View Full Version : Who wouldn't want to see this Monster Garage?!

05-18-2003, 05:34 PM
I think we should write the discovery channel to have an episode of Monster Garage where Jessie James and his crew of crazies build a Paintball tank for Tom to use at Shatnerball II...now that is an episode I would love to see...

05-18-2003, 05:57 PM
Oh man... that would be awesome

05-18-2003, 06:37 PM
That would be awesome ... they could even have a follow up episode when they use it :cool:

05-18-2003, 06:42 PM
I know my way around a weld shop. Tom could send a Tech., anybody know anything about hydrolics? Maybe it could be a Jeep or an H2 Hummer with all kinds of guns folding out and like 6 big nitro tanks all linked up. I want to help..

Ilove that show..

05-18-2003, 06:42 PM
dude i had that same idea, well not for tom to use but that would be kcik'n if he did.

05-18-2003, 08:15 PM
that would be the one episode i wouldnt want to see :D

05-18-2003, 08:51 PM


05-18-2003, 09:38 PM
oooooo sounds great but i know that some idiot will shoot someone else without a mask...

05-18-2003, 09:39 PM
Yes..well..hopefully they could get someone like Punisher from Punisher Customs, or Doc Nickel to be the airsmith on the project..

05-18-2003, 09:46 PM
yea, definatly someone from this site... a good loud mouth from this site. someone who never stops talking about AO...

wait a tick


i can turn a H2 into a beast:)

05-18-2003, 11:22 PM
there was episode where they built a delivery van and it had a large pneumatic cannon. it was shooting boxes a good distance. The tribuchet was good as well.(type of catapult)

05-19-2003, 12:03 AM
what do we have to do to make this happen!
get the monster garage website or email
we can just start petitioning them...
it sounds perfect for them...
right up their alley
and ours :D

05-19-2003, 12:10 AM
did anybody see the paintball episode of junkyard wars? that show proved that building guns from scratch doesnt work out so well, maybe they could be supplied with real barrels and stuff like that to make it work a little better.

05-19-2003, 12:15 AM
I've been thinking of ideas, we should start posting some and see what we would come up with, heres some for starters:

How far could a warp feed push balls? have like a central hopper full of a case, with idividual warps pushing balls to each gun.

If we were using e-triggers there could be a bank of firing buttons

Just some ideas, I'm sure with all the knowledge in these fourms we could build anything..

05-19-2003, 12:41 AM
ok guys i took the liberty to get the ball rolling on this one
i went to the monster garage forum and posted the idea
go here and support it
signing up is quick and it'll let you post right away

i used the same sn there so you should be able to find the post quickly

05-19-2003, 12:46 AM
ok i did a search on the monster garage website and there are several posts already about doing this
but i think mine is the most well written and thought out

05-19-2003, 10:42 AM
I've filled out the form to be on the show and they want to see a video of me soon. Hopefully I can get it done and be on the show. That would be cool.

Guess I'll have to hit Tom up for some AGD shirts to wear on the show. Gotta represent.

05-19-2003, 12:01 PM
Well, they always have one "expert" on the show.,. Perhaps TOM would donate some of his time and be the expert on the show. Since, I mean, he would be well qualified for it..

Did anyone see when they put the gatling gun on the top of the Yukon?

05-19-2003, 12:11 PM
The mini gun is made by Dillon, the reloading people. They are the only mini gun maker left in the country from what I've heard. A couple of companies do the mini gun on a truck conversion. One does an M2 .50 and a Mark 19 40 mm grenade launcher too...

Tom gave me some bodies a long, long while ago to build 2 gatling guns. Guess I need to get them done and put on the show. That would be cool but what car would you use? I say something small. A Miata would be cool with the gun on a mount in the passenger seat that raises to go over the windshield with a grenade launcher in the trunk. How about that?

05-19-2003, 12:20 PM
It would be cooler if it was 4X4, then you could offroad it.
That would be kick booty if you got on there.

05-19-2003, 12:31 PM
It would rock if I could be on the show. I just need to go to my dad's house for another welding lesson. I can machine anything but can't weld to save my life. Silver solder on the other hand...oh man watch out!

they used a Chevy Tracker so something like that is out. I doubt they will use the same vehicle twice. How about a Subaru WRX? Fast, all wheel drive and way cool.

