View Full Version : Wondering, Big Game on L.I.

05-16-2003, 08:43 PM
Well Big game 2003 at coram long island is sunday and just wanted to make sure if anyone else is going besides me,manike and i think thordic. Hope to anyone that goes there!

05-17-2003, 01:39 PM
ill be there. what guns will you all be shooting? im gonna be hunting down manike for his x mag:rolleyes: :D but ill be tehre with my blue classic timmy and warp

05-17-2003, 02:27 PM
JT you got your warp already from the party? or you had one? I will be using a Mirror blue Emag!! I will be in camos for the biggame rather then team jerseys(also team couldnt make it but one player)

05-17-2003, 03:15 PM
Im gonna be there, tommorow

05-17-2003, 03:57 PM
nope, you? ill be using the clear warp that i won at the shatner chat party:rolleyes: :D . anyways ill look for your blue emag. and clue where ur gonna be? or a number maybey we meet there or sometin?

05-17-2003, 05:06 PM
How old are you both so i know what i am looking for. I am 17.

05-17-2003, 05:29 PM
im 15. look for the blue and red flame JT jersey, dye pants, and the classic, blue warp timmy and a v force morph silver mask. (look for the mask and all :D ;) not too many people have the silver mirror lens.) what should i look for with you? oh and ill be there wiht my uncle who has a grey fade toxic imp

05-17-2003, 05:53 PM
the blue mirror emag will stand out. I be wearing camo pants, jt flex7 green mask. tall like 6'2.

05-17-2003, 06:37 PM
ok, hopefully ill find you. btw whts your name? just so i dont see people and go "Hey, are you Icom?":D

05-17-2003, 08:44 PM

05-17-2003, 09:22 PM
JoE!!! well ill be out there at about 7:00- 7:30 (the best kept secret to gettting a parkin spot in the real parking lot.):D ;) ;)
anyone know manikes name? i think he told me he'd be with the canadian contingent (sp?) camping.

05-17-2003, 10:20 PM
Eric, I'll be in a group of about 4 or something.

what the hell 516-639-7876-cell, maybe we can have an
AO mini meet

I'm going to be shooting the pulse in my sig, can't miss it for a mile. I'll be wearing a JT Cammo Jersey or a
Smart Parts bright yellow and black crosshair jersey. In which case I will be looking like a bumblebee.

My real life nickname actually is Speedy if you want to yell it out randomly and not sound stupid.

05-17-2003, 10:41 PM
hola puto, Speedy Gonzales e cavvrones!:rolleyes: :D (jkjk) . Andale Andale Ariba!!!! its too bad they took that show off the air cuz of "political correctness" bull*POOF* maybey ill give u a call. im deff bring the digi camera now :D oh got i hope we dont find more ao ers than the megameet did. (but if we do for my hard effort, tom should give me a heavily discounted X mag):rolleyes: :D maybey ill give u a ring tomorrow

05-18-2003, 07:31 PM

I'm putting my 70+ big game pics online.

05-18-2003, 09:11 PM
yeah it was fun. i saw icom there, that blue rail and such emag is nice. too bad we were on opposite sides :rolleyes: :D it was a fun game, but lacked a little bit of coordination. but teh h00ters girls made up for that ;) :D , oh and the smart parts poster girl who i bout my new freak barrel from, she looks even better without the green hair.:cool:

05-18-2003, 09:43 PM

Its there, complete with my annoying comentary

05-18-2003, 10:04 PM
what did you have to do to win the cockers? it sucked so much cuz my ride came and i had to go pack my stuff right before he gave away the cockers, damn. and paul was very not aware of teh crowd behind him:mad:
oh and my warp feed was mad popular to the people:rolleyes: :cool: :D i got a lot of people asking about it. icom your emag is gonna rock with a warp on it, and you even have the good power feed side for it, just wish i got a chance to shoot the emag with paint:( and btw where on long island do you live? we should meet at the happauge indoor or the outdoor and play some time. anyone find manike? i was very dissapointed i didnt get to see him and his x mag:mad: :(

05-18-2003, 10:07 PM
I really didnt have enough time to talk to jt and manike and find speedy or whoever. I had a big headache and just well dunno.

Brandy from smart parts looked better then in the poster. I also too picked up a signed one.

05-18-2003, 10:09 PM
I briefy talked to manike, also me and him and my teamate bro was holding the capital for a while. Was fun. He was using his new timmy instead today JT. I live at Islip Terrace.(kinda near that ducks stadium) Yea we should play at the indoor field, Either cousins or the one in West Bab.

05-18-2003, 10:11 PM
yeah we didnt get much time to talk, kinda rushed it right before the game start. yeah she looks even better in person and without the green hair. brandy was real quick to sign a poster for me right after i bought my new freak barrel from her. hey 110 for a ss back, blue AA front, and and insert thats the best deal around. even smart parts web site is more expensive.
now i just got to buy the 100 dollar case with 7 inserts. we should get together and play some time. definitely lets set something up next month and go hit up the indoor, ohhhh, memorial day vacation, its a 4 day weekend. lets go then if u want. we can go on that monday earlier in the day and do byop. id really like to try out your emag more. it looked great. and especially with the warp it will rock, be careful, now youre starting to get me to want to sell my timmy for a e mag.:rolleyes: the ducks stadium isnt too far away from me. how bout that field paint today? i thought it sucked a bit. but the best part of the day, brandy, twins, and hooters girls, cant beat that combo. u knwo cousins is trying to work out a deal with hooters? lol that would be amazing, hooters girls selling us paint and air fills:rolleyes: :D

05-18-2003, 10:33 PM
I'm in manhasset, nah not hauppauge, I like empire ;)

Cocker #1 went to the person who could change into a pair of womens panties the fastet. #2 went to the oldest player who was 56 I believe. Not to old

05-19-2003, 05:25 PM
No cocker one went to person who gave a 100 bill to paul.

05-19-2003, 05:57 PM
Sorry for missing you guys, when I wasn't on the field I was over in the Goose pen with the CanCon guys. I didn't think any other AOers were going to be there until Simon said he ran into ICOM and I didnt hear that till sunday afternoon.

Simon didn't bring his Xmag, only his Timmy. We watched him shoot 25 BPS on it. No trigger bounce, either. Sickness.

In any case, I had a blast there, it was a good time. Sorry for missing you guys.

05-19-2003, 05:59 PM
DAMMIT!!!! in the beginning of the day i had a 100 dollar bill that i used to pay for teh paint, and all i needed to do was to not of had bought that freak barrel @#!$!#@$!@#%^!#@#@!!$3214312$!#@$#$%^&%@%^#$!@$#%$#!%!#$~#@$#@#$@!!$#@@#$#@$#@T$$!#GTRB@ #BV SDQW#$ FC!@#$BWEQASDQ$B$$B@~$GV@#GV#W#WVGW#VQ#VG#@B %NB#$#NH:mad: :mad::( :(


05-19-2003, 06:05 PM
My bad sorry, was the panty thing for the M98C?

05-19-2003, 09:46 PM
It was for a flatline barrel.

05-19-2003, 10:00 PM
My memory is so shot, and this was only last night.