View Full Version : I had so many problems with my mag Saturday!!

Frank (the spank)
05-27-2003, 11:22 AM
First everyone bothers me asking about my gun and wanting to shoot it.

Then 3 times the ref stopped me in the middle of a game to test my gun and make sure it isn't full auto.

Then some guy gets all mad because he said he yelled hit but I couldn't hear it over the wall of paint I was throwing so he hid behind a bunker crying for the ref for me to stop shooting so he could go to the dead zone.

Ok... maybe it's not so bad.. hehe

I'm glad I got my E-Mag :)

05-27-2003, 11:51 AM
hahhaa good. i love those types of problems ;-) hehe. i had a problem like that once. i was at the chrono and wanted to scare some noobs so i started ripping on my mag(mind you this was a classis but i can outshoot my revvy with it) and some ref came out and was like 'if i didnt know that was a classic mag i would call you for shooting fulll auto on it!!" he laughed and walked back into the refs trailor. i liked it hehe

05-27-2003, 12:19 PM
If I were that kid I would put my gun above my head and hold it above the bunker while yelling I'm out so YOU know he's out. If you don't know he's out you can't be blamed for shooting at him. But I wouldn't dive behind a bunker after I'm out anyway. Was he a noob. My first few times paintballing I was afriad of being shot too.

05-27-2003, 12:26 PM
i dunno... i wouldnt stick my arm and gun up into a crap load of paintballs flying across the field. might mess up my gun or maybe my arm ;) hehe

did the kid really cry?

Frank (the spank)
05-27-2003, 12:47 PM
It was a grown man, but a noob...

He ran behind a bunker and I hammered away. I wasn't sure if I hit him so I stopped and listened.. he popped his head out but his gun was not in the air so I hammered again. Finally 3 guys walking off the field and a ref all ran over to the bunker waving their hands in the air for me to stop shooting.

I stopped and he gets up and starts pointing and yelling at me because I kept on shooting.

So I yell "then say you're hit *******!!"

He yells back "I did!!!"

Then I yell back "Then stick your gun up with a barrel plug in it!"

Then I was getting fired on from behind so I dove for cover while the guy was still yelling at me.

Later he came up to me and said he was sorry and he didn't realize he yelled hit behind a face mask and a bunker and I proably didn't hear it. He then asked about my gun and how it could shoot so damn fast, lol

05-27-2003, 03:13 PM
haha i had those same "problems" when i still had my micro emag, i got called for FA, and the ref would come and check and they would see it was only semi, hehe, and then when i put it on hybrid wow its even faster, hehe. but for now my classic with emag valve and lvl 10 and i-frame will suffice, not to mention i can really rip on that too :D


05-27-2003, 03:20 PM
Man, I wish those were the kinds of problems I had!! aahh, even MORE inspiration to keep saving for that e-mag... :)

Evil Bob
05-27-2003, 06:04 PM
Played some classic old school RT rec ball this weekend, had a few similar "problems" with the RT...

First problem...

Staging area, we've already chronoed and are waiting to be divided up into teams.

Two guys with Angels LCD's, both in their teens, possibly brothers, wearing matching black/yellow raven jersies without names on the back (classic posers or tournie wannabes, whatever you want to call them)...

Them: "What kind of mag is that?"
Me: "Its an old RT."
Them: "Oh, we don't play with people who use 'auto***s', they all use the full auto reactive lamer cheating."
They turn and walk away.
Me to ref who is standing nearby: "This is going to be a long day..."
Ref just nods

They were both kicked off of the field a couple of hours later for playing with full auto (ref caught both of them twice each) and overshooting people repeatedly despite having been yelled at multiple times by the refs about it.

Second problem...

Down by the staging area waiting to start game 5.

Player and ref walking toward me, player is I'm guessing late teens...

Player: "That's him, he's shooting full auto."
Ref: "EB, May I?"
Me: "Sure thing"
I hand my RT over to the him.
Ref turns and shows the player
Ref: "This is an RT Automag, it is not electronic, nor does it shoot full auto. Watch."
Ref turns and shoots out onto the field.
Ref to player: "Now you try it."
Player also shoots out onto the field.
Player: "Damn, this is cool."
Ref: "That's the reactive trigger."
Player: "Sweet, I want one, no wonder he can shoot faster."
Ref: "That's only part of it. He's been playing paintball longer then you've been alive, so he's got alot more experience then you do."
Ref takes the RT from the player and hands it back.
Ref to me: "Thanks bro, I owe you one."