Also, you know you are big time when you get quoted in someone's signature. check out wyn's...thanks dude.

Big'n slo
05-19-2003, 12:47 PM
Use the AGD Cougar car!

Talk about Advertising :D

05-19-2003, 01:50 PM
Someone from AGD Promotions/Marketing should contact the show.

05-19-2003, 05:29 PM
this is monster garage
they have a nice budget
why not go all the way
come on guys...it's only logical:rolleyes: :D

05-19-2003, 05:45 PM
My only problem with the big SUV's like an H2 is that if the challenge happens on a legit PB field, there may not be alot of room to manuvuer (sp) a big truck like that. Sticking with something smaller will be easier to get around on the field and will be easier to outfit with guns.

An H2 will take a dozen guns to look right to me while a smaller car will look good with 2-3 on it. Make sense to anyone else?

How about an old Chevy S10 Blazer or Ford Bronco 2? Make the back flip over or raise up to reveal the main gun and smaller guns coming out of the passenger window. Jesse usually drives alone so everything has to be remotely operated too.

Just my opinion

05-19-2003, 05:47 PM
I'd love to see TK wrap his arms around that idea..

05-19-2003, 05:56 PM
Brad, you should post the video on here as well. I wonder if this would get some backing.. This thing WOULD be extreme enough... You can get military Humvees for sub $10k on eBay.. Figure they used a Suburban which is 30k for the mini gun... A blazer or a Bronco would work.. THis would rock. Tom Kaye sign on!

05-19-2003, 05:58 PM
I've got the plans for this:

Egde Products Sidewinder Buggy (http://www.git.com.au/~theedge/buggies_sidewinder.htm)


Just need a motor for it.

Monster Garage uses a new car but this would be cool to compete with Tippmann's Hell Hound.

I'd like to see Tom get in on this too, and Bud...Bud could build a vehicle and Tom supplies the gun.

05-19-2003, 06:02 PM
Have them cut the crap out of a new H2 Hummer!!! ! ! And have AGD supply the markers for it. Great Idea Dirtybunny.

05-19-2003, 06:02 PM
I've seen Odysseys (giant go-carts) that SCR3W.. My buddy has one.. I think there is like a 15-20hp engine in it, like a big lawnmower engine almost.

05-19-2003, 06:26 PM
i got it!
an early bronco...66-77
small, maneuverable...100% stylish
have the headlights flip down to reveal remote control pb guns
and you could just make it a half cab(or no top at all...)
that way you could have some sort of remote control turret raise out of the bed

05-19-2003, 06:34 PM
I'm thinking Jerhew is on the right path...small 4x4.

Doing the Miata will be cool, in a James Bond's last movie kind of way.

05-19-2003, 06:35 PM
Well thats what I thought we were talking about, a Big senerio game. Let go big, Tippman already has a crappy Pilot, and I've heard that it doesn't even shoot. If this thing ws done right AGD could have some serious publicity. I think Jesse James would love to drive the beast in a huge Senerio game.

05-19-2003, 06:35 PM

I've got it! A Jeep Wrangler! That would rule!

05-19-2003, 06:36 PM
Jesse Vs. Shatner, the next Monster Garage.

What would Shatner use though? Guess he can co-pilot the Hell Hound?

Seriously, how about Jesse James for a general at the game? He might just do it.

05-19-2003, 06:44 PM
I would say go for like a small 4 wheel drive car. Like a Subaru or something. Or a Dune Buggy, lol.

A Hummer/H2 would be just too damn big for paintball tank.

05-19-2003, 07:18 PM
An old Jeep CJ would be perfect. Open top for a turret and plenty big.. Maybe a 4-Runner? Jesse could be the X-Factor in Spplat Attack. Mercinary for hire.

05-19-2003, 07:28 PM
Well I support the use of a Wrangler...

but imho no warwagon is complete without a large weapons system. and since im the local expert of gatling guns here I propose a turret mounted -real- Paintball gatling gun... not this trash they claim is a gatling gun cause it has rotating barrels.

