View Full Version : Ever heard of this?

05-21-2003, 12:41 AM
I am in Europe and a dealer friend of mine has what he calls Shocktech SFL E-Mags special edition for sale. I will get a price today. They look like a combo of x-mag and e-mag. I will be able to pick some of these up if peeps are interested. Price coming later. I will be going down to see them personally this weekend. If the price is right I'm gonna get one. Anyone else ever seen these?

05-21-2003, 12:43 AM
Another picture.

adam shannon
05-21-2003, 12:45 AM
there were only 35 made on the whole planet. i really doubt there are still any new ones out there...but if its true buy them all! even used they are very valuable...i paid $1250 a couple months ago for one in excelent condition.

05-21-2003, 12:48 AM
yes, buy as many as you can, then sell em for bank back here in the states.

05-21-2003, 01:34 AM
Nope, they are brand new. He said he has 3 in different colors, so I will try and get some "real" pics of them and let everyone know. Right now the Euro is kickin the poo out of the dollar 1 euro is $1.17, but I get 16% VAT so I'm hoping the price wont be too bad. This is prob the wrong forum now, but I will get price and post. If anyone is interested in getting one, just post here, or email me at [email protected] .More info to come.

adam shannon
05-21-2003, 01:38 AM
not to doubt you...but people are really weary of all the supposed sfl caches in some farmers barn in idaho...they never pan out. if he does have them buy them...but dont think anybosy is gonna pay for something that they havent seen, and has no independant varification. post the serial #rs when you see them...AGD can verify if they are real. we learned alot from geraldo and al capones vault.

05-21-2003, 01:47 AM
LoL, no boubt. I will be going down to see them Friday or Saturday, will get all info. I did a search and I guess every one but me has seen these lol :o . I have been out of pb a while (5 years) and just recently got back in. I e-mailed him cause a friend wants an Angel and I wanted to know how much he could get em for, and he emailed me back saying he had 3 of these sfl e-mags.

05-21-2003, 02:23 AM
Ahhh anyone notice that the HALO is setup like a Warp Feed? It looks to me like its feeding balls into that hose....

Please get info on that setup.



reefer madness
05-21-2003, 03:46 AM
ill take one and one of those warp-halos too

05-21-2003, 04:58 AM
yeah ... Um whouldnt a Halo that is moded to serve as a Warp violate some sort of preexisting patent?

05-21-2003, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Ahhh anyone notice that the HALO is setup like a Warp Feed? It looks to me like its feeding balls into that hose....

Please get info on that setup.




05-21-2003, 06:50 AM
how would the halo not fall off, do you hold it?

and i thought they made 50 of them?
they are going to make for SFL's sometime soon, i think they said after the extreems are going good in mass

that halo/warp/whatever looks like it wouldnt work..

05-21-2003, 07:01 AM
Ok I just got e-mail back from my guy:

"The HALO loader has been modified. From now the paintballs are coming out
from the battery back instead of the vertical feed tube.The huge X-Mag
battery operates the HALO, too. So you don´t need a warpfeed anymore.
Prices are 1538,00 because only 30 of those markers have been produced.
Absolutely limited Special edition."

That price is Euros, my cost after VAT will be around $1520. I will be going down to pick one up this weekend, and I will get pics of the others they have. I am going to try and work on the price and get it down to around $1400.
If you are interested, let me know what info you want, I.E. serial#,pics, whatever. From his e-mail above, I do believe it comes with the moded halo, but am waiting on complete info on that.

05-21-2003, 07:05 AM
Looks like someone is trying to play some games.

And I thought the Halo likes short stacks? Didn’t I see that they didn’t work as well on power feed markers because they like a short stack of balls, so folks were switching to low rise center feeds? How would this affect trying to push balls all the way through that hose? ;)

OR what might be happening, is they want to show all the products together in one picture, the warp, the marker, and the hopper. So they just put the halo next to the marker.. heck the hose isn’t even running into the bottom hole… did they modify it to shoot them out the front? Who knows……….

Oh well………… wish I could talk more, but I am off to E-Bay. I hear they have a rancher in Nebraska that has a herd of unicorns for sale. No, really! I got this information from a very reliable source!

(Added: Sorry, just read the above post again. LOL Yeah, modified halo. Hmmmm And I bet he is tickled pink to sell these unicorns.. um, markers, to folks in the US. Harder for them to do anything when/if they never get the marker. Please forgive me, but we have seen so many claims of these types of things that I find it hard to believe they exist. The stated number of SFLs made, and the persistant claims of MORE out there just don’t add up. I would LOVE to be proven wrong, because it would be a good thing for MAG lovers… but so far, every claim of this type has been nothing but smoke.)

