View Full Version : Official Twin Towers Pic Thread

05-24-2003, 10:15 PM

At EMR this weekend and its been raining non stop. Over 500 people turned out anyway and played all day on 100 acres of fields. Here are some pics (note the mud).


05-24-2003, 10:22 PM

05-24-2003, 10:23 PM
The big castle

05-24-2003, 10:24 PM
More than 30 bunk houses for the players. Call now if you want to reserve one for Shatnerball.

05-24-2003, 10:26 PM
Da Playas!!

05-24-2003, 10:27 PM

05-24-2003, 10:28 PM
Custom weapons(what no fade?)

05-24-2003, 10:29 PM

05-24-2003, 10:30 PM
We unveiled our display in the paintball museum!!

05-24-2003, 10:32 PM
last one

05-24-2003, 10:45 PM
now thats is a musium i would pay to see. great display. wheres the RTPro? and wheres the musium

05-24-2003, 10:49 PM
Umm...is that a "Hulk" fist on that custom weapon????:)

05-24-2003, 10:59 PM
Muzicman I missed that your right lol

05-24-2003, 11:29 PM
I want to go to that museum.

05-24-2003, 11:48 PM
No pumps or Panthers? No classic feed? No high rise power feed? No explanations about being first with power feed?

And where are the nail guns:D:D:D:D

We can only presume that the first fellow is the Sheriff of Nottingham? The badge on the BBD suggest this. Way cool custom stock for his Sheridan too.

(hmmm... is that a Sheridan, or a custom Palmer? The bolt handle says Sheridan, but now I'm not so sure))

05-25-2003, 10:01 AM
Army, I have no idea what kind of gun that is. The barrel bag makes me think he is a member of the Paintball Marshalls so I am sure it is some odd bolt action. If the remote hose was not coming out his right side I would have assumed he was left handed because the handle on the bolt is on the wrong side. Odd...what ever it is I doubt Palmer made it and since it is a stacked brassd tubed design I would assume it is Sheridan based.

05-25-2003, 11:05 AM
Thats alot of $$ in the display (assuming that the guns are real)

I noticed the Y-Grip too :) Guess this means they are close to being ready?

05-25-2003, 12:12 PM
are there internals in the xmag? or is that just pictures, cause a real xmag would be a waste IMO.....

Archangel Kid
05-25-2003, 04:05 PM
umm... no flatline??... wasn't agd the first to invent nitro tanks... or compressed air:confused:

05-25-2003, 05:29 PM
Yeah, there are a lot of things missing. And AGD didn't invent the HPA tank or even the system. Just the first to use the idea for paintball.

I think that Tom needs to take pics of all the old stuff the AGD made and put them up on the Internet with explainations.

05-25-2003, 06:22 PM
i thought AGD came up with using fiber wrapped tanks insted of steel tanks

05-25-2003, 06:25 PM
If agd put all the things they invented in that display it would be a whole musemum for agd:), is there more stuff on the other side of the display?

05-25-2003, 07:02 PM
aww... they even forgot the 6pack. ..

yeah, there is alot AGD left out, but what the put in there, deserves to be there.

good job Tom.

05-25-2003, 07:05 PM
is that all the pics tom?..i hope not

05-25-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by tony3
If agd put all the things they invented in that display it would be a whole musemum for agd:), is there more stuff on the other side of the display?

they have one its called the factory tour ;) :D

05-25-2003, 08:52 PM
Tom needed me there to take all the pics;)

05-25-2003, 11:15 PM
So guys, don't you think that if we spent the time and the money to make a great display we wouldn't leave out obvious stuff like the 6-Pak? I am on a dialup and can't post all the pics I took. Here is another of the back side of the display. We put a PMI Faceshield in afterwards too. All the guns are gutted and non functional. Most are used or have reject parts.


