View Full Version : Tom Kaye fixed my RT!

05-28-2003, 11:52 AM
I met Tom this past weekend at EMR. I introduced myself during registration and told him how much I liked his markers, after a little chatting he took a picture of my friend and I holding our markers (even though my buddy had a shocker) and went on to make his rounds.

After playing on my RT all day saturday (in horrid rain and mud) It started to leak from the velocity adjuster. After ripping it down I discovered that the regulator valve pin assembly was falling apart.

I started the game sunday on my backup spyder and after about three hours I took a lunch break at the pavillion. I noticed that Tom was showing a bunch of mag owners how a level X should be adjusted and I decided Id ask him about my mag problem.

He was very cool about this, he asked me what my problem was and after explaining he went to his car and got me a new valve pin (free of charge Id like to add), I put the new pin in, Gassed up shot away.

After another slight bolt stick problem, the marker was shooting great, he also took time to properly adjust my feed-plug (I didnt even know there were set screws in there!) and check my level X install.

I guess the long and short of this is Tom Kaye took time from the game he came to PLAY to fix my problem and get me back in the game with my mag. Tom, if you read this Id like to say thanks again for your help, and that I plan on being a mag owner for life.

Thanks again...


05-28-2003, 11:55 AM
yet another reason we all know and love tom. hes a great guy that really takes care of his customers

05-28-2003, 03:20 PM
ohhhh that was you!
he was working on my teamamtes xmag. and stuff. i had the beanie on and you cam back and i asked you if it was acting up again, and it was.
my teammate and i felt bad for TK, because he was actually a roll playing character, and i never saw him walk onto the field ;\.
my teamamte wants to thank you also for fixing his xmag as well.

05-28-2003, 05:08 PM
hmmm maybe we need to reffer to Tom as Santa Clause? I mean a white bear, belly, red suit and a Elf or two and he's got the role !

05-28-2003, 07:09 PM
That is too funny cause people are always asking him whats wrong with their mag.

If its a problem with the airflow its probably, usually the valve regulator assembley.

05-28-2003, 08:40 PM
I had a similar story like that at the Tom Kaye weekend at Adventure Games Paintball in Weare, NH in May 2001. I had already purchased a Micro E-mag in Feb 2001 and was very impressed and attended this event to pick his brain.

Sure enough I was running into some silonoid issues that day in addition I lost my safety button, but not after I gogged my idol.

At the end of the day I approched him while he was talking to the owners of the field as well as some others, he asked how my Emag was working for me and I said that it works like a dream but am having some disgruntaled elves issues. He took apart my gun right there and told me what I could do to fix it myself (he didn't have the necessary tools at the time). In addition, said that the next time I were to send in my mag that they will pop in a new safety.

Since my first mag 12 years ago, I haven't the need to own any other brand of markers. On top of that Tom Kaye takes care of his mag owners.

05-28-2003, 09:40 PM
Yes, AGD and Tom are the best. The only thing i ever got was a free powerfeed plug, but its still pretty cool cause it was free.

05-28-2003, 11:31 PM
Set screws? Feed plug? HUZZA?

05-29-2003, 01:58 AM
That is one of the main reasons why I went with a mag over a cocker. I like that the maker of the marker we use is so approachable. Everytime i see him post it makes me feel wierd, I cant believe that someone so famous (shh. he is to me) has time to chat with the little people.