View Full Version : Need IAO info!!!

05-20-2003, 10:42 PM
My bro and I want to attend the tech classes. We found them eariler this week, but now I can't find the info. I know it was from 9am to 10pm, its 75 bucks. I also read what it covered, but I didnt get the date for the class.
'nuff said....

05-20-2003, 10:59 PM

05-20-2003, 11:07 PM
I have some vacation time built up, but my wife does not and she keeps telling me to go someplace without her.

I wouldn't mind doing the tech class but what is the IAO all about.

I know there is a big tournament and trade show, but what is there for your average player to do besides just watch and shop?

When and where is it?

Any opinions would be helpful.

05-20-2003, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I have some vacation time built up, but my wife does not and she keeps telling me to go someplace without her.

I wouldn't mind doing the tech class but what is the IAO all about.

I know there is a big tournament and trade show, but what is there for your average player to do besides just watch and shop?

When and where is it?

Any opinions would be helpful.

Forget that. Come to NJAO day with me in august. :)

05-21-2003, 06:53 AM
there is some rec ball/open play on wes, thurs, fri i think....i know on thursday there is.

but other than that, yeh, shop, watch, hang out with a couple thousand other pbers :)

its a good event. i went to part last year and just signed up for the tech class tihs year..i cant wait

im actaully palying this year :)

05-21-2003, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Blennidae
I know there is a big tournament and trade show, but what is there for your average player to do besides just watch and shop?

Drink :)

05-21-2003, 08:19 AM
Get millions of autographs from Lisa Harvey.

05-21-2003, 09:24 AM
IAO is the largest Amateur tournament and the place where most of the new products in the industry are show cased. It is held north of Pittsburgh, PA at the Butler Fairgrounds. The dates are July 16-20 with the tech class on Tuesday, July 15. I am not sure where the tech class will be held, but it will not be at the Sheraton like it was last year. Things to do at the IAO are watch the games, look and buy all the cool new products, play in one of the many classes and divisions, party, meet new and exciting people, hang with the industry big wigs (ie Tom Kaye:)) and well...I think as Thordic put it...Drink. That about sums up the week.