View Full Version : who would pre-order new products before they are released?

adam shannon
05-21-2003, 12:27 AM
for example, who would pre-pay an order for a product that is in pre-production or ready to enter production? such as the ule trigger mod, or y frame.

nothing would tell tom what we really want and help him gauge real interest not just what people say, but what they are willing to lay down cash for.

for example tom said he took a bath on the roller trigger based on what people said they wanted...but never bought. and everybody said they wanted colored ule bodies...but they only bought black. gafs like this make tom hesitant to make large batches of new products...or even spend R/D money and time on new products. for example a couple weeks ago who would have wanted a ule trigger...after seing the video who wants one now. ??? i wonder how long tom had that sitting on the work bench, not knowing if it was worth the time to develop ???

when AO speaks tom listens...if we are willing to put our $ where our posts are lets see what happens!

so who would lay down cash right now to be the second on the list for a ule trigger mod and y frame...i reserve the first spot for both!

05-21-2003, 12:35 AM
I'd do it no problem.

05-21-2003, 12:48 AM
I've pre-ordered and put down a deposit on some new kit that wasn't released yet. Back then new releases weren't as frequent as they are now since the market has become so competitive because it has to for the current economy. That was the only time i put money down for a pre-order, some people still do but it doesn't seem as frequent as it was before. Unless you are a spoiled teenage kid whose parents pay for everything, a smart baller isn't going to throw down $500-1000 on something that may still have glitches. The wise baller will wait a few months to see if this new kit has any problems then proceed to purchase after shopping around for the best price.

05-21-2003, 03:14 AM
ya, know, I got a 500$ deposit down on a car that I don't have a delivery estimate on, a price on, nor a true spec sheet on. If I have faith in the company, I would be down for that. I have faith in AGD

05-21-2003, 05:40 AM
Preorders are just as important as pre-registering for a scenario game. It gives the director an idea of the number of people willing to put money down, rather than going by forum posts. One recommendation though, when taking preorders, it's good to collect a small to full price deposit. Why? Well, I'll tell you from experience that people back out of preorders. I lost $200 when I sold Esprit parts earlier this year just because 8 or so people dropped out!

05-21-2003, 06:11 AM
i will lay down cash right now to ensure my second spot on the list for a ULE trigger.

tom, you tell me where to send the money for the pre-order on this and its as good as yours.

05-21-2003, 06:49 AM
Great minds do think alike! I was just thinking about this the other day. I want the new products to, but fear they will be sold out in the first run and I will miss out:( The only problem I guess there could be would be from the time/paperwork that may be generated from having people pay less than full price on something and then having to go back and say "It's ready" and wait for them to pay the rest. This could be fixed by having a full price deposit tho. Pay your $100 or so right now and the Y-frame ships to you when they are done. Great thread adam, now we just need somewhere to send the money!:D

05-21-2003, 07:10 AM
i already helped AGD with my preorder...Xmag baby!

nope, prolly wont get a Y-grip unless i get another mag...and the way my money is going...that prolly aint gunna happen :(

05-21-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by joey d
i will lay down cash right now to ensure my second spot on the list for a ULE trigger.

tom, you tell me where to send the money for the pre-order on this and its as good as yours.

ditto, I need a Y frame and a ULE trigger.


05-21-2003, 12:39 PM
Anyone who prepays for a product that doesn't exsist yet is a friggin moron IMO.

05-21-2003, 01:15 PM
any company that would setup a prepay for an item and then not deliver = shady, ****ey company.

AGD does not fit that description IMO.

adam shannon
05-21-2003, 01:25 PM
the ule trigger and y grip do exist. ive seen and used them. im not talking about pre-paying for an idea thats sketched on a napkin at a dennys...im talking about giving tom an idea of how many to make when an item is almost ready to go into full production. so everybody who wants one for sure will get one first and not have to wait till batch 2 or 3.

05-21-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Anyone who prepays for a product that doesn't exsist yet is a friggin moron IMO.

What about for limited edition items? ie, Are Ferrari Enzo owners morons for laying down cash before Ferrari made the car?

05-21-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
the ule trigger and y grip do exist. ive seen and used them. im not talking about pre-paying for an idea thats sketched on a napkin at a dennys...im talking about giving tom an idea of how many to make when an item is almost ready to go into full production. so everybody who wants one for sure will get one first and not have to wait till batch 2 or 3.

adam, I think he meant already in production. I could be wrong.

either way, yes, both of these things DO EXIST and are thusfar real working models. the ULE trigger rips better than a fat man in pants too small for him, and the y grip, while its not for me, it is still nicely done.