05-25-2003, 11:20 PM
The closing cerimony was really emotional. One of the guys setup a special "prize" for his girlfriend and asked her to marry him in front of everyone! Since they meet playing paintball, instead of a ring he put an o-ring on her finger. He did say he will replace it with a real one later but thought that this was appropriate for the occasion!

05-25-2003, 11:26 PM
If that wasn't enough we auctioned off a bunch of stuff for Jokers 6 year old daughter Kealegh who had a huge cancer tumor removed weeks ago. She is undergoing chemo and has 25 weeks to go. We are all pulling for her and between previous donations and this auction we raised an incredible 12,500 dollars. Joker was speachless and crying under his shades.

05-25-2003, 11:28 PM
im liking that red to black fade emag you got there. Only one made? never seen one befor

thats great that everyone helped out joker and his little girll:)

05-25-2003, 11:33 PM
So to top things off, Packman had promised that he would shave his head if they raised over 10k (of course he thought that was impossible). Being the man of his word that he is, he sat down and took it like a man! Incredible ending to a wild weekend. If you were not here you missed it! TK got in on the action too and put out his own challenge (more on that later).

05-25-2003, 11:35 PM
The new PACKMAN!!

05-26-2003, 02:14 AM
Pacman looks so much better with the shaved head...he was starting to have a serious mullet for a while..

05-26-2003, 07:19 AM
That story about Jokers kid broke my heart. I dont know Joker or his little girl but bless you both and my best wishes to you and your family. The power of American humanity is overwhelming sometimes...:(

05-26-2003, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Tunaman
That story about Jokers kid broke my heart. I dont know Joker or his little girl but bless you both and my best wishes to you and your family. The power of American humanity is overwhelming sometimes...:(

Mine as well. I mean 6 years old and undergoing chemo? It is great that people were able to bring good out of this event as well as fun.

05-26-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by AGD
last one

seems like a waste of an x-mag, for it to just sit there

05-26-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by AGD
All the guns are gutted and non functional. Most are used or have reject parts.


Archangel Kid
05-26-2003, 10:08 AM
damn punk ya beat me to it :)

Pyrate Jim
05-26-2003, 03:50 PM
It deserves mention that Tom auctioned off an RT Pro for $1,000- donated to the Kayleigh Wilkes Foundation.
Total raised: $11,500+

I consider an honor that Tom was in the Marshals bunkhouse while looking around. I didn't know who he was 'till Pac came up selling raffle tickets. I thought he was some players dad checking things out.
And yes, the large man with the bolt-action paintrifle is Sir Rebel of the Paintball Marshals.

05-26-2003, 07:46 PM
plus, Tom did a little solo music tone for someone auction a sword plus a strip tease of a pink dress in a auction also.

i saw you at the airport tom! i jsut didn't wanna bother you, seemed like we botherd you enough with my teammates xmag problems.

05-26-2003, 08:48 PM
If anyone out there is interested in helping out this little girl mentioned earlier by Tom here is a link that has some info on how you can.

05-26-2003, 10:09 PM
Few other photos from Two Towers game.

Tom Kaye with Barry Solomon and Mike Marks of team Dead By Dawn right after the big raffle/auction.

05-26-2003, 10:11 PM
Twin Towers game shot that ought to appeal to some of the techs in the crowd-- a full-sized midieval ballista with a functional bolt-action breech-loading air cannon built by Dead By Dawn.

05-26-2003, 10:17 PM
The ballista in action! Positioned on top of the wall of "Helm's Deep" the ballista killed two tanks at a range of 100-120 yards, drove off two Nazgul attacks and turned an infantry attack. A ton of fun and just one of the showy pieces that made the game, including several cool tanks and an incredible "Shelob the Spider"

In this photo Gandalf the White takes aim in the first of the two tank kills. The air cannon fires both nerfie finned rockets and "grapeshot" cartridges of paintballs.

05-27-2003, 08:14 AM
Tom, the guy who proposed is a pretty good friend of mine. If you took that picture, thanks alot!!

