View Full Version : What barrell and bottemline for minimag?

05-24-2003, 08:39 PM
I am ordering a minimag and am putting upgrades on it to make sure it will work with Co2 but I do have some questions.

1. What barrell would work best for the mini? I really don't want to spend too much money, would rather spend something closer to 30-60 than 100, any suggestions?

2. What bottemline setup should I use. I can only use Co2, there is no way I can get Compressed air or N2 where I live. I was thinking Antisiphon tank and maybe an expantion chamber, but remember, I don't want to spend a fortune, trying to stay under 400 with whole gun.

3. Yay or Nay for level 10 bolt. I think that is a must upgrade but i'm not sure.

Thanks for any help you can provide, and I will have pics of my gun as soon as I get it.

05-24-2003, 08:52 PM
1. Custom Products 1-Piece or Lapco barrel in your choice of length. Both are around $40-50 (maybe less) and are very good barrels for the money.

2. I ran Anti-Siphon 20oz into an X-Chamber for several months and it's a decent way to use co2. I'd suggest buying these parts from a local store, becuase they can install them for you as well, but you could buy the Tank and X-Chamber from where you buy your gun, and have your store set it up and install the anti-siphon tube.

3. Yes, LX is a must..

Good Luck with your Mini!


05-26-2003, 04:44 PM
1. J&J ceramic, SP teardrop or Lapco bigshot/autosprit

2. 20 oz anti siphon, and an x chamber. You might want a small drop foreward too.

3. Lx? Of course.

05-26-2003, 04:56 PM
get a smart parts old school all american barrel for like 40 bucks (u can get it off paintballgear.com)- you will need an anti siphon tank and x chamber if ur usin co2- and yeah a lx is a must

good luck!