View Full Version : 2nd Marker suggestions for ones under $550

05-17-2003, 09:54 PM
Well I've managed to save up a nice sum of money to buy a second marker to go along with my Angel, and I wanted to hear some suggestions on markers you think be good choice for a secondary/backup type (and please don't just go mag, mag, mag). Markers I've been looking at mainly are Imps. I've also though been contemplating selling my Angel and going for something like an Intimidator, or if I could catch a good deal on one, an Xmag. So if you could just give me your input, that be great. Thanks!

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
05-17-2003, 09:59 PM
I would say anything mechanical like a mag or a cocker. I think it's always good to have a mechanical back up just in case of it rains or something you know? Just my opinion

05-17-2003, 10:16 PM
for 550? hmmm i would say either a mag or a cocker.

05-18-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
I would say anything mechanical like a mag or a cocker. I think it's always good to have a mechanical back up just in case of it rains or something you know? Just my opinion

yeah that makes sense. I would say mag or cocker also.

05-18-2003, 11:49 AM
i would buy a mag,of course thats the only gun ive owned besides a spyder and a brass eagle.:D i like mags because even wihtout upgrades, just stock, they are still really good markers.

05-18-2003, 12:11 PM
if i had 550 for a 2nd gun ide deff. buy an Ans gx-3 cocker. i Really want a cocker as a back up or something to mess around with

05-18-2003, 01:18 PM
Id say a black magic cocker or a STO

05-18-2003, 01:34 PM
Get 40 bucks more and pick up this! :D



05-18-2003, 02:05 PM
Get a nice X-valved mag with Intelliframe...

05-18-2003, 02:09 PM
Simple mechanical retro lx valved mag. You could probably even put a ULE body on it for that price... A good ole trusty mag: add 2-3 drops of oil, air and paint. :)

Unless you are real good at keeping a cocker timed, I would shy away from that as a backup gun.

05-18-2003, 04:57 PM
I'm going to go against the grain here, and make the suggestion of a 2K3 Bushmaster with PDS. They rock, you can get them with 'Cocker threads, and (IMO) they look great.

BTW, my Bushmaster didn't give me any problems in the rain at AO NE III.

05-18-2003, 05:17 PM
genx3!! :D

05-18-2003, 06:40 PM
RT Pro that now comes with Level 10 and Intelliframe...

It will outshoot anything so far mentioned. And not chop...

You may need about 40 more bucks but you said to recommend what I thought was best. So there you have it.

05-18-2003, 06:59 PM
if you want a back up electro i would say the ICD Bushmaster 2k3 PDS but for a mech i think a used RT Pro would do good.

05-18-2003, 07:12 PM
I've got up to about $800 really, but I didn't want to spend it all on a 2nd marker, but I may if I find something I really want. I really want something that's chrome/silver. Do the RT Pro's have the option of low rise vert feeds new?

05-18-2003, 07:37 PM
If the no rise vert bodies were not out of stock right now it could be done. I am not certain of the status of them anymore now that the ULE bodies have come on the scene. I suggest you consider a ULE body option though. That will be doable soon and I am certain a natual anno or silver can be seen in the next few batches.

05-18-2003, 07:49 PM
what do you need a backup marker for?

I remember goin to the feild a while back and everyone would be like;

OH LOOK AT MY NEW ANGEL 2k9000 WITH TURBO BOOST... like who cares you use your cocker all the time. Or LOOK AT MY NEW GOLD PLATED MAG... thats cool you still use your angel all the time. Its stupid... just take that $550 and turn it into pocket money or use it for paint and entry fees.

05-18-2003, 08:31 PM
Outkast cocker maybe.

05-18-2003, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*
what do you need a backup marker for?

I remember goin to the feild a while back and everyone would be like;

OH LOOK AT MY NEW ANGEL 2k9000 WITH TURBO BOOST... like who cares you use your cocker all the time. Or LOOK AT MY NEW GOLD PLATED MAG... thats cool you still use your angel all the time. Its stupid... just take that $550 and turn it into pocket money or use it for paint and entry fees.

The Angel will not become my backup unless something happens to it or it's just that much outperformed by whatever I get. If I were to turn into pocket money then I'd be doing which you just wanted me not to do, waste it. Pocket money turns into waste in the end.

However, the marker wouldn't be just a backup. It give me marker for friends to use if they go with me and they don't have there own marker, and it does gives me a marker to use in the backup role for my Angel. There's a reason you don't see those people using the marker they brag about, it's very simple in fact, there main marker is working. Why put it away if it works? It's always good though to have a second option incase, and I've always wanted a second marker, and now I have the funds for it.

05-18-2003, 08:44 PM
Depends on what you're lookin for. If you want a mechanical gun, for 550..... I'd go with some sort of cocker, even the stock bodied 2k3s come with hinges, and with the extra $ you can buy a new 3 way and bolt or something.

I'm going to have to 2nd that on the 2k3 bushy with PDS. Small, fast, with the PDS you're not likely to chop...