I saved it and I am going to email it to him as I doubt he comes to AO. I just tried to call him but I am sure he is still trying to get back to Houston.

05-27-2003, 09:10 AM
There was to much fun had at this game. If you missed it, you missed a lot of history being made. Can't give a lot of details right now, we just got back from a 30 hour drive and I need to sleep for about a thousand years...

This game did set two new records for MXS.

Evil scored the highest point total for an MXS game and they completed the most missions in a single game for MXS.

Congratulations TB on another great game. You know that whenever you need us to back you up all you have to do is call.

Co-captain and navigator
Houston, Texas

05-27-2003, 09:11 AM
By the way, who has the pictures of Tom modeling all of the Pirannas during the prize drawing?

Houston, TX

05-27-2003, 09:34 PM
lol midway, i was about to go grab my camera and take pictures of the expressions he was making, but we parked too far away, would of missed them ;\

05-28-2003, 10:25 AM
more pictures from the game
this is my SHELOB page

that was indeed a Marshal he is REBEL
our Deleware Coordinator if you have any questions about his gun you can email him at:

that was the last email I had on him.

also did anyone notice that in the IAO packet there is a section that says "in search of excellence"
in the IAO pamphlet it states that

"players can nominate a team or individual that may be overcoming personal challenges. CASH is donated to the persons favorite charity or go to tuition for college"

I suggest we enlist every player possible even those who are NOT going - to reccomend this award go toward Kayleigh Wilkes
I cant think of anyone in the paintball family
that needs it more.

05-28-2003, 10:32 AM
Missy -

Welcome to AO. I have some pictures from LIBG that you wanted, I think. I didn't get a whole lot but you can snag them from here:


Some didn't come out too well, I was playing with the low-light function on the camera. I wasn't really in photographer mode, obviously.

05-28-2003, 03:12 PM
Why is manike wearing rubber gloves? http://www.thordic.com/images/libg/images/LIBG%20004.jpg

05-28-2003, 04:16 PM
We were in Camp Viper (home of the Wild Geese) with Canadian Contingent. Blue's Crew came to the Saturday night festivities dressed for SARS, everyone with masks and gloves. Manike snagged a pair of gloves, but I guess the mask interfered with the drinking...

05-28-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Jeffy-CanCon
We were in Camp Viper (home of the Wild Geese) with Canadian Contingent. Blue's Crew came to the Saturday night festivities dressed for SARS, everyone with masks and gloves. Manike snagged a pair of gloves, but I guess the mask interfered with the drinking...

Exactly... didn't want to catch anything nasty from the Canadians...

Although I am sure they are guilty of my getting an aweful headache at one point :D

05-28-2003, 09:02 PM
Wait a second...

Manike, didnt I tell you whenever you are in the states, you are to tell me, so I can come annoy you. :)

05-28-2003, 09:07 PM
Did it have something to do with that Bubba of beer.:D

Medusa RTD
05-28-2003, 10:24 PM
Wow, was this a good game. The red (Evil) side played one of the best game of paintball I have ever seen, good work guys.

05-29-2003, 10:27 AM
I want to try and clear something up...I don't know much about Airgun's history, and I might be incorrect, but the person I thought was responsible for the introduction of nitro in paintball was Charlie Menear, owner of AAA paintball in NYS. It was originally designed as a remote system.

The first time he and his friends went to Skirmish or EMR to try it out, (I can't remember the article, it might be another park), the management would't let them use the system because they thought it was dangerous.

