View Full Version : Damage Inc. Takes 1st Place at CPSA Event #3

05-26-2003, 12:38 AM
Damage Inc. took first place in the Novice division in the third event of the CPSA series at Sudden Impact. Once again I am happy to report that both mine and DJGruv's ULE Emags performed flawlessly. The only issue I had was a broken ball detent that caused my HALO to double feed and I had one break because of it. Otherwise between myself and DJGruv we went through about 3 cases of paint combined without a break. Emags ruled the day between us and AGD's Lock & Load who took first in the Am division. Here is a bunch of pics from the event.

Damage Inc. is (from left to right) Jonathan Edwards, Eric Hany, Morgan Saliny, Tim Griffin, and Bryant Williams.

05-26-2003, 12:41 AM
This is the scoreboard from the prelims. We lost 2 games out of six in the prelims for a 2nd place finish and a trip to the semi-finals

05-26-2003, 12:44 AM
Once the semi-finals started we began to roll. We swept our way through the semi-fianls and were the top seed going into the finals.

05-26-2003, 12:49 AM
We had a stalemate in our first finals game. We then won the next two fianls games to secure a first place finish!!! With this first place finish and our high score last month I believe we will be ranked first in the CPSA novice division once the standings are updated. Damage Inc. is on a roll!!!!

05-26-2003, 12:51 AM
This pic says it all. Emags finished first.

05-26-2003, 12:59 AM
Congrats on the win!

Ps, nice E-mags!

05-26-2003, 01:03 AM
DJGruv playing the diamond in the semi's

05-26-2003, 01:06 AM
Another pic of DJGruv ripping from the diamond.

05-26-2003, 01:09 AM
Eric Hany shooting the lane after he eliminated the snake. Eric shoots an ANS GX4.

05-26-2003, 01:12 AM
Morgan Saliny laying the heat. Morgan is shooting a new Angel Speed.

05-26-2003, 01:19 AM
This is Tim Griffin. He is the newest addition to my first squad. Tim shoots an Eblade Cocker.

05-26-2003, 01:48 AM
That's my speed he's using :)
Excellent job on the win guys!

05-26-2003, 07:48 AM
congrats on the win

05-26-2003, 08:30 AM
Moving up to a Classic thread for a day or so.

Good job guys!!!!!

05-26-2003, 09:52 AM
Good job!
Nice Emags!

05-26-2003, 10:24 AM
Nice job guys! Congrats to you and Lock N Load!


05-26-2003, 12:13 PM
Come on Damage... Arnt you going to complain about the refs like everyone else?

Understaffed refs always getting complains (we were supposed to ref 4 fields, but Saturday night another field was added to the list).

I WILL say, that for the most part everyone did a good job, not too many complainers. ONLY gripe as a ref (I was the one of the hyperfield that was sick as hell) is when a player calls for a check, learn to say which person. I dont know how many times I heard "check that guys hopper" or check that guy in the back." Is it so hard to ask" Check the back left's hopper?"

bur anyways, congrats to all of the winners, and good luck next time to all of the whiners.

05-26-2003, 01:20 PM
Funny thing is winners NEVER complain about the officiating...Odd isn't it? :D

And congrats to Odyssey cause I see some Halo's on there too! ;)

05-26-2003, 02:11 PM
I honestly had no problems with the ref'ing, I was pleased with all the refs on every field we played.

I did use that Angel Speed of Skeletar's for 3 games, and I am in love. I will soon be selling my IR3 to pick one up, so if anyone is looking... :D

05-26-2003, 02:13 PM
the reffing was fine at sudden impact, sure sometimes refs were a lil slow to do a paintcheck but they did a great job for only having 3 per field.

05-26-2003, 03:11 PM
Thanks for a lil vote of confidence.... btw Reffing with shingles is painful.

Scarest moment... Reffing trhe snake and a guy dives in on the break and the mask pops off his melon. I had to sprint over and cover him up so he could get it on. THAT was an addrenaline boost!

