View Full Version : Ao Girls I Need Your Help

05-22-2003, 12:42 AM
Ok good news. I just talked my gf into paintballing with me this saturday. Its been six months of begging but she finally caved.

Now she is the prissy high maintenence type, and ive finally gotten her over getting dirty (at least for a day) but now shes worried about getting shot in the uhh female body parts.

Heres my question... Does she need a pad? mayb a chest protector? Will a thick sweatshirt do?

I dont wanna give her a bad experience cuz then she wont play anymore.

05-22-2003, 01:29 AM
Padded bra.

No bunkering.

That should do the trick.

If that fails, get a girlfriend who isn't such a wimp. ;)


Yes, that is a hit on the forehead.

Seriously though, do yourself a favor - if she doesn't want to play, then don't make her play. If you can't accept this, break up and move on.

- Chris

05-22-2003, 02:07 AM
The field probably has some chest protectors that she can rent for the day. Several layers of clothing will do the trick, too. Let everyone know that you don't want her getting bunkered on her first day. A guy tried to bunker me the first day I played but unfortunately for him I ran around the other side and shot him. :p

05-22-2003, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
A guy tried to bunker me the first day I played but unfortunately for him I ran around the other side and shot him. :p

thats so funny hahahaha. omg that made me laugh so hard im still luaghing.

05-22-2003, 02:39 AM
Thanks a lot for showing off those pictures... now my gf don't wanna go paintballing at all :p


The Frymarker
05-22-2003, 06:08 AM
Yeah just rent a chest protector, the jt's also protect her back.

She should be fine, and like Cap said tell the guys not to bunker her.


05-22-2003, 07:13 AM
Here's what worked for talking mine into playing. I agreed to let her use my gun and her and my bro go two on one against me. It basically made her confident enough to try playing. Also since I'll be the one shoting her I can make sure she doesn't get over shot the first time. Then i just have to hope she gets hooked like I did.

05-22-2003, 09:08 AM
1- Lots of begging with big puppy dog eyes.

2- offer to buy her paint/rental

3- help her with selecting padding.

4- find out what areas are sensitive to her. I know this sounds stupid but seriously, some people really love having their head scratched, and when those people get shot in the head, it hurts them more then those who dont. If she LOVEs her head scratched, give her a nice thick hat.

5- offer to let her shoot your gun BEFORE you play, let her get the feel of holding one (some can be very heavy).

6- take her to watch when the action will be slower... if she watches a team practise she'll prolly run... fast.;)

7- above all, dont force her, if she doesnt want to be on the field, then itll be a horrible experience for her.

8- when you get her on the field.. no bunkering stories, or pain stories. Give her lots of help and information (like what to do when hit, and how to operate her marker). This will help, cause she will most likely feel self-consious and might not like asking for help on the field.

I was lucky... after talking my girl into the sport she fell in love with it.... and then promptly stole one of my markers :p

05-22-2003, 09:32 AM
Definetely take her out on a walk-on rec day. If it's on a wooded field, even better. I convinced my girlfriend (now my fiancee) to come out and play with some friends of ours, many of who had never played before. We stayed on the same team the whole day; the first few games I buddied up with her, and helped her get used to using cover and reloading and such, after that I let her run around on her own. She had a great time, and she's going to come with a few more times summer. One word of warning on buying her paint though.... it turns out my girlfriend is heavier on the trigger than I am. :D

05-22-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Let everyone know that you don't want her getting bunkered on her first day.

Ya I think im going to try and get us in to a walk on game(if they let me). So I think Ill just chill around her all game and make sure she doesnt get bunkered, flanked, anything that could give a girl a bad experience. If I cant keep her from getting bunkered by walk on players then Ill kill myself :)

I kind of hope she gets gogged really early in the day. That happened to my lil bro and he thought it was cool.

05-22-2003, 12:12 PM
show up after a couple games have been played ask a friend to show her his welts :) works everytime hehehehe