View Full Version : What Would You Do?

05-27-2003, 12:27 PM
Ok. What would you do if you were playing a game of speedball, and right after the game starts, half of your team has to leave because their guns arn't working and your gun isn't in top shape either, although it still works. So would you,
A. Just play
B. Ask the other players to wait 5 mins while your team gets their guns working. or
C. Surrender.
Tell me what you would do.

05-27-2003, 12:32 PM
oh yah. And the other team is allredy stacked with the best players at the feild.

05-27-2003, 12:32 PM
well if your gun isn't working you have a couple choices. do a newbie and yell hit, or you can hang in there and call out locations to your teammates and try to help. (this may also involve being cannon fodder to lure someone out)

if the game is already started, then asking everybody to wait for a few people to fix thier guns is not right, you should kow they are working before entering the field.

05-27-2003, 12:34 PM
A. the last tourni was playing in i watched another team play. right off the break this one guys angel battery died. so he moved to another bunker and simply started yelling to his other team mates, telling them where the other guys were. him simply being there caused enough distraction to the other team and his info allowed them to win. if the other teams back player had simply looked at him for 2 seconds he wouls ahve realised he wasnt shooting but he didnt, oh well. id stay in, even if my gun was broken.. id at least cause some sort of distraction to the other team

05-27-2003, 12:34 PM
You go down swinging. Take out as many as possible before being shot out yourself.

05-27-2003, 12:36 PM
what i would do is stay back and shoot alot of paint at the corners and down the middle. You'll either hit someone, or you'll run out of paint.

Frank (the spank)
05-27-2003, 01:14 PM
Saturday I kept running out of paint..

So I stood in the open dancing around and calling out to my teammates where the other team was. But... they were all stupid noobs and they were more worried about the one guy way off to the side of the field with a rental spyder behind a barrel than the 10 guys comming my way. So half my team was shooting at this 1 guy.

Pissed me off.. I would yell at them "3 more down the hill!!!!" and they would look at me.. and send 100 more shots to the already painted hot pink barrel 1 guy was behind..

I need a team, theses walk on newbies are retarded.

05-27-2003, 01:47 PM
The only time i'll call myself out because of gun issues is in a rec game when I am the last one left. Even in a tourney game if you don't have a gun the fact that you're in there could delay them getting the hang for long enough, or you can go kamikaze and get the pull. In rec though if I'm the last one left with a gun that doesn't shoot I'll call myself out.

05-27-2003, 05:30 PM
OK. This was rec. 4vs4. Right off the bat my two friends tried to fire and there guns wern't working. (one rental one spyder clone). My gun was pretty iffy.(also a rental). It kept going full auto then not cocking after every few shots. And as I said the other team was stacked. Seeing how it was just a little rec game I yelled to the other team and asked if they could wait 2 mins while my team fixed their guns. As no one had started shooting yet I was standing out of my bunker. They replied with, "Does that mean you surender?" I said, Can you guy's wait 2 mins so we can fix our guns. He said the same thing but this time he was close enough to shoot me and had his gun ponted at me. They way I saw it was I was out of the game either way so I said "ok, yes". We started the game again like 5 mins later so it all worked out.

05-27-2003, 05:50 PM

05-27-2003, 09:39 PM
People I know well on a private field ask for the five minutes, on a local field in a walk on rec just play and see how good you are when the poo hits the fan.

05-27-2003, 10:24 PM
in rec games, I normally just sit down and fix my gun if possible and just effectively stay out of the game for a few seconds/minutes. Key thing is telling your team that you are having problems so that they don't depend on you at the wrong time.

05-28-2003, 02:40 AM
There's an old Zen-like principle that I remember in times like this.

The idea is that when the archer's bow breaks, he should notch the arrow, and shoot with a broken bow.

Simply put, Just becasue your stuff breaks down does not mean the conflict is going to call a time out and wait for you. Keep playing! One of my best games was played without a gun. Ran the tape, got the flag, ran it back, 6 minutes from game on to hang in the woods. And I never fired a shot.

There's even more zen principle behind shooting the broken bow, but it's not 100% relavant to this discussion... And half of Zen is contemplating it anyway. :)


05-28-2003, 08:59 AM
never never NEVER give up!

And if your gun is not working never use the phrase "My guns not working" to alert your teamates. Have a code for this.

When your guns not working you become an effective decoy and/or a body count if you can stay alive. The other team may figure out your markers not working but they can never be cetain when and if it may start working. And if you team gets ahead remember to that at that point you are points. Or hey! Why not pull the flag? Thats good points. There are lots of things you can do if you are alive and in the game.

Do not seperate yourself from you marker as according to the NPPL rules, and most fields use this one, you are then out.

05-31-2003, 12:57 PM
Never just give up in a game, at least you can go kamikaze or sutin like that.

05-31-2003, 02:12 PM
You were low on gas lopy