View Full Version : xmag production number

05-28-2003, 12:12 AM
I was wondering what number they (AGD) were up to in production of the c&c xmags.I was just trying to guesstimate when mine might be ready, (I think I'm #162 on the list), Anyone know?

05-28-2003, 07:42 AM
i know that AGD has sold ~225 X-Mag valves to both the US and Europe. But, if you're 160 on the list, giving AGD the benefit of the doubt at 40/month, you've got at least 4 months, prolly 6 till you get yours

05-28-2003, 08:57 AM
Well, up to 244 has been released. Blazingace has that one. Just an FYI.

05-28-2003, 09:50 AM

i was going off the last batch of X-Mags sold (the fabled february one)...did they go that high? I knew phil had around 225...never saw one higher...oh well

05-28-2003, 10:01 AM
Valve numbers have nothing to do with when they are released. Tom has a big pile of valves and they just pull them out and stick them in guns, they don't worry about putting them in the guns in order. All the valve says is what order the valves were engraved in, not what order the guns were made in or what order the valves were produced in.

05-28-2003, 10:35 AM
Phil is 216, I'm 218, Daroach is 210 I believe. There are a few of us right near each other.

As for the valve thing- 244 is the highest Xmag # I've seen or heard of yet. Normally, I'd say I agree with the whole valve # thing. But with the Xmags, I doubt that Tom stockpiles the Xmag engraved valves. So technically, you're right, however, I think that he engraves the Xmag valves on a order basis. So if he has 30 Xmags, he does 30 valves. The rest go to the Xvalves in Emags and upgrades.

In effect, that is the production #. Cuz the gun may be assembled, but it's not a gun until the valve is put in. :)

05-28-2003, 10:36 AM