View Full Version : 3 man tactics for newbies?

05-16-2003, 11:11 PM
My son and nephew want to enter a 3 man in Modesto this month. We have never played in a tournament before. Any advice? The gear is pretty well taken care of, just thinking about strategy and tactics.


05-16-2003, 11:24 PM
be aggressive, lay down paint, have a good back man, TALK A LOT! NEVER STOP TALKING

send your fastest person as far up as you can comfortably, you want to take some ground off the break. the main thing is TALK

05-16-2003, 11:41 PM
Like most people will say, communication. If your team can constantly talk, tell people where the enemies are, and say when their moving, it helps your game ALOT. Make sure all your equipment is working good, make sure you have enough air before you go into the game. And last but not least, have fun. It's a game, and play for fun. :)

Good luck!

Mr. T!
05-17-2003, 01:40 AM
Off the break, 2 shooting, send one to the tape, then have one push up center, have the tape guy run the tape, and the middle and back guy clean up everything the tape guy missed

05-17-2003, 10:28 AM
Angles angles angles....

I prefer to see the two front men work tapes but not shooting up the tapes. Shooting across the field. Put your best left hand shooter on the right tape and get as far up as you can on the break. A lot depends on the field lay out here. And how wide is is. If you send a guy up the middle often one of thier back guy can cover your back man and the middle man with one back man. Leaving one of thier men free of fire. You do not want that. So you need to see if thats possible before you decide to take a middle man route. If not then try and stay spread to the two side tapes and a middle man. Often that the case that they can control one area with one man fireing if you have a man in the middle. If so stay out of that situation.

Crossing shooting is important. Tell your two front tape men to forget about the up the tape shots. Tell them to concentrate on the opposite side only. Forget shooting down the tape. Shoot across the field only. The other man will cover their tape. This is when the left hand shooter being on the right is important. He will control thier back right (your left). And visa versa. One elimination is all you need to press up to the flag. Get the pull. Its important. Which ever side you can get the elimination on is wide open now.

05-17-2003, 11:18 AM
dont all be in the same bunker in the back...LOL! jk.

the other people are going to be newbies too, and they are not going to have alot of experience, so RUSH them. have one guy stay back and lay down paint like a mother. just get up as far as you can and when you do, do it on the sides of them, so THEIR sides are open to your attack!

05-17-2003, 11:38 AM
i think for the first game they shoulnd rush anything, and get a feal for the game ans understand everything. Then take what cphilip said and just make them rush.

i mean its the first turny, they dont Have to win. The best thing i would say is get use to everything then get them in gear

05-17-2003, 01:04 PM
In three-man (especially for a team new to tournaments) eliminating an opponent off of the break is very important (or at least helpful). Playing a three-man game one-down is a difficult endeavor and it is better to have your opponent in that position.

Have fun, talk it up with the other team (before and after). Stand-offishness is almost always reciprocated and is easily defeated by a little friendliness. It is ALWAYS a good idea to congratulate a team that beats you and to compliment a team that loses to you. Most parents do not instill this trait in their kidlings (mine certainly did not), but it will make for a much better experience for your kids.

Good luck!

05-17-2003, 01:12 PM
I know everyone has said it, but new players have NO CLUE how important it is...COMMUNICATION. Tell you backplayer that he should be hoarse from screaming by the end of the day...Communication, Communication, Communication. Talk to eachother...its not 3 vs. 1 + 1 + 1, its 3 vs. 3. WORK LIKE A TEAM.

05-17-2003, 05:04 PM
I just played in a 3 man...Communication, and don't shoot hot. Have a back player whos rich, front guy and if theres a snake...maybe let someone hit the snake...I think the snake is god but thats just me

05-17-2003, 05:21 PM
lain comunicate cross it up. 3 of the best things u can do. off the break try and have 2 people lain the field and try and get one if not 2 of there guys off the break. if you eliminate someone off the break you definatley have the upper hand.
derman i agree the snake is god but in 5 man. it takes to long in 3 man.
comunication is the best thing to have. constantly yell ou t possitions. it doesnt matter if evrybody already knows were evryones at keep yelling it. if you dont know were some ones at ask. keep a dead count and know how many people are left on your team.
cross it up. if its your first tourney you never want to go head on with someone because the chances are your going to loose. even the most expierienced players cross it up because its easier and works a lot better than trying to snap shoot with the guy right in front of you.