05-21-2003, 07:06 AM

do you hold the halo??

or do you let it dangle on the warp cable pulling it ou?

05-21-2003, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Oh well………… wish I could talk more, but I am off to E-Bay. I hear they have a rancher in Nebraska that has a herd of unicorns for sale. No, really! I got this information from a very reliable source!

im glad someone said it

05-21-2003, 07:44 AM
LoL, you’re funny... Not sure about anything about the set up except he says he has 3 sfl e-mags. I have been dealing with this guy for a while, and he is on the up and up. As far as the halo set up? I Just know what he tells me. I do thank you for coming in here and spewing your diarrhea of the mouth every where though.

05-21-2003, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by AirAssault
LoL, you’re funny... Not sure about anything about the set up except he has 3 sfl e-mags. I have been dealing with this guy for a while, and he is on the up and up. As far as the halo set up? Just know what he tells me. I do thank you for coming in here and spewing your diarrhea of the mouth every where though.
Excuse me? Or were you talking about Tom Kaye? Or any other member?

“Just know what he tells me.” Okay, fair enough…. How about since you don’t know what you are passing on to the rest of us, have HIM come to AO and explain it?

I will state AGAIN, I would LOVE to be proven wrong about the availability of any SFL E-Mags in numbers but we have seen these claims before and NONE of them were true…. And ALL of them were from “reliable sources”. Now, he says he has 3 of these... great! And I really mean it. But all other comments are not out of line. And the halo setup is suspect to me because of the conversations AO members have had in the past about how they like to feed.... and it isn't with a hose or even a long stack... but a short stack.

Please, don’t get pissy and insult folks, least of all me…. address the comments to your post on an open forum, or don’t, but leave personal insults at the door.

05-21-2003, 07:59 AM
Greetings from England.

Shockteck make the SFL ( they do a range of custom guns ) and they advertise the SFL E-mag in the FaceFull magazine. I guess it is for sale on that basis. Never heard of a limited number but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Ask AGD, they may know more. Personally I prefer the X-mag, but I'm biased as they are a sponsor of our team.

As far as the HALO Warp goes......I'd stick with putting it in a regular warp system and running that. Its faster that way. If its not fast enough, ya need more power (to quote Star Trek).

Right I'm off for cucumber sandwhiches and a cup of tea....

05-21-2003, 07:59 AM
Well for one that Halo in that pictures feed neck is just sitting there and no hose attached to it. So it its modified then its coming out somewhere else. I think I can make out an elbow but not how and where they would have redirected the feed...And I doubt the Halo would be able to push with any reliability and even slide past balls keeping a tight stack like a warp even if it could to make it up that tube with pressure to feed realy fast anymore. And the fact that he includes a picture of a warp with it makes me wonder about the entire set up being nothing but a picture of some equipment all together for just that. A photo opportunity. With not indication if it works well or not. But what do I know.

I have held a halo upside down and watched it spit balls up in the air around a couple inches. But that doesn't equate moving em up a tube reliably for a foot or so...

05-21-2003, 07:59 AM
He didn't say that the guy had 30 available. He said that there were only 30 made... As opposed to the guy that threw the number of 50 out there and the other guy that said 35. He is only touting to be able to see 3...

05-21-2003, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by Paintchucker
He didn't say that the guy had 30 available. He said that there were only 30 made... As opposed to the guy that threw the number of 50 out there and the other guy that said 35. He is only touting to be able to see 3...
Hence why I posted what I did in my last post. ;)

05-21-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by shartley
Please, don’t get pissy and insult folks, least of all me…. address the comments to your post on an open forum, or don’t, but leave personal insults at the door.

LoL, not getting pissy, just stating the facts, if you take offense, then maybe it's a personal issue you need to deal with. Your comment :"( added: Sorry, just read the above post again. LOL yeah, modified halo. Hmmmm And I bet he is tickled pink to sell these unicorns.. um, markers, to folks in the US. Harder for them to do anything when/if they never get the marker. Please forgive me, but we have seen so many claims of these types of things that I find it hard to believe they exist." Would this not be considered and insult? If you have nothing constructive to say, then go away. Thanks.

05-21-2003, 08:51 AM
OK, well, I'm with Shartley and most of the rest on this one...

I just don't buy that 10% of the SFL's made it over to this guy's shop and sat brand new for years...

And for the Halo, well, the battery cover is missing and the warp tube is jammed into the battery container part.

So, obviously this is a MAJOR mod to how the loader works, somethingthat would have taken a lot of time and care to do...