05-21-2003, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by banzaimf

What about for limited edition items? ie, Are Ferrari Enzo owners morons for laying down cash before Ferrari made the car? Yes, unless you can test drive it, or test shoot(for pb related items). Sure some of the items exist, but those are [i]prototypes[i], who knows if they'll ever be released in more than 100 units or whatever.
Unless theres a factory full of sais item, I'd stay away. For some(not AGD)companies, prepay is just a scam and lure to get your cash. Excluding reputable dealers, like in the Ferrari example.

05-21-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Yes, unless you can test drive it, or test shoot(for pb related items).

For some(not AGD)companies, prepay is just a scam and lure to get your cash. Excluding reputable dealers, like in the Ferrari example.

thats great you contradicted yourself in less than a paragraph.

good job!


Tom and AGD my money is ready to go!

05-21-2003, 03:27 PM
How? I'm saying AGD won't rip ya off, but I'm not getting on a preorder list, not knowing when stuffs comin out.

05-21-2003, 03:28 PM
After the Superbolt 1's "sleeve" and the ULE's detent, I don't think I would prepay on products.

05-21-2003, 03:30 PM
Exactly, wait for finished products.

05-23-2003, 12:46 AM
IMO, i wouldnt preorder anything either. although i have great respect for AGD and their product development, i believe products should be field tested, etc before they are available to the public due to safety, functionality,etc.. frankly with the turnaround time on the xmags .....preordering etc, you still cant find one. sure someones now gonna point me to a thread here or on ebay where i can find one.....at basically at or above retail for a used item.

honestly, agd creates to much desire for products and doesnt produce. frankly i dont care to see the xmags that are being produced for the team, or all the extra colors and fades etc. instead of custom carving a battery pack for one guy how bout actually getting basic x mags into the hands of a few interested buyers in a few simple colors. i really dont understand the holdup, the demand is definately there. rather than trying to go so far forward, so fast concentrate one a couple of things at a time.

y frame, ule trigger? hell, ULE bodies are sweet, but heres the thing. i like my warp and frankly im not going to put a warp on a vert body. where the heck are the ULE warp bodies. this is pretty basic here. cant be that hard to do.

i am a loyal agd fan always have been. wont say i havent owned and shot other guns but i always seem to fall back on a mag. so im sure ill get flamed for this one but frankly ...i dont care.

05-23-2003, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by jimmyjobob
IMO, i wouldnt preorder anything either. although i have great respect for AGD and their product development, i believe products should be field tested, etc before they are available to the public due to safety, functionality,etc.. frankly with the turnaround time on the xmags .....preordering etc, you still cant find one. sure someones now gonna point me to a thread here or on ebay where i can find one.....at basically at or above retail for a used item.

honestly, agd creates to much desire for products and doesnt produce. frankly i dont care to see the xmags that are being produced for the team, or all the extra colors and fades etc. instead of custom carving a battery pack for one guy how bout actually getting basic x mags into the hands of a few interested buyers in a few simple colors. i really dont understand the holdup, the demand is definately there. rather than trying to go so far forward, so fast concentrate one a couple of things at a time.

y frame, ule trigger? hell, ULE bodies are sweet, but heres the thing. i like my warp and frankly im not going to put a warp on a vert body. where the heck are the ULE warp bodies. this is pretty basic here. cant be that hard to do.

i am a loyal agd fan always have been. wont say i havent owned and shot other guns but i always seem to fall back on a mag. so im sure ill get flamed for this one but frankly ...i dont care. Someone who shares my view too!
If AGD would just invest cash in expanding the facility, and buying the machines needed, then start banging those bad boys out like Angels, they would get a return on thier investment in no time flat IMO.

05-23-2003, 01:08 AM
ill definitely put down some cash to guarantee myself the new ule trigger
i do understand what everyone is saying...
in general you have to watch out pre-ordering stuff
but this is agd...
if there's a problem i don't doubt they'll be right there willing to help solve it

Wc Keep
05-23-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Someone who shares my view too!
If AGD would just invest cash in expanding the facility, and buying the machines needed, then start banging those bad boys out like Angels, they would get a return on thier investment in no time flat IMO.

and then agd techs all over will have a ton of xmags in their shop for burned out boards.

ill definately place an order even preorder for the ule trigger. and even if something goes wrong with the first batch like they did with the superbolt, agd will replace it like they did in the past.