A real gatling gun has a set of rotating bolts that slide along 2 diffrent tracks that either automaticly load the munitions or allow them to clear without firing. -hence the gatling principle-

Anyhow if this happened I want to see this thing be a beast with a couple new designs added on to it. Im sure we all saw the dumb woodchipper-car episode and how badly jessie hated the basicness of cramming a prefab chipper into a car. This beast should be a monster and include stuff from the entire industry, Trumping the show with all AGD or all Orr stuff would just drive the industry further apart

05-19-2003, 09:54 PM
First of all i'd just like to state that i used to believe the same way that you did until i researched the working of the gatling gun, however, i believe you to be incorrect. the original gatling gun had only one chamber and bolt where the thebarrels spun around it. You see in the civil war at the time of production of normal gun metal was of less quality and when the rifle was fired too rapidly the barrels heated up, thus reducing the accuracy.

So Gatling though Hey! if i make a gun with rotating barrels this will keep each barrel cooler, and thus increasing accuracy at a higher ROF.

THat was the original intintion of the gatling gun, later in the war rifles were developed that have up to 20 barrels lined up in a row, fanning outward, with one percussion cap. When the cap was struck it sparked into a tray of power lined up behind the barrels, making the gun more affective and more accurate.

TOday in paintball, however, we do not have the problem of the barrel up, do to the fact that we do not use explosives to launch our projectiles forward. So while your accusations are wrong, you have the best design for a turret mounted paintball 'gatling' gun

05-19-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by jwren00
did anybody see the paintball episode of junkyard wars? that show proved that building guns from scratch doesnt work out so well, maybe they could be supplied with real barrels and stuff like that to make it work a little better.

tom could sponsor it with free e-mags and whanot :eek: ;)

05-19-2003, 10:24 PM

yeah your right on alot of that...

But before I conceed defeat, I bring up the point I maintain 30+ F-16's and their weapons systems... to include the M61A1 gatling gun. All my practical knowledge is based on modern gatling guns due do my intimate knowldge of them.

now on to where your correct:

the first gatling guns did not have a second cam path that allowed clearing, its a wonder of modern firearms technology and the true reason the gatling gun has resurfaced after decades in mothballs

the true reason for the gatling principle is to spread out the load of firepower over multiple barrels to reduce the warping that occurs due to excessive heat. Paintball does indeed lack this need for heat reduction. So the actuall need for it to be "gatling" is frivilious and over kill... but this is where the beauty and insane cool factor come in

My complaint is about nearly every paintball gatling gun out there in the world.... all of the ones I have ever seen have been little more than a heavly covered single gun with a wirling ring of nonused barrels to mask a standard marker inside.

If i was to build one (which eventually I plan on doing just for $#!%$ and Grins) It would basicly work on the General Electric M61A1 or M-134 concept and use AGD valves in place of the standard breechbolt... Call me an eccentric bastard but eventually I will build this monster to sit along with my spudguns

05-19-2003, 10:28 PM
well if anyone can build a barrel system that matches the speed of an E/X Mag would be pretty damn cool with that thing spinning while its ripping off 6-12rps...

05-19-2003, 10:29 PM
i'm glad we are pretty much in agreement, ed.

05-19-2003, 10:36 PM
hehehe yeah I just get picky when I see stuff like that... silly me.

am68leb: thanks for keeping me shooting straight :P after all I dont want to mislead anyone

Oh and for the rest of you.... for Historic heavly armed Jeeps, nothing compares to the ones the SAS used in africa during WW2


05-19-2003, 10:49 PM
My gatling guns will be rotating barrels, 6 to be exact. Each valve will shoot 12 bps, that's 72 bps overall, that's 4320 per minute. I do agree that the Tippmann gun probably doesn't work as a true rotating gatling gun too.

I've got the bodies at the shop, just need to get the other parts done and assembled. I've been hoping to show at a tourny with them and surprise Tom. Maybe one day.

one problem with the gun though, you can shoot anywhere. FA isn't allowed anyway, especially at they rate of fire. My idea is to block off the feed on 5 barrels so only one barrel actually fires a ball. That way you get the sound of 6 guns firing but only one firing a ball. You make it run 9 bps for one barrel and the gun is not firing 9 bps but sounding like 54 bps. Make sense?

let's get this gun built, find a vehicle to put it on and then challenge Tippmann to a duel. That's been me and Kayle's plan for years.

