View Full Version : The most fun I've had playing Rec in a long time.

Patron God of Pirates
05-19-2003, 12:13 PM
The Ice Pirates Paintball club have had games the last three weeks in southern NH. One of our new members has 40 Acres of private property.

There are two main areas we've been playing. The woods field is a little large and leads to some games that are to long for my taste, but it's not overgrown at all and has allot of natural bunkers. The second field is the "take the hill field" we've been playing a flag game on. Basically it's a hill surrounded by both open areas and super thick thorny shrubs.

Game One: OG Ice Pirates VS. Newb Ice Pirates, Take the hill. Newb Ice Pirates defend.

Personally, I don't think this is fair. most of our original crew has been playing for 4+ years and we boast a warp fed E-Mag (me), an RTP (Natray), A Shocker 4x4, and a flatlined A-5 (El-Fox) (A gun which never fails to impress me). The rest of us are shooting either old Tippys or Spyders, but the fire power advantage is a bit sickening. On to the game.

I usually play front /mid, but the circumstances required my trigger in the back for this one. Natray and I stood out in the open and laced anything that moved. We were close enough to hit, but the 3-5 bps flying at us were easy enough to step around. Tim (IcePirates_Cowboy) belly crawled through the thorns to the edge of the hill. El-Fox and Carl (not on these forums yet) blatantly walked around to the other side. We had picked off a few of them when he decided to just break for the flag. I filled the air with paint like only the E-Mag can and we picked off the rest of them when they popped up to stop Tim.

The game was fun, and I enjoy standing back and using shock and awe tactics, but I still don't think it was all that fair.

Game Two: OG Ice Pirates VS. Newb Ice Pirates, Take the hill. OG Ice Pirates defend.

Carl had to sit this one out. I decide to start off of the hill and cut them down from the side. I get down behind a large rock and suddenly feel warmth running down my left leg. It honestly felt like I had pee'd myself. Natray provided me cover fire while I moved up to the next bush and got shot in short order. Long story short we got long balled from deep within the bushes and owned. El-Fox made a valliant stand at the end and very well might have taken them out one at a time, but he had been forced to leave the hill so one of them finally figured out just to go get the flag.

After the game I pulled up my pant leg and discovered what I thought was paint stains in my gray wind pants was actually blood, and allot of it. Some unknown object had slashed through my pants right down to my knee cap. Unfortunately I don't turn my pain sensors back on until after I walk of the field, so I had no idea I was cut. I probably should have gone and gotten stitches or something. Instead I went into the hose and put multiple butterfly bandages, a couple of band aids and allot of gauze over it. I then declared that I didn't have time to bleed and went back out.

Game Three: Woodsball, Newbs Hide, OG's hunt. This was your basic hide and seek game where they set up an ambush for us. They took out El-Fox with about ten shots. After that we knew their position so Carl and I took turns keeping heads down while we advanced. Ultimately Natray hunted down and bunkered one that had gotten away.

This game was somewhat fun, but I detest the hide and seek action that comes with playing in the woods. Especially when your targets are still in the Ghilie Suit, belly crawling, snipper phase. It's to hot for that crap.

Game four: Woodsball, OG's hide, Newbs hunt.
We set up an ambush in what I thought was a great place fairly close to the starting area. Getting close to the starting area is something I like to do in these types of games. People tend to move less cautiously there. Well, it didn't work. Somehow, in the course of 3 mins. everyone but myself and El-Fox where taken out.

He says to me "what the hell is going on?"
I say "Everyones out, it's just us"
He responds "lets get the hell out of here"

So under a hail of gun fire we haul out of there. Once safe we quickly decide that our best chance at pulling out a victory was to bring the fight to them. We flank wide left until we spot one of them and we duck down. I take a couple of shots when he sees me then El-Fox lays some Flatline style long ball cover while I move past him.

Thinking they have us totally out gunned the recklessly advance through the woods. For whatever reason they all got tunnel vision on El-Fox and wouldn't shoot at me even after I had dropped two of them. One was flanking deep to our right, so I yelled that to Fox. Now we're were playing my kind of Paintball.

Fox took out two that where in my path. I moved up one tree at a time laying fire in the direction of the last one on that side while El-Fox went after our flanker. Then I heard that fateful blowback farting noise. I just stepped out while the girl with her new spyder compact repeatedly re-cocked and farted her marker at me. Then she just surrendered.