The Ref, whom I have known for going on 20 years now, also owns an RT, except he doesn't have lvl 10 installed yet (because he is too lazy and hasn't gotten around to it) so his chops paint left and right. He grabs mine now and then to show players what it can do. I keep trying to talk him into getting lvl 10 and he just keeps putting it off. He's got an E-Blade right now and is having too much fun with it to be bothered with setting up his backup gun, heaven forbid his Eblade goes down in a tourny and he has to use his "blender" :)

Third problem...

The polish dog gave me wicked heart burn, I ended up buying another 3 bottles of gatorade to quench it, I suspect it is all a conspiracy to take more of my hard earned cash from me, I blame the management for offering spicy polish dogs as a field lunch item! I will remember next time to bring Tums, Extra Strength as that polish dog was very tasty.

-Evil Bob

05-27-2003, 08:48 PM
yea, i have problem # 1 all the time, people always wanna touch my gun. here's a problem, this wasn't w/ my mag though, this is w/ my tippmann 68 carbine belive it or not. after a game ref approaches me,

ref: "hey, can i see your gun for a second"
me: "sure *hands gun over*"
ref: "what did you do to it? *Playing w/ the trigger*" cause i have the same exact gun for the most part *shows me his pro-carbine* but i was sitting here wondering how the hell you shoot so fast when we have the same gun"
me: "oh, you like my trigger job huh?" (i then take it all apart to show him what i did to it)

another thing that kinda gets me, is before the game, when every 1 is choosing teams, i'm most always 1 of the 1st picked. not that i have anything against that, but i'm picked for the wrong reason. 1/2 the people in my area don't even know what an automag is, none the less what 1 can do, so those people pick me because "i have a pretty gun". the other 1/2 know what a mag can do, they know it's up there w/ cockers, so i get choosen by what my gun can do, not what i can do. for all they know, i could be some spoiled newb w/ money and this was my 1st time out (i of course show them that i mean business once i get on the feild though). but it's just something my freind (who owns a cocker) and i have thought of, because we only get picked for our guns, and that teams should be picked w/ guns stashed away, that way you have little else to judge them on.

05-27-2003, 10:03 PM
A guy ran up to my bunker and i popped around before he could and shot him the back 4x, and he goes all commando on me and says hes going to rip my head off. Those 4 shots were in like .4 sec:D

05-27-2003, 11:22 PM
i was playing rec ball monday with a bunch of newbs. a couple of them had the spyder E99's (wich are a pile imo and they broke down at least twice that day(they were brand new)) they all looked at my I-frame ReTro valve LX mag and act like its nothing on there spyders. little did they know i could shoot almost twice as fast as them w/o chopping a single ball. anyways, being the little newbs they are, i was behind a small evergreen tree, i popped out, and they unloaded on me at LEAST 20 times, even though i held up my gun, yelled hit, and then ran for cover when they didnt stop. i was sooo mad at them i ran over, they got out of the littlelawn mower trailer they were riding in, took one of theyre guns and shot them each about 5 times fully auto. they were laughing thinking it was funny shooting a person that many times point blank. i know this was a horrible choice, but i was so mad that i couldnt control myself. ive been playing for about 4 years now and never have i shot a person more than 3 times(that broke).

05-28-2003, 02:03 AM


Your story is a good read, but the part about Polish Dogs has has me giggling like a school girl...Thanks for the laughs :D

05-28-2003, 08:50 PM
I have been checked for full-auto more times than I can count, and I think that problem will get alot worse after I get the ULE trigger.

05-28-2003, 09:31 PM
About 10 years ago, I had a bushmaster pump. I took a vertical pump off a mossberg shotgun, and put rails on it and mounted it on my bushmaster.

On Saturdays, it was pump only, with semi's allowed on Sunday(note: took the field owners a couple more years to figure out that they could sell more paint if it was semi all the time LOL). It was funny having guys run up with a ref complaining that I had a semi on pump day... :) I took it as a very big compliment!