05-26-2003, 03:30 PM
that guy in the snake is lucky you got to him.... The makeshift woods field that I had to play on was reffed great. The field wasnt the best but I heard that it was a last minute addition. Hehe I was looking forward to the nice airball / hyperball fields :)

05-26-2003, 03:44 PM

05-26-2003, 03:47 PM

05-26-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Spaceman613
Come on Damage... Arnt you going to complain about the refs like everyone else?

Understaffed refs always getting complains (we were supposed to ref 4 fields, but Saturday night another field was added to the list).

I WILL say, that for the most part everyone did a good job, not too many complainers. ONLY gripe as a ref (I was the one of the hyperfield that was sick as hell) is when a player calls for a check, learn to say which person. I dont know how many times I heard "check that guys hopper" or check that guy in the back." Is it so hard to ask" Check the back left's hopper?"

bur anyways, congrats to all of the winners, and good luck next time to all of the whiners.

I play on Damage Inc.'s third squad, Damage Inc. Havoc. We played the awesome hyperball field five all day. You guys were on top of things though it was hairy a few times trying to get a check on myself whe I got hit a in places I couldn't see... We commend the players and Refs that were on field 5... from what I saw it was the only one that was in direct sunlight all day, the refs were fair and the play was fun and fast.

05-26-2003, 04:25 PM
We've been working for this for a long time. We still need work on some things but everything is starting to gel. Practice makes perfect and practice we do. I didn't have nore did I hear of any reffing problems all day xcept for the our last game of the finals. But there was no problem. If theres one thing that I've learned playing tournyball is "Respect the reffs"! If you give them a hard time they will give you an even worse time. Congrats to my team and Lock & Load on a great day of paintball. See you in the middle.:cool:

05-26-2003, 04:46 PM
heheh yeah, I had to check a few places on you that I didnt enjoy peeking into. You guys always play well Skreemer. Must be the pump blood in ya.

05-26-2003, 06:06 PM
The Reffing was terrible on The field on the FAR right, in the pics... The hyperball field. First off the Stupid Place couldnt get our Team Name Right on the Sheet, so they tell us we are Panic and theres another Panic Team (the real one)So we walk the field we were supposed to play on, then we get told were on the wrong field and we have to go down to the hyper field And we get rushed by some OLD goon. So the other team got to walk the field and we didnt. So i was a lil mad and then i go to the starting block and get set since we were rushed. Off the break i go to my bunker and get in fine, and then this guy on the 50 and i on our 40 are going at it and i was tucked like no other and there was alot of splatter flying everywhere. The Ref comes over to me during the game and Says im out I say where, he says your hopper. I say ok im not going to argue your the ref and i get out. Next he calls out my other guy who went to the 50 he was in there for some great time. Then the ref same guy that called me calls my boy out and there was NO BREAK AT ALL!!!!! it bounced he called and said after the game he made a mistake. Finally after i was in the dead box i started to look at my hopper , THERE was no hit, It was splatter on it, not even the size of a Nickel no shell at all. ( so it hit the bunker and the a lil paint flew and hit the hopper , SPLATTER) . Finally WE!!!!!! got everything straightened out, and they tell us that the points stand ! Which is BULL! Then they couldnt even get there Chronos to operate Correctly. I chronoed my Angel before the Game To Make sure i wasnt shootin hot. I even set it lower so i wouldnt get Penalized. Then we go to this other chrono where the ref shot my gun and check it. HE shot it 3X and it cleared everytime. Then after that this is when we were told we were down on this other field. So i go down there and im all set and then he says Chrono and i say ok , i dont have a problem. He takes the gun shoots it 3X and it was over everytime. If you ask me this places Management and Not Every REF just those 2 i mentioned were TERRIBLE! Because of them they caused us the Semi finals! Thanks Alot ... ANy way Congrats Damage Inc.. We will see you guys next time :) Thats a Promise.

