View Full Version : X-Valve Velocity and Consistancy

05-25-2003, 07:40 PM
I got some help in the chat and I think I fixed the problem, haven't chronoed it yet so I'm not sure. Here is what happened: Brand new X-Valve, tried it out, and couldn't get the velocity below 290FPS. Tried all springs and carriers. When I would turn the knob lower for it to go below 290fps, the bolt would not go fully forward. The advice I got before was oil everything really good. I did this using the air input / dry fire with out barrel method, got a good amount of oil in. Haven't chronoed yet so I don't know if this worked, if it does not, what else could I try? Also, the velocity was very inconsistant, +-15 fps, i assumed this was beacuse it was a new valve/reg and i just need to break it in, would that be the cause?

Thanks in advance,

05-27-2003, 06:18 AM