View Full Version : Building My own Mag, parts and Color scheme!!!

05-29-2003, 04:28 PM
Ok I have been interested in Automags for a long long time. I used to post a lot here but never had a mag, I was actually planning on getting one but lost interest in paintball over time.... well a recent trip with my friends and I to Top Gun Paintball in NJ "rekindled the flame"
Anyway now that I am back into paintball I am now positive I am going to get a automag classic but I will be building it myself... The parts I am looking to get are
And PLZ PLZ!! feel free on criticism or advice on which parts to pick and stuff

Ule Body
Omega or Benchmark Body rails
custom products mini foregrip( looks kinda cool.. I am looking for a different .. cool foregrip)
Lvl 10 Bolt system
Cheapy crossfire tank in the beginning untill I can save enugh for a stubby
used 68 classic vlave (gotta save for X)
Agd Intelliframe
68 classic parts kit
Shokteck drop and asa

Now that I got that down I am interested in colors I saw this nice gun here on the forums that had a Black Ule body with a chrome intelli and it looked sweer so I will be going with a black and chrome look

I was thinking..

Black Ule body
Black rail( or chrome dunno which will look nicer with the chrome intelli and chrome forgrip)
custom products mini foregrip
Chrome intelli
Chrome or black ( didn't decide) shoktech drop and asa

I dont want it to be all black or all chrome. I want some chrome in there somebody gimme advice on what would look nice which parts should be black and which chrome etc.. but I do want the black ule

Thanks in advance

05-29-2003, 04:51 PM
go with all black. this is kinda what you want your gun to look like i am guessing(pic below) all black looks best think.

05-29-2003, 04:52 PM
oops mistake doublr posted

05-29-2003, 04:54 PM
what do you think about the parts I chose.. I updated the smart parts with the custom producvts mini gas thru foregrip

Btw your gun is hot!!!! But I just love chrom too much, I would like to have a ncie blend of both black and chrome

05-29-2003, 04:58 PM
the parts sound good. it will be even better when you get the xvalve and better tank when you get the money(i know this sport is expensive) but yeah black and chrome would look good to. and yes the cp mini gas thru is sweet. not many people have em on mags and they are very comfy and not a real big forgrip. but that setup you chose is almost identical to my backupmag(the one posted) and its a nice tight setup.

05-29-2003, 05:24 PM
Cool.. