View Full Version : What is this PIE? And whats the diff....

05-18-2003, 10:00 AM
whats the difference between 12v revy, and 12v revy with x board? Plus, wtf is this Pie you speak of, im a newbie.

05-18-2003, 10:04 AM
12 volt is slower than x board
thats all i know.... lol

05-18-2003, 10:04 AM
pie is this thing that popped into almost every poll making it not serious. I'm totally against it, it makes me feel the person putting up the poll does not even care about it, he's just putting up a pointless poll that he already knows the answer too/doesn't care. If they allow a choice to be "pie" then you won't get accurate poll results. In my opinion it's stupid, please don't turn into one of those people.

05-18-2003, 12:45 PM
Nothing wrong with pie on poles... But pie on a poll isn't respectful!(To the pie or the poll.)

Oh the amazement of puns!

05-18-2003, 12:47 PM
just rember, cheeze cake is accually a pie, not a cake.

05-18-2003, 01:22 PM
Pi is 3.14

05-18-2003, 01:32 PM
I too don’t think “PIE” as a choice on a poll makes it any less valid or serious. To me, it is like saying “I have read the poll, and none of the choices given are what I think.” Thus folks vote PIE, that allows their vote to be counted and gives them a voice in the Poll… even if not one way or the other. It actually gives a much better result than NOT having it, because it shows the “none of these” vote, which IS important.


If you have 2 choices and ask folks to vote for one or the other, you will get one of them to be a “winner”. But what if those who view the poll don’t like EITHER? PIE! And then you may see that “A” is favored more than “B”, BUT neither may be favored as much as NEITHER is. (if that made sense ;) )

A=10 Votes
B=6 Votes


A=10 Votes
B=6 Votes
PIE=110 Votes

I think the second poll gives a more clear answer to what folks really think than the first one. ;)

05-18-2003, 02:44 PM
have you seen the pie polls lately? It's like "which gun would you choose?"

- Gun A
- Gun B
- Gun C
- PIE!

Then I vote my vote and I see the results is like:

4% Gun A
1% Gun B
5% Gun C
90% PIE!

The question goes one way or another! Not all polls go this way but I've seen my share of them. It's an opinion question, we all have opinions. If they really wanted to know who or who doesn't care then that should be a choice, not "pie". I really doubt some people would choose a pie over a gun.

05-18-2003, 02:49 PM
Back on topic, I thought the X-boards just fixed the problem with the eyes on the translucent revys being effected by sunlight making them spin all the time.

05-18-2003, 03:43 PM
On a side note, how many people vote for PIE is a precise indicator of how seriously the voters take the poll. Example:

War in Iraq?
YES: 82%
NO: 10%
PIE: 8%

War in Thailand?
YES: 20%
NO: 10%
PIE: 70%

and it IS on topic. Read the subject heading.

As for X-Board vs. none:

The X-Board is supposed to fix the response time and make battery use more efficient, thus speeding up your hopper and saving your batterys. Weather it does all that, or not, I'm not sure, cecause I've only played with an X-board. In theory, a 9v revvy performs better aswell; how much, I don't know. Does anybody know if a 9v with an X-board could out-perform a standard 12v revvy?

05-18-2003, 05:33 PM
A poll we should have is what is everyone's favorite flavor of Pie..

05-18-2003, 06:08 PM
umm, i was unaware that you could put an x board in a 9v. anyway, the x board makes the response gap less. the blades do seem to spin faster too.

05-18-2003, 06:31 PM
I have heard the thing about the response time, but I have both an old pre X board/BE revy and an X board, and with the old one there is no delay, but the X board does seem to have one. It is a bit subjective, as I'm blocking the eye with my finger, but it does seem like there is a bit of lag.