View Full Version : Good Piranha Forum for Tech help?

05-27-2003, 10:02 PM
My buddy bought a Piranha eforce (basically a Piranha with the 2K3 body and an electronic trigger frame). Having some initial problems with it recocking and wanted to know if there is a Piranha forum similar to AO. I'll post the problem here as well in case someone has seen this before.

Problem is sort of strange. If you manually cock it the marker shoots fine (one shot). Sometimes it does a burp like it is out of air (compressed air tank is no where near out of air). If you put in a stronger spring the marker will recock but shoots at like 350 fps. Marker is brand new so very strange. If anyone can steer me to a forum that can answer this question I would appreciate it. Thanks....

05-27-2003, 10:41 PM
That is the PMI board. They will be able to help you out.

05-27-2003, 10:45 PM
Try changing some of the internals..

adam shannon
05-27-2003, 10:46 PM
i dont know any piranna forums, but i saw that problem before..or one like it. does is shoot a couple at once? or just not recock. most problems ive seen with spyder type markers...black draguns, spyders, pirannas can be nailed down to sear wear or excessive lubrication on the seer/bolt catch. check the seer and the bolt for lots of lube or grease.

this may not be the case with your friends marker...but ive seen it a couple times at the field and its worth checking.

05-27-2003, 11:03 PM
Thanks I'll check out the excessive lubrication. We did oil all the o rings prior to using it the first time. Maybe we over did it but putting oil on all the orings doesn't seem like over doing it. As for sear wear the marker is brand new. Shouldn't have a problem with sear wear. Also I really doubt that it is excess oil since a strong spring solves the problem (but the marker is shooting like 350 fps!)

I'll post on that other forum. Thanks hitmangg...

05-27-2003, 11:23 PM
Try taking your weaker spring and stretching it a little.