05-26-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Spaceman613
heheh yeah, I had to check a few places on you that I didnt enjoy peeking into. You guys always play well Skreemer. Must be the pump blood in ya.

Nothing like running from one bunker to another to get better cover and shooting angle while getting shot at the entire way. I went into the bunker and trying to cover up was screaming for (I guess it was you) to check my rear... I was dang sure at least one of those broke and boy did my rear sting like mad for the next few minutes...

05-26-2003, 07:44 PM
Congrats Damage way to go good luck in the rest of the events. Keep up the good work.

05-26-2003, 08:12 PM
Great Job Guys, I'll be there at the next tourney, hopefully this time, third squad will bring home some gold!


05-26-2003, 09:20 PM
I play on the same team as screamer. (I'm the guy with the really freaking loud blue spyder) I was terriably happy with the reffing during the day. diligent wiping of spray, Actually making an effort to check called paintchecks. No BS about picking the end of the field you played on.

I was highly impressed.

I'm more impressed about a REF complaining about reffing. They're the only people I'll really respect for complaining about reffing ;-) There's somethign about the pot calling the kettle black, and it takes one to know one in there.

If you guys were understaffed, I never knew.

05-26-2003, 10:10 PM
The name mixup is FORREST!! He is the one that does all of that. All Sudden Impact does is provide refs and venue. SI was told that we needed 4 fields, so we got the required refs for 4 fields. Saturday night a message was left that a 5th field was needed. So needless to say we were not prepared for that with both refs and the field.

As for the reffing. If you attended the ref meeting (which none of the players did), then you would know that some of Forrests statements are utter BS...

Add to this that refs get ZERO to do there job, and Forrest ENCOURAGES "fowls." SO you get refs that have zero incentive and players that are encouraged to wipe, play on, and make the refs job as hard as possible. THEN the players complain if you miss a call or dont kiss everyones butt. And they wonder why no one wants to ref?

Forrest better darn well do MORE next year for refs. Gee a freekin paint discount at other events. maybe even free ref jerseys. SOMETHING to deal with the complaining.

And the chrono on the lower field (hyper) had a fresh battery just so ya know.

I apologize if this comes off as ranting. Im just tired with CPSA fields getting the bad rep for things it cannot control.

05-27-2003, 08:24 AM
Im just saying i chronoed 2X and both under then i go to the new field and IM HOT.. No harm tho since the tourneys over. And I know its not your Fault nor any of the other REFS except for the One OLD Guy down on the Hyper field, his calls were terrible. And if it wasnt for that mix up on Team Names and that ONE refs calls we would have made it to the finals.

Other Than that You guys did a great job... and no you didnt come off ranting..

05-27-2003, 09:05 AM
Its cool... and which old guy? Neither are on my team (Orbital), Ive heard good things about my guys reffing, but am disappointed that others are bringing down my field.

I AM happy that the actual fields are getting good comments, except for the last minute throw together field.

btw, was yours the blue ir3 that was slightly warm on the chrono? I saw way too many nice guns.

05-27-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by damageinc54
Once again I am happy to report that both mine and DJGruv's ULE Emags performed flawlessly.

So does this mean the Flatline actually worked right this time? :)

05-27-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
So does this mean the Flatline actually worked right this time? :)

The Flatline has been fine since I turned the reg seat around as you suggested. It is much more consistent than it was with the reg seat in the "correct" way. Thanks!

05-27-2003, 11:36 AM
Yeah I was the one with the Dark blue to Light Blue Fade Dark ir3.

pur rage
05-27-2003, 08:16 PM
congrats on 1st place. it would be nice to see if last laugh and swarm made the finals also,but when was the last time swarm made them anyway. ps nice banner your showing, it shows your support of a field (fox).you do them proud

05-27-2003, 09:20 PM
By the way pur rage Swarm took 2nd in the Am division right behind us.