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The Yellow Dart
05-28-2003, 02:16 PM
ok, I know i can hook my I-frame up to my ricochet but is there any point to it,it already feeds every shot. I think i might have wasted 130 bucks.

05-28-2003, 02:24 PM
I didn't hook mine up either, but I don't think I wasted any money. I can shoot faster and not short stroke with it, plus it looks cool:cool:

The Yellow Dart
05-28-2003, 04:00 PM
Yeah, your right. Im just not sure if it worth 130 bucks, but it is a sweet frame.

05-28-2003, 06:28 PM
Even though you cannot hook the intelliframe to your hopper, you will still be able to reach a higher rate of fire, and your gun will look a lot better. I bought my Intelliframe and I don't ever intend to hook it up to my revolution. It works great for me and I think that it was definetely worth the money that I paid for it.

05-28-2003, 07:12 PM
There is a way to intelifeed your ricochete, that dude who makes the battery packs or somthin is workin on it. But the intell is definatley a sweet frame. ide get one but im waiting for the Y-frame

05-28-2003, 10:32 PM
yea you can hook your i frame to your ricochet. but wouldn't that be better becaus a ricochet feeds 12 balls per second but the balls only feed it one drops past the little flipper thing. what if you shot too fast and your level 10 kept hitting the balls and wouldn't let it pass into the chamber, wouldn't the i-frame make the hopper feed the balls faster because its going by the trigger being pulled instead of by the balls falling past the little flipper inside the neck. sorry if that confuses anyone, i kinda confused myself. im not good with words.

btw, i just got my i frame today, got some nitro, and man can i rip with that thing, i could never shoot fast with other double triggers, but it must be because its a mag. i even impressed my self today. thanks Tom Kaye.

i also got a car today, wow i've had a pretty good day.lol

05-28-2003, 10:41 PM
I HATE ricochets. I would go sell the ricochet and buy a revvi and intellifeed that. it would feed much faster IMO.

05-28-2003, 10:48 PM
true, i hear that all the time, too bad everyone TOLD ME THAT AFTER I ALREADY BOUGHT A RICOCHET!:mad: i would sell mine but unfortunately everyone else around here has heard the same thing, so noone will buy it. anyways i don't think i'll be hitting 12 balls a second anytime soon, but it i do im sure everyone will hear about it.:D

05-29-2003, 08:55 AM
I like the way my Richochet looks. Plus its actually worked at deflecting paintball on occasion.

05-29-2003, 09:15 AM
i like my rico. i also have a revvy. (my dad and i share)

The Yellow Dart
05-30-2003, 08:43 PM
Ya, I guess you guys are right. After i gassed up my gun it was sweet. The I-frame makes a big difference.:D

The Yellow Dart
05-30-2003, 08:46 PM
so, chizle97 what is this about hooking up a richochet to your I-frame?