So tell me why, after taking that time and care to make it work, you would leave the normal HALO feedneck hanging down and the battery cable hanging out the front. i just don't buy it.

and actual proof would be a good thing to have before you come on and say this sort of thing- serials, actual pics, etc.

05-21-2003, 08:53 AM
Oh, and Shocktech doesn't "advertise" the SFL in Facefull, it is an ad for Shocktech and Aftershock and the corner has a lineup of all the SFL guns they've made. It doesn't say anything about a mag.
The ad also shows a bunch of trophies- maybe this guy is also selling some SFL trophies- look like gold, but they are made of aluminum and are light... ;)

05-21-2003, 08:58 AM
It looks to me like the halo is only there for the picture. To show off the warp breech or something along those lines. Obvisouly that set-up will not work.

05-21-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by AirAssault

LoL, not getting pissy, just stating the facts, if you take offense, then maybe it's a personal issue you need to deal with. Your comment :"( added: Sorry, just read the above post again. LOL yeah, modified halo. Hmmmm And I bet he is tickled pink to sell these unicorns.. um, markers, to folks in the US. Harder for them to do anything when/if they never get the marker. Please forgive me, but we have seen so many claims of these types of things that I find it hard to believe they exist." Would this not be considered and insult? If you have nothing constructive to say, then go away. Thanks.
Actually it isn’t an insult, and even less so to you personally. Time and again I have stated that I hope this is legit. Truly I do. But again… NONE of the times folks have come to AO with similar things have been true. I state again… NONE. And I have been on here for quiet some time.

And I do feel my comments were constructive. You may not have LIKED them, but that does not mean they were not a valuable contribution to the conversation. And to tell me to go away…. LOLROF Welcome to AO. ;)

Yes, you were getting pissy. Until I insult YOU personally, I would advise keeping YOUR insults to yourself. Thank YOU. ;)

Now… back on track….. is there any chance this guy can come to AO and address the very valid doubts about this issue? That is usually the best way to get these things cleared up.

Again... nothing would make me happier to be proven WRONG on this. But tossing insults at me does not prove anything but lack of any other rational argument or facts.

05-21-2003, 09:37 AM
Lession 1 about automags.org...

Sam Shartly is one of them guys that says what is on his mind regardless of how people take him... dont get mad its just the way he does his thing.

Anyhow back on topic:

God we would all love to have a bountiful resourse for these markers... but as it was said here before a limited run of the marker above was allegedly done. If they went back into mass production or another small run it would be news to us. If this is true or this guy you know has a stash of them Im sure that the people here would be very intrested in it.

SO WE EMPLORE YOU.... find out more and let us know, and dont worry so much about sam, he means well.

***Edit*** Oh on a side note: I think the mystrey of the warping halo is easily explaned away by this... When they made the picture they did not have a warp handy to show off why the thing has a warp feed tube. Soooooooo they slapped a halo next to it ans since a hanging feed tube looks stupid they cramed it into the empty battery compartment in the front of that halo

05-21-2003, 10:11 AM
First of all the marker looks right with the right barrel. Second, Shocktech soid several to Europe when they were first introduced at World Cup. Third I do think a HALO could be setup that way and work. Fourth, if you look at the pic you will see that the block is under the halo to hold the gun up indicating that the HALO is attached to the gun.

I think this has a 70% chance of being legit.


05-21-2003, 10:23 AM
While it doesn't really reflect whether this is legit or not, I did notice from the first picture that the bottle appears to be HSE (rather than DOT) approved, which would mean it was probably being used in the UK (you can just make out the 'FW2' of the HSE-AL-FW2 marking).

05-21-2003, 10:30 AM
Well Tom if it were to be done would that even be NPPL legal? Now you got the issue of a loader that is force fed to deal with. Not that it matters to me in Rec play as I think that rule a bit silly with the constriants already placed on the marker but... it could be an issue for some people.

05-21-2003, 10:30 AM
It seems to me that the guy is just trying to be nice by letting us know that these guns might be available. He is going to verify the claims of the other guy by going and checking in person. If its not true then oh well... If he is just making it all up to gain attention then his evil plot has come to frition.

Shartley, the problem with reading someone's thoughts is that there is no body language or facial expressions to go along with your words. When I read your reply, full of sarcasm, I found it insulting.

05-21-2003, 10:38 AM
P.S. It would be interesting if HALO could redesign the shells of the halo to feed out of the front and mount on the existing warp bracket. They could probably just up the feed pressure a little. Or better yet why not have the feed molded within the shell so it comes out the left side angled toward the front and curve around the top so that you just have a small peice of hose going from the top of the halo to the warp breech.

