View Full Version : Been a while since ive been here

05-22-2003, 10:12 PM
hey all. The computer blew up! so ive been totally brainwashed and have no clue whats going on in the paintball world and industry.

So everybody fill me in, on whats been going on in the past 3 months or so.

And speaking of brainwashed, that 3 month period i bought a defiant! oh no! im thinking of getting it vaporized or just selling all my guns and get an e-mag! hot dang that sounds like a good idea, anyway AO please re-educate me.

05-22-2003, 10:15 PM
aluminum mag bodies is in
a new, lighter mag trigger is in the works
lotsa people complaining about the xmag production
even more ULE stuff for mags
lvl 10 = spreading goodness
y-grip on the verge of release
new shocker looks like a mag almost
sp releasing "nerve" marker... looks pretty damn sweet
um... i dunno... there's a lot

05-22-2003, 10:46 PM
hey did the pie thing ever die out btw?
that whole pie deal was and still is annoying, sorry pie lovers. Besides you all know that cake is better anyway. And if it were up to me i'd take a big juicy steak. Screw dessert! i'm all about the main course