View Full Version : Tom Kaye fixed my RT!

05-28-2003, 11:53 AM
I met Tom this past weekend at EMR. I introduced myself during registration and told him how much I liked his markers, after a little chatting he took a picture of my friend and I holding our markers (even though my buddy had a shocker) and went on to make his rounds.

After playing on my RT all day saturday (in horrid rain and mud) It started to leak from the velocity adjuster. After ripping it down I discovered that the regulator valve pin assembly was falling apart.

I started the game sunday on my backup spyder and after about three hours I took a lunch break at the pavillion. I noticed that Tom was showing a bunch of mag owners how a level X should be adjusted and I decided Id ask him about my mag problem.

He was very cool about this, he asked me what my problem was and after explaining he went to his car and got me a new valve pin (free of charge Id like to add), I put the new pin in, Gassed up shot away.

After another slight bolt stick problem, the marker was shooting great, he also took time to properly adjust my feed-plug (I didnt even know there were set screws in there!) and check my level X install.

I guess the long and short of this is Tom Kaye took time from the game he came to PLAY to fix my problem and get me back in the game with my mag. Tom, if you read this Id like to say thanks again for your help, and that I plan on being a mag owner for life.

Thanks again...


Dark Cloud
05-28-2003, 03:24 PM
Tom Kaye = A Friendly Smart Guy