View Full Version : LI Big Game 2003: Big Thanks to Cousins PB and CanCon

05-19-2003, 09:05 AM
I got back around midnight last night from the Long Island Big Game, and I'm at work today, although somewhat begrudgingly given how sore I am.

But before I tell about the game a little, I want to thank the staff as Cousins for running an excellent game. Their reffing staff was MUCH better than I've seen at other events. First time I ever played in a large event and had so much fun where I was ready to register for next year before this year was over.

Another big thanks to Simon and his friends in the Canadian Contingent (CanCon) Paintball Club from Ottawa. These guys took me into their little compound, lent me some stock class gear, gave me access to their port-o-bar, among other things. These guys are an amazing group who really played a big part in making the weekend as enjoyable as it was. I know a couple of them read AO so hopefully they see this.

So ok, now on to the game!

Saturday I got there around 1:30, and the CanCon guys were getting geared up for some stock class play. They loaned me a couple spare bits, and off we went. We had a blast playing stock class with the guys from Paintball Marshalls. At one point we got onto the Hyperball field, and drew a crowd. I never thought I'd see all the Angel kiddies getting excited over watching stock class, but they were all goin crazy. I found out today one of the refs at Cousins wants to set up some stock class days now. That was about it for the game, the rest of the day was spent sitting around cookin up steaks and havin fun with Blues Crew and the Wild Geese.

Sunday we woke up at around six, and made it to the field around 7:15. The line of cars was already massive. I never got the final tally, but somewhere close to 2,000 people showed up on saturday for the annual Long Island Big Game at Cousin's Paintball's Coram NY field. The generals were Red from Redz and someone from Smart Parts I believe, although his name escapes me, and on our team, Bill and Dawn Mills.

The game was a lot of fun. There were two tanks driving around causing havoc, and the coolest part was the helicopter. It would just circle a defended position shooting down into the defenders and dropping grenades. Definitely a cool experience.

IN the end, the game was a rout for Bill and Dawn. They steamrolled over the other team, with a final score of around 2800-1800.

I think there were a couple other AOers around besides myself and Manike. He said he ran into ICOM, and someone had said they believed one of the AOers may have been reffing. If so, feel free to post below with any stories you may have :)

My only story for now is the one that gave me the majority of the welts that make me look like Im suffering from hives or something. About 70-100 members of our team were moving along the tape, and we ran into a large missile. It was obviously a prop, and we found out if we brought it to the missile base we could launch it or get points or something, but we had to get it to the missle base. So I handed my PGP off to one of the kids on my team, and carried this big missile through the woods to the missile base.

I was pumped when I got to the missle base because I just thought it was cool to have gained some points for the team. So I noticed a firefight off in the woods and ran out to join it.

My, armed with only my reclaimed PGP, dove to the front lines and scurried into a bunker. I was slightly ahead of most of my team but not too worried. After a while, the other teams press started getting stronger and I started to retreat, but my own team had already fallen back a considerable distance behind me.

As I ran, I got caught in the crossfire and got shot by both teams, but to add insult to injury, as I ran full speed towards my team to get out of the crossfire, my team for whatever reason thought I must have been charging them. In one of the largest hails of balls I have ever had fired at me, I got absolutely raped. By the time they stopped shooting me, I was literally dripping paint. My final tally that night was around 34 welts, although I don't think all the shots could have raised welts because I got shot a good deal more than 34 times.

But overall I had a really good time, and I wanted to thank Cousins and CanCon again, and thanks to Simon for inviting me out to play.

I have a few pictures, I'll try to put them up tonight, but they aren't action pictures, just pics from around the camp and whatnot.

05-19-2003, 05:22 PM
Hey thordic! Was a great game. Dont forgot warpig,he was on team red's general. I quickly saw jt2002 there with his timmy warped. And i saw Manike briefy before game and on field at the capital. Can you send a pic of yourself? i wasnt sure if i saw you or not.

Did you stay for the prizes? i was the one doing the rope thingy.

05-19-2003, 05:46 PM
Bill Mills = the warpig guy :) Dawn is his wife, she was the other general.

Here are the pics:


05-19-2003, 06:11 PM
A few of the "gifts" I got from my own team Sunday.




05-23-2003, 01:34 PM
Hey my nose is in one of those pics! Right across the table from Manike

As always the Big Game was a blast. Beating the Blue team 2800 to 1800 didn't suck either.

I didn't take many pics, being busy calling game winning commands over the radio all day :-) but what Dawn and I took can be found here:


Also I'd like to extend a thank you to Generation E who auctioned off a Matrix LCD, the proceeds going to the youth group at Zion Christian Church in Palm Bay, FL.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

05-23-2003, 04:59 PM
I love travelling over every year for this event. Some people I meet there can't believe I come all the way from England for it, but I do it because of all the fantastic people that make it such a special trip for me.

I think Thordic got to see a little bit of this hospitality and it was great to have him come join us :) Although I'm not sure he totally enjoyed being turned blue! (I've never seen so much paint on someone before!)

Playing stock class with Brian, Can Con, the Wild Geese and Marshalls just totally rocked!

We were playing on the hyperball field and we had a crowd of electro tourny kiddies watching us and cheering us on! Some of them were even talking about getting stock class guns to give it a go!

Hilight of that was seeing a guy get BARREL TAGGED on a hyperball field! Oh and Bob jumping a tube and mugging me in mid air!