i hope this helps and that i actually made sence because i just typed what came to me first. but anyways good luck

05-17-2003, 05:30 PM
elpimpo...I just played in a three man...hit the snake just about every game...got at least 2 every game...so i dunno

05-17-2003, 05:33 PM
thats cool.

with my team we never had time. if one of our guys got in there by the time he got were he should be we had hung the flag

05-17-2003, 05:35 PM
oh ya dont be afraid to overshoot or bunker people

05-17-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
oh ya dont be afraid to overshoot or bunker people

Don't overshoot somebody unless its neccesary, and if its neccesary its not overshooting

05-18-2003, 12:38 AM
Everyone on the team needs to be shooting, running, looking, or yelling at all times. For paint supplies, think about how much paint you'll probably use, then double it. Also, bring water! I had to forfeit a tourney last summer because 2 guys got heat exhaustion. Like everyone else said, tell your backman to scream and spray.

RT pRo AuToMaG
05-18-2003, 01:01 AM
bring alot of money and don't save one paintball, shoot until the game is over. 3 man is the only time i've ever shot my whole harness (6 pods) out in a single game. Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make the mistake I did, get the flag off the break, move like crazy, shoot like crazy, ****, if you're good enough, try to send one guy down each side of the field and bunker everyone on your way to secure a path for the person running the flag, but no matter what you do, hurry up and do it, you don't have much time. All you want to do is hang the flag, rember that, stay in the game and get the flag hung. Remember, it may hurt to get lit up, but if you getting lit up permits your team to win, then by all means go for it. It may hurt, but it'll be worth it when you win. Try drinking stuff like Poweraid instead of water because that contains extra stuff like salt and calories to give you energy. Avoid all caffinated, carbonated, and alcaholic beverages before the event, and do not fill up on water before you play. Drink alot of water and fruit juices the day before (not too much fruit juice, it'll give you the squirts! :eek: believe me :D ) Good meals durning a tourney are foods with high amounts of carbs to give you energy. Try to stay away from too much sugar unless you plan to eat items with sugar consistantly between games, because once the rush from the sugar drops, so do you. I've seen it before, you get real tired real fast. Well, just realizing that I've been talking about stuff that has really no value to the thread, i'll end it here, it's late. :cool:

05-19-2003, 05:32 PM
jesus 6 pods and a hopper. my god man. i have 3 buddys that won maddnesss 2 years ago and used 1 pod at most. no ofence but it should be the other way around

05-21-2003, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the input, everyone. I didn't mention that my son is 11 and my nephew is 13. This will be a young gun/old man team. Guess who is playing back.

05-21-2003, 07:53 PM
Do a search there been like 5 threads on this. Just send one guy to get flag pull every game.

05-21-2003, 07:58 PM
Let us know how you do...And I'd imagine you're the old man/backplayer? heheh

05-21-2003, 09:59 PM
The most important thing is to remember to have fun, thats why we all started playing in the first place.
That out of the way, Talk it up..communication is key..I know everyone else said the same thing but its so true...your guys up front need to know what bunkers are occupied and how many of the opposition are in the dead box..
Dont skimp on the paint..buy the best you can afford (remember bounces dont count) and lots of it, its amazing how much paint you can throw down field in 7 minutes.
Remind your nephew and son to call for paintchecks if they get hit, again bounces dont count but people get caught up in the moment and yell "OUT" before they realize they are still in.
Always remember when you are on the field and they are getting ready to start the count down that all that is at the other end of the field is 3 other players, dont let flashy guns or gear psych out your team...I have competed for years with a spyder because I love it when $1,200 gun toters have my paint on their lens and after the game while everyone is congragulating and "good game"ing they look down and say "dude....is that a spyder??".........
keep in mind when it comes to practice, you can spend a million dollars in gear but if you cant afford to play and practice then you dont get better...instead buy a million dollars worth of paint and spend lots of time on the field.

05-21-2003, 10:44 PM
guess who is the 11 year old!