View Full Version : air leak on my minimag

05-23-2003, 03:39 PM

I have a minimag and everytime I put my tank on. it starts to make ahissing sound at the back where I adjust my speed and I can feel it coming out there. Does this mean I need to oil that part or put new o rings on or what?? I have no idea why it is doing this and would like it get it fx asap.
if you know anything please email


05-23-2003, 06:56 PM
yeah i am having the exact same problem

05-23-2003, 08:50 PM
I'm typing this off of what I have learned so far on ao, and no i don't have a mag, YET.

Anyways I think it's probably that your velocity is too high, first chronograph your marker, if you aren't near a chrono then just turn down your velocity with the allen wrench in the back of the gun. It should stop leaking. If it dosen't stop leaking then it's your reg seat i believe, correct me if im wrong ao

05-23-2003, 10:38 PM
Give the man a prize. Turn down the velocity. (Counter clockwise)

If that doesn't stop it, your reg piston is bad and you need a new one.

Originally posted by danheneise
I'm typing this off of what I have learned so far on ao, and no i don't have a mag, YET.

Anyways I think it's probably that your velocity is too high, first chronograph your marker, if you aren't near a chrono then just turn down your velocity with the allen wrench in the back of the gun. It should stop leaking. If it dosen't stop leaking then it's your reg seat i believe, correct me if im wrong ao

05-24-2003, 12:11 AM
Also check the Regulator Seat. If it is not snapped onto the regulator that can cause leaking and erratic velocity. If everything mentioned doenst help the problem you need a new reg piston (also already mentioned).

05-24-2003, 02:48 PM
yey i got it right :) Hoepfully i will actually have a mag by the end of June