I turn my attention to my right where El-Fox is in a shoot out with the last one. The guys broad side is exposed to me. I lift to fire and........ Nothing, out of air. I see El-Fox needs to move up to have a shot so I just shout "YO!!!!" and point my marker at the guy. He panics and ducks behind the tree from my angle, exposing his back for Fox to shoot. Game Over.

This game was so much fun. Even if we did have them out classed gun wise. Winning the game under those circumstances was just a blast. We joked around straight through dinner about how they thought it was in the bag, then ran into a meat grinder.

Oh well, I had some time so I thought I'd share a Paintball story. I'll be dragging these cats onto a hyperball field sometime soon.

05-19-2003, 04:18 PM
Sounds like fun. Hope that leg heals well for you.

05-19-2003, 05:20 PM
thats rocks i love that kind of paintball!!!

sorry about the leg i would get it looked at.

Patron God of Pirates
05-20-2003, 07:17 AM
Yeah, the leg looked pretty bad at the time, but it seems to be healing very quickly. I'll certainly have a good scar though.

The guy who owns the house actually hasn't been able to play the last two weeks because he took a paintball to the eye while those guys played during the week.

He had a really bad habit of lifting up his goggles to see / breath better. He's had surgery once and will probably have to have two more. The impact caused a cataracts.

I don't think those guys like how I hoot and holler about safety issues, but someone has to. There needs to be better instruction for new players. It's actually a little upsetting how stores seem to just assume anyone buying a marker knows how to play safely.

Edit: I'm not suggesting that store owners or employees should have any liability here, or even that it is their responsibility what people do with their markers. I just think it would be nice if their was more safety information either distributed with new markers or something. Just having the employees ask if you understand safe operation and offer to walk you through it quickly would be nice.

05-20-2003, 07:55 AM
LOL I can totally imagine you saying "I don't have time to bleed!" in that PGOP voice of yours :D

Anyhow, glad you had fun, sounded like a good day. I wish i had a buddy with a good amount of land, i hate playing woods but i have a feeling that if I was in on the playing decision process I'd enjoy it more.

Anyhow i have hours upon hours of work to do today, ta-ta! :p

Patron God of Pirates
05-20-2003, 08:03 AM
Moss, your only in Brookline, you should join us some time.

05-20-2003, 12:50 PM
How bout some pics? Please?

Patron God of Pirates
05-20-2003, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
How bout some pics? Please?

Of the games? Or my Knee? ;) lol......

We've been thinking about having someone take pictures for when the IPPC website goes up, but as of now I don't have any.

05-20-2003, 02:17 PM
LOL, the game. Next time?

Patron God of Pirates
05-20-2003, 02:37 PM
This weekend I'm off to Maine to open the cabin. Depending on the # of people who join me we might have a few woods games up there, or even head to the Flying Dutchman to log a few hours on their fields.

Either way, we'll be taking pics. The next IPPC game will probably be on the 31st or the 1st of June. We'll take pics there as well. Some form of the website should be up by then.

05-20-2003, 02:38 PM
that sounds like it was a blast, im glad you had a great time :) hope that knee heals up

El Fox!?
05-20-2003, 10:08 PM
Yes, it was a good time, wasn't it...!?

Patron God of Pirates
05-21-2003, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by El Fox!?
Yes, it was a good time, wasn't it...!?

Welcome aboard...... Lurker.....

El Fox!?
05-21-2003, 01:42 PM
It is all a part of meh nature, momo.

Patron God of Pirates
05-21-2003, 01:47 PM
Here Fox, I have a present for you.

I'll post it here because you'll never find it in Friendly Corner-

El Fox!?
05-21-2003, 01:50 PM
Ah yes, thank you my comrade.

05-22-2003, 03:37 PM
It was a blast guys! I just wanted to add a few things. First of all I don't think anyone here knows how fast the fox can fire his A5. I was already out of the game when I heard what could only be described as a machine gun going off in the woods. I felt so bad for the newbs as they came walking one by one to the dead zone. Unfortunately I ran out of air the beginning of the last game and was picked off as I tried to draw their fire away from my teammates.