View Full Version : RTPro and X-Valve questions

05-29-2003, 09:36 AM
Here we go im going to shoot them off.

1. Will the RTPro start coming standard with X-Valve?

2. If not, How much would it cost to order a RTPro without a RT Valve and with an X-Valve?(im guessing it would be cheaper then go X program)

3. Can I get the X-Valve in differant colors?

4. Could I get a better price if I order a RTPro without the main body and with a ULE.(by better price I mean if I order a RTPro then buy the ULE seperatly)

05-29-2003, 09:54 AM
1) They are starting to. Call and ask the store first.
2) See #1.
3) Not yet. The graphic engraving is being redesigned.
4) No. You can't order the gun w/o the body. But you can sell the body to make up the price of the ULE.

05-29-2003, 09:56 AM
1. Will the RTPro start coming standard with X-Valve?

answer: Yes, if its new stock, it already does come that way and includes level 10. And it will be black valve.

2. If not, How much would it cost to order a RTPro without a RT Valve and with an X-Valve?(im guessing it would be cheaper then go X program)

Answer: Not applicable. See above

3. Can I get the X-Valve in differant colors?

Answer: Not yet

4. Could I get a better price if I order a RTPro without the main body and with a ULE.(by better price I mean if I order a RTPro then buy the ULE seperatly)

Answer: not yet. Soon it will come with it. And it MIGHT be better then doing it as an upgrade later but that would depend on how much you could sell your SS body and barrel for. So its speculative at this point to anwer that.

05-29-2003, 09:58 AM
One step behind Phil...;) But it's funny how similar our answers are. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! :D

05-29-2003, 10:02 AM

Mine were more wordy though.... :D

05-29-2003, 05:20 PM