05-21-2003, 11:10 AM
I didn't mean to start such a riot. I just had never even seen one of these before, and wrote to see if anyone had. I will be going Friday to pick up some gear and I WILL get pictures of the markers. He told me they have now only 2 left, because he sold one to a guy in Belgium. He also told me that it is a modification of the Halo, and the balls do come out of the battery area. I will let all you people fight and try and decide if that could be done, I don't know and honestly dont care.
This is the latest e-mail I received: "We´ve got more than 80 inquiries for these special edition E-Mags. But we
are not allowed to sell them to German customers. The one in green has already been sold to a customer in Belgium. So we got only 2 left of 30markers who have been produced. Alternatively I´m able to take all of those
guns and paint with me to the paintball field Baumholder on the 31st,because it´s not that far away for you. Otherwise we give you free shippingand you got that huge package on Friday. So let me know soon."
Now, as Phil said, I am just a guy who found out a guy he buys stuff from has some cool stuff to sell. Take from that what you will.

Shartley, dude, I don't sweat you, so get over yourself ok.

05-21-2003, 11:14 AM
Please let me apologize for what folks read into my posts. Please let me apologize for any emotional state that others read into my posts whether correct or not. Please let me apologize for any misinterpretations folks may make regarding my posts. I know that I am responsible for everything folks think, interpret, post in response to my posts, and many other things related to the issue. And please let me apologize for continued misunderstandings even though I fully explain myself and show that the “intent” of some of the things I post is not quite as “malicious” as folks WANT to think they are.

I hope everyone can forgive me…. it is not easy being responsible for so many things.

(Note: Now THAT is sarcasm. :D:D:D But come on folks, start taking responsibility for your own posts and misconceptions. I am only responsible for MY posts, not what you read them as, interpret them to be, or anything else… and even less so when I try to explain my actual intent that had been taken a bit more harshly than it was meant to be. Sarcasm is not a “bad” thing, nor indicates malicious intent, or to hurt someone. And when I further state that something I posed was NOT meant to be as harsh as some may have taken it as… DROP IT. “But I took it as….” Is irrelevant AFTER I state clearly that my intent was NOT what someone “took it as…”. Let’s get on with life…… I am not upset about this, it is actually funny. Relax!)

Happily Ever After
05-21-2003, 11:14 AM
Are these SFL's sought after because of their rarity or because of their performance? If everybody wants em so bad why won't Shocktech build some more?

I too found your comments a bit sharp, Shartley - but I believe you when you say these are seldom to be found. It sounds like this is the Holy Grail of AGD or something, LOL.

05-21-2003, 11:30 AM
The guns being available...maybe. I would, however, go on the record as saying that HALO from the picture doesn't work and isn't attached. I agree with Ed, I think they wanted to illustrate what a Warp would look like on the gun and didn't have one, so they put the HALO next to it as a mock up. Even if they could figure out a way to configure a HALO to work like that, and who knows why they'd want to, it would still be the flimsiest "connection" to the marker I've ever seen. I mean, when you look at the pic the HALO looks like it's sitting next to the gun, resting on some random piece of metal or plastic...not even really connected to the marker. If the loader was attached in this way, how long would it stay on the gun? One slide? Even past the break? To me the pictures look like bad photoshopping, bad ad design utilizing the components of the overall piece, or both.

05-21-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Phil
P.S. It would be interesting if HALO could redesign the shells of the halo to feed out of the front and mount on the existing warp bracket. They could probably just up the feed pressure a little. Or better yet why not have the feed molded within the shell so it comes out the left side angled toward the front and curve around the top so that you just have a small peice of hose going from the top of the halo to the warp breech.

Well you did ok.... I killed my best friend over that, you happy?

Please explain to me what this response is for and why before I delete it. If it made some sense at all I would not be so inclined - cphilip

05-21-2003, 03:53 PM
the one thing I don't get.... 1500$ got a e-mag? Someones lost their marbles

05-21-2003, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Heat
the one thing I don't get.... 1500$ got a e-mag? Someones lost their marbles

Excellent point Heat. I even missed first time through that cost part. I mean why not for less money a ULE or even a C&C? Or even have someone do you a custom ULE and have something even more rare! Sheesh... I got better things I would do with my money myself.

05-21-2003, 09:47 PM
oh trust me, we have seen them, hell i own one, and last time i had checked, all were accounted for, please ger us pictures if this is true. I need proof.

here is the pic thread of the origionals. i thought i had them all accounted for, please get me pics of the remaining 2. thanks http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=54235&highlight=sfl