View Full Version : yo doc its may 21 any updates?

05-21-2003, 05:52 PM
just curious. sorry if i come across as annoying im just really anxious to get my hands on one of these adapters.

05-21-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by TippmannMan
just curious. sorry if i come across as annoying im just really anxious to get my hands on one of these adapters.

what adapters?


05-21-2003, 07:39 PM
doc is working on some adaptors to allow cocker threaded barrels in a twist-lock mag body...

05-21-2003, 08:23 PM
you guys could PM him and then post his response here.

I would love one for a vert mag.


05-21-2003, 08:33 PM
Doc said there due back from the machine shop this friday

05-21-2003, 08:42 PM
i know i want one

Doc Nickel
05-22-2003, 12:42 AM
Yep, I got a confirmation E-mail from UPS yesterday afternoon. I should have 'em by Friday the 23rd.

I want to use one over the weekend (if I can find a game locally) and maybe find another player with a 'Mag to try it out as well, to make sure there's no hidden surprises. (I know for a fact my prototype worked perfectly, so these production ones should work just as well, but then, Murphy never sleeps. :D )

Then if all goes well, I'll have 'em listed on my site on Monday, with photos and installation instructions.

And just to reiterate- they're drop-in 304 stainless steel adapters to fit threaded 'Cocker barrels in any twist-lock Automag body. I designed them to fit both left and right feeds, as well as centerfeeds (so they'll actually work in Sydarms too. :D) They use their own detent, a proven design that's common and inexpensive to replace if needed, and they "lock" into the body. As in not by the "twist lock" arrangement- otherwise they'd come unlocked when you went to unscrew the barrel. It's also removable and reversible and requires zero mods- you can take the insert out and return it to using twist barrels in a minute or two.


05-22-2003, 07:27 AM
Can't wait,
It sounds great Doc. Just wondering how many did you make?


Duke Henry
05-22-2003, 08:26 AM
Yes, I will be trying one out until I can get my hands on a new warp ule body.

Expect a purchase from me.

05-22-2003, 10:46 AM
Hmmm.... I've had my eye on one of these things for ages. My dilemma between Norise and ULE has just been sorted, Norise it is....

Doc. I will be needing 2 of these for sure (possibly one or two more). So please don't sell them all before I can get my hands on them :)

Whats the arrangement anyway? Price? Paypal?

Phu Le

05-22-2003, 11:15 AM
heres a pic from docs site


on gun

05-22-2003, 01:12 PM
excellent, my scepter kit has been itching to get on my mag

05-22-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by thecavemankevin
excellent, my scepter kit has been itching to get on my mag

I have a 5 bore SS kit that was bought after I sold my cocker.

to the mag with you!!!!


05-26-2003, 09:00 PM

05-27-2003, 04:00 AM
I've been thinking... maybe AGD and Doc should work out a deal and ship current twist-lock 'mags with these things to phase out the twist-lock.

Those with these bodies can enjoy the convenience of selection with 'cocker barrels, or the technical superiority (IMO) of twist-lock barrels.

05-27-2003, 04:22 PM
im not tom kaye but i dont think he would want to phase out twist lock entirely. first of all he made the system and second as hard as it is to believe (at least in my opinion :)) some people favor it. and btw doc are there any updates? my cocker barrel is ready to leap into action as soon as i get one of your adapters :p

Evil Bob
05-27-2003, 04:45 PM
I don't think Tom really has much of a choice here considering a majority of the barrel manufacturers are no longer making Mag twist lock compatible barrels.

Tom can hold onto the twist lock concept all he wants, but if the barrel and aftermarket don't support it, you'll end up with a marker that you can't use with anything but the stock barrel, and Tom hasn't expressed any ideas of going into the barrel manufacturing business yet.

Axing the twist lock in favor of a more readily available barrel mounting system was a smart move. That means one less excuse that people will use for NOT buying a Mag. I know of guys who didn't buy the Emag simply for the fact that barrels were becoming hard to find for it.

-Evil Bob

05-27-2003, 04:58 PM
Any updates on the adapter?

05-27-2003, 10:14 PM
hopefully he got em today and is testing them out so he can put them up for sale tomorrow. oh and yes this post has a purpose...


05-28-2003, 12:31 AM
I want one :)

Doc Nickel
05-28-2003, 04:28 AM
Actually, they came in on Friday, I flogged a couple over the weekend to make sure they fit anything I could jam 'em in (you know, a Sydarm looks awfully silly with an 18" Boomstick) and that I didn't have any problems with HALOs or other force-fed loaders.

