View Full Version : know anything about raptor rexs??

05-22-2003, 07:20 PM
I just got a raptor rex 88/4500 tank for my mag and I don't have a pro connect for it yet (sending out money order for one tomorrow...). I might be playing this weekend though and I wanted to know if I can use the tank w/ out the proconnect, and what issues I might have with doing that. ( I am used to screw in nitro tanks )

I have a y2kradle, that is really nice I might add (like it alot more than dz's), that the tank is mounted on and I will probably run the air with macrolines through an old 32 degrees xchamber that I still have on there (never changed it w/ a gas thru, heh).

Can I rig something w/ out the proconnect that will work for a day of playing?

05-22-2003, 08:14 PM
do you have LX on your gun? if not, then yes you can do it very easily. to take the tank off later, jsut adjsut the tank to zero (turning it off) and then you can shoot the gun empty and take it apart for cleaning.

if you have the LX, you may have a harder time getting all the air to shoot down. if you have some sort of QD it can be done. but I would jsut wait to use it until you have the proconnect.

05-22-2003, 09:02 PM
hmm, I do have the lx installed, so if I turn off the tank try to remove the valve after pulling the trigger a few times it will shoot the guts across the room?
I've actually had the valve do that once, after I removed my screw in nitro one time and took the valve out, maybe I'm not degassing it properly. What exactly should I be doing to degas the gun before taking the valve out?