05-19-2003, 11:16 PM
OMFG..... /me soils his drawers

/shower /soap
/lather /rinse /repeat

ok im game... only problem is that I am active duty airforce, and kinda restricted on my time / travel...

I have to agree that a single feed may have to made an option just for legality... But as I see it, its senario ball and cool factor and responsible play are key, onlything more important than that is saftey.

Also depending on the motor you can change the BPS to whatever the games rules would say a vehicle allows for max BPS. But in Tank vs Tank I rest assured that we would PWN there sorry arses. :P

drop me a line sometime, at the very least we can bump ideas and stuff(you going to Ao-Austin July 5th?). If this thing gets really cool we can take it to Ocala Fl (where my mom lives) and open a can of wooparse at Waynes World.

I can hear my wallet crying already:P Muhahahaha

05-19-2003, 11:21 PM
Funny thing was, we discussed this at the Megameet this weekend. ;)

05-20-2003, 12:50 AM
I was planning on using an air motor for it. Use a reg for the motor and one for the guns and use one big air tank. I've got a 4500 Scott airpack from a fire dept for the gun (I have all sorts of good friends, traded a fill station for it). With the motor turning the guns, it will sound like a dental drill on steriods. Also, there will be a arm the I can move to engage the sears. The gun will feed from the inside and the sears will be outside. Imagine a pistol grip with a trigger and a button for your thumb. You push the thumb button, the gun starts spinning, then you pull the trigger and the arm moves, firing the valves as they pass the arm. Let go of the trigger and the gun still turns until you let go of the thumb button...I've been thinking about this for quite awhile.

With the gun, case of paint (30 seconds of firing) and the air tank, you're looking at about 70-80 pounds. I bit much for someone to carry around but well suited for a tank.

You want to help? You're on board. Don't know what to ask for. Guess let me know what you can do...

Here Tippmann...here boy...here tippmann

05-20-2003, 12:56 AM

I'm trying to get to the Austin meet. Might happen. You going?

Now back to our regularly scheduled topic.

I'll see if I can get my video done and sent off to be on the show.

I would love to include all the industry on the show but how do you do that? Ask Tom for one gun, Bud for a gun, Air America for a tank without stepping on Tom and Bud, get loaders from Halo...?

Here's another dream of mine.
Ever watch the Rose Parade on New Years Day? Let's get the industry to build a paintball float and play during the route. You have to use flowers or plants to cover it, no problem there. It can be about 20 feet wide and 60-70 feey long with a room under or on one end to hold people, air tanks, paint, etc.

You net the float off so no paint gets out and you play for 3 hours while the float goes down the road. You can get pb celebs to play on it and call Make a Wish or something like that to see if somebody would like to help out playing on it.

Get the entire industry to pitch in to help. Don't promote NPS or PMI individually, but promote paintball in general. Get everyone to help out promote us as a whole.

How about that?

05-20-2003, 12:59 AM
shaweet.. this might be kinda fun...
how will the paint split out into 6 feed tubes?
paint feeding from the inside = centrifugal force-feed system.. hehe

brad goto bed! :-p

05-20-2003, 01:01 AM
yeap, centrifigal feed system. The ram will be on the bottom so that barrel gets fired first with a ball already in the chamber. Keep the feed ports about 3 balls long and you should be ok.

nicad, next time you are at the shop, I'll show you the drawings if you like.

05-20-2003, 01:06 AM
now if you go ahead and do this...
monster garage or not
i want coverage! :D
it sounds like a pretty well thought out idea
i'd just like to see how much it takes to make it work

05-20-2003, 01:28 AM
I'd say an old VW baja bug that be perfect

05-20-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally said by BradAGD

I'm trying to get to the Austin meet. Might happen. You going?

Hells yeah I am... after all Capo offered me a place to crash so how could I say no. Miscue will be there also so hopefully we can touch base and stuff.