View Full Version : Video Review: One Shot Productions - World Cup 2002

05-17-2003, 06:31 PM
One Shot Productions - World Cup 2002

Well, I got another paintball video the other day so I thought I'd do another review like the last two I did. If you didn't read those, go here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=81460).

This video is by a company I hadn't heard of until I got this DVD. They have a few other videos in the works and they'll be at IAO filming to do a video for that tournament. You can visit them at www.1shotprod.com

The video starts out from the crew taking off from the airport, their arrival at the tournament filming of on and off the field events to the end of the tournament. The video covers 5-Man Rookie to Professional games, and 10-Man Amateur games.

Everything you see in the video is shot with one camera. While this doesn't allow for the greatest game footage, they still did a pretty good job of keeping the camera focused away from individual players so you can get a pretty good sense of what's going on. Plenty of good game action even though you don't see many professional teams play.

The video quality is very good. They are using a professional camera unlike the Sony "handi-cams" that FON uses. Very little spots where the camera isn't focused on anything during the game or unprofessional camera work.

What I like about this DVD is that it covers a lot more than just games. They have numerous manufacturer interviews. There's even an interview with Tom Kaye about the X-Mag and an interview with Keely Watson for DYE. Also, they show the players when they're off the field having fun in "Old-Town". In all it was a very thorough representation of what a paintball tournament is like. They go much beyond the action on the field to show you what it's like to be part of a big event like World Cup. In all the video is about two hours long.

Now, onto my gripes... The video is a DVD. As most of you are aware, DVDs have a root menu that allows you to select scenes and access the special features. This is the first paintball DVD I've seen that doesn't have a root menu. When the DVD loads, you hit start and it goes until the end. It is divided into different chapters that you can scroll through with your DVD remote, but there's no access menu to show you what's in each chapter. This DVD does have music playing in the background during the games and other segments, and although it's not loud enough to "overshadow" the sounds people shooting their guns, yelling, etc. it would be nice to just have the music on a separate audio track like in the 720 Videos so you can turn it off or on at your pleasure. None of the games are labeled so you know who is playing. A couple of times the host of the video will say beforehand who's going to play, but you don't know which team is which unless you already know.

The DVD comes in a standard DVD case with a nice cover that has a collage of photos from the tournament. It's an attractive cover that at least had some time put into it unlike some other paintball videos. The price to order it directly from 1-Shot Productions is 29.95. Most likely this is MSRP, since it's coming straight from the manufacturer, so you should be able to find it cheaper if your pro-shop has it or any other sites on the internet.

Overall I would have to say this is the best paintball video that shows what a paintball tournament is like. There’s plenty of paintball action, but also plenty of off the field events. This company definitely does professional work and being a new company, I'm sure we will see even better videos from them in the future. This would be a great DVD to show someone that is new to paintball or trying to look into what the tournament scene is like.

If you want a good, quality representation of paintball in general and the World Cup tournament, I recommend picking up this DVD.

05-18-2003, 10:29 AM

05-18-2003, 10:53 AM
Thanks BlackVCG for the compliments.
I wish we could have labelled all the teams that we shot during the week, but it got to be such a monstrous task trying to follow that many teams around 12 fields that we just lost track. We're working on a better way of tracking all the teams. We cover so many more than most videos and it just overwhelmed us. And we try to fous on the little guys, so you won't see a lot of the pros on our videos (unless they're playing a Rookie, Nov or Am team}.
We'll put a root menu on the next DVD, which will be of the Memphis Indoor Challenge.
I'll have to see about splitting the music to a different track. In all my years in the video business, creating DVDs are still a little new to me. It's a good idea for those who don't like my music choice, or just don't want music at all.
$29.95 is our MSRP and you can probably get it cheaper from your local store. SUPPORT YOU LOCAL STORE!!
If your local store doesn't carry it, have them contact me and we'll set them up. (My apologies if this part of the post is inappropriate. Let me know if it is and I'll remove it)
I would prefer that you buy from your local store. It's cheaper for you and better for them.
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL STORE!!! Can I say that enough?