05-29-2003, 11:46 AM
Years ago I ran with a Mag, as a matter of fact I still have it, but for the past 5 years or so I have been running with an Angel. Well, I was teching at Two Towers with Gunslingers and Tom gave me a chance to run some paint through his gun (Tom had a pic of my bulky butt holding his gun at some point). WOW! I am currently trying to recreate his gun from that game as best I can, we are teching at D-Day and I hope to track down the parts. I will want to sell off my Angels and go only with this marker, it is the fastest and sleekest all Mechanical Mag I have ever felt. If anyone knows, or Tom if you can clue me in, what was in that marker? I know it was an X valve and a slug body and the Intelliframe, but supposedly something in there was a prototype, what part was it? I am bringing my old Mag which I just upgraded with a Level 10 to D-Day and I want to run strictly with a marker like Tom's so any help will be greatly appreciated. :D

05-29-2003, 12:30 PM
it has a prototype ULE trigger in it, the lightest mechanical trigger, i know, i shot it at the megameet and used it a a few games. it rocks.


05-29-2003, 01:15 PM
:( Oh well I guess I have to wait, I want this thing badly, but I will wait for it to make sure I get what I want. I love my Angel, but I will definitly stick to the Mag if I get to work as sweet as Tom's

05-29-2003, 10:46 PM
Just in case anyone was wondering about what kind of gun that bolt action was, I talked to the guy for a wile and he told me it was a Sheridan bolt action. A true peace of history. He said he made that stock out of a peace of 2 by 12 that he carved himself. That was a hell of a game even just to ref. Made me wish i was playing that one. red score was over 700. I think the score was 728 if i remember correctly. Also total players was around 514-528 packman and mother could not remember wich it was when we were talking with them.

05-31-2003, 06:57 PM
hey middy...i have a couple of pics of tom holding the Pirannas...ive sent it to him...i figured i would use it as blackmail for something else i want;) if ya want em shoot me an email..ill get em to ya

05-31-2003, 08:47 PM
Greetings , It is I sir Rebel of Damage. I am the one holding DinaSore, the name of the customized P.M.I. .68 Magnum in the opening shot and as some have guessed I am one of the Paintball Marshales ( Delaware Coordanator). DinaSore was bought by me new in 1988 and with the help of Jim Masse the Marshales founder was brought to the level you see, as to the stock I carved it out of a 2"X 12". I bid you all good morrow and pray to see thee at E.M.R.'s fall Castile please bring your auto-whatever and attempt entry to the castile of Arghhhhh !:rolleyes:

05-31-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by SirRebel
Greetings , It is I sir Rebel of Damage. I am the one holding DinaSore, the name of the customized P.M.I. .68 Magnum in the opening shot and as some have guessed I am one of the Paintball Marshales ( Delaware Coordanator). DinaSore was bought by me new in 1988 and with the help of Jim Masse the Marshales founder was brought to the level you see, as to the stock I carved it out of a 2"X 12". I bid you all good morrow and pray to see thee at E.M.R.'s fall Castile please bring your auto-whatever and attempt entry to the castile of Arghhhhh !:rolleyes:

*pets* your ok :D

06-07-2003, 12:33 AM
We just put up our 2 Tower Galleries at:



06-07-2003, 01:32 AM
SirRebel, first, Welcome to AO!

That's an excellent job on the stock, good job! Still shooting a PM68, is hardcore dedication to a product that should be in the Museum!

06-07-2003, 09:51 AM
:D Old school paintballers are still here and we will be here for a long time to come. We do have trouble getting the parts to keep these older markers running but we find what we can't make. It's the thrill of the hunt not the actual hit that we live for. Play Safe, Play Hard and Play Stealthy ! Sir Rebel of Damage:cool:

06-09-2003, 04:32 PM
the sun did actually appear on Sunday:

quite a few tank kills via the ballista, DIII and Alludium T -39

but i have heard rumors of an AGD under barrel launcher in the works

we tried under barrel mounting the ballista, but it crushed a squire

team Dead by Dawn

06-19-2003, 10:24 AM
Hey Tom, do you think by chance I'd be allowed to use some of these pics? Namely 2, the AGD museum one and Pacman being shaved pics. Photos credited towards you, of course. Just need them for an article about to go to print.

Or if you want I can credit it "Photos courtesy of AO"