I've been VERY busy working on about a metric hojillion individual shop projects at the moment, all while trying to get my "Gear" pages updated and still find time to sleep.

Anyway, the Doc's Gear (http://www.docsmachine.com/gear/) main page has been freshly updated, but none of the new subpages have been loaded (I'm still working on the pics and HTML.) I should have them up by tomorrow evening at the latest.

The good part: I got 'em, I have a pile of 'em, they look great, and work perfectly. I put one in my hopper-left bod, the CF bod (though it was a tight fit due to the CF's weld and residual warpage, but that's a problem with my gun, not the adapter) and a hopper-right standard feed (all I had on hand. They all worked just fine- it even worked perfectly in my Sydarm.

I also tried it with a standard Revvy, a HALO-B and a Warp (though I had to trigger the Warp manually since I don't have an E-Mag.)

I also have a helper running my "Ordering" (http://www.docsmachine.com/gear/ordering.html) E-mail; please have a little patience with us while we sort out the details and get into the groove.

However, the addy is active, and one or both of us will be taking orders starting immediately. The barrel adapters- and I'm taking suggestions for a name for 'em :D - are (if I'm allowed to post this here) $37.50 each and come complete with one detent and installation instructions. (Which is all of three lines and two drawings, and I only include it to reduce the troubleshooting 'mails from the ten-thumbed non-tinker sort. :D )

Sorry about the wait, I hope the results are worth it.


05-28-2003, 06:54 AM
I just ordered one...can't wait.

05-28-2003, 01:25 PM

ive ordered one but ive never ordered by COD. is it that easy? does the mail man just take the fee? well hopefully it is. but ill be waiting for him.

as for a name... maco (mag+cocker first two letters)? yes i know its bad but hey im just throwing out ideas. or perhaps AA (automag to autococker)? gold (au hence the element)? the steel tear (use your imagination... haha thats pretty bad now that i read it again). seker, janus, mercury (all mythological names of gods of deception, deception because it is unexpected for a cocker barrel to me in a mag ;))

well regardless im sure somebody will come up with something appealing eventually. or maybe ill come back if i think of something else thank you so much for these adapters doc. i appreciate all the work it took to get these out to us considering that you had "a metric hojillion" other projects to do :D thanks again

05-28-2003, 01:34 PM
oh and btw what forms of payment does the COD man take? if he only takes cash, does he have change? and if he takes checks, who exactly should i write it out to? and what will the final price come to (or are taxes and/or delivery fees included)?

edit: AI AI AI :: smacks head :: cash on delivery... haha ok so now that its narrowed down to that. does the COD man have change?

05-28-2003, 02:50 PM
I just sent an order for one .. I hope he can send to canada ... and i hope there are some left!!

Archangel Kid
05-28-2003, 02:56 PM
get a money order from ur local post office :)

05-28-2003, 03:44 PM
I sent him an email this morning yet no reply, must be busy.


Duke Henry
05-28-2003, 11:07 PM
email sent, 1 ordered.

05-28-2003, 11:17 PM
I don't think they should phaze out twist lock. It is a good consept. If you get a barrel break you can get it off and squeegy it in like 1/4 of the time it would take with autococker threads. But it would be nice to have the choise using either.

Doc Nickel
05-29-2003, 04:18 AM
Gear (http://www.docsmachine.com/gear/) and Ordering (http://www.docsmachine.com/gear/ordering.html) pages have been updated, shipping info has been updated, and photos posted. All orders as of midnight Wednesday have been answered, first batch is going out Thursday afternoon.

Thanks guys!


05-29-2003, 12:26 PM
i love the new angle shots. cant wait to get mine. what happens tho if nobody is home to answer the door when the package is delivered? does it get sent back or will they redeliver at a later time and/or leave a note telling me to pick it up?

Duke Henry
05-29-2003, 12:42 PM
If it is being shipped Canada Post (likely, since it is being sent USPS), then they will put a little note in your mailbox telling you to come and pickup your parcel at the nearest post office, or they will deliver it to your door with your mail.

If you are not home, they will put one of those notes in your box, and you will have to go and pick it up at the local office as noted above.

This is assuming the package is big enough to be considered a parcel. Otherwise it will be treated like normal mail --> into your mailbox.

05-29-2003, 01:28 PM
exactly the answer i needed. thanks duke henry :D