's always been busy and I respected that. I contacted her (one time..not ten emails in two hours) and she said she would have the time to do this pair. So, I would say if you want to contact her I have a few tips: Send her one, and one email only, regarding grips and know exactly what you want and be patient regarding a response; this isn't her only job.

Other than that..I would say just respect her because she and Sam do a great job on grips..