View Full Version : moving the ACI bulldog II fill nipple?

05-17-2003, 11:00 PM
On my ACI Bulldog II 4500 reg, the fill nipple jutts straight out the right side, poking me in the wrist.

I put an o-ring in my ASA, but that just put the nipple on the left side, and I use my left just as much as my right, so that's no help. I could get a NW lifesaver seal, but I'd pay more for shipping than I would for the seal and I don't feel it's worth it.

I was looking at the Reg and directly opposite the gauge is a 7.5k burst disk. I was wondering if I could switch the burst disk and the fill nipple. If not, could I switch the Gauge and the nipple?

Please only post if you're absolutely sure if you can or not.

05-18-2003, 12:58 PM
no u cant change the nipple to another place.

but what i have seen is people putting 90* on the nipple. (i guess it had to do with the warp and tank fills)

but u need a cirten kind of 90* not just a normal one

05-18-2003, 06:32 PM
cool, Thanks man.

05-19-2003, 12:52 PM
you can move the nipple if you want. the manifold that the burstdisk, gauge, and fill nipple are mounted to all go to the same palce, the tank. but you could try just not turning the tank in all the way. you dont have to, ya know. just turn it in until it gases up and then turn the tank until the nipple is out of your way.

05-19-2003, 01:14 PM
I tried that, but it was kinda wobly(sp:confused: ) I might try to move the fill nipple and put a little gas in it. just to see.

watch it explode..:p

05-19-2003, 01:16 PM
I've done it, I know it works. just use a little blue loctite on the thread to help seal them. it wont leak.

05-19-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by xen_100
I've done it, I know it works. just use a little blue loctite on the thread to help seal them. it wont leak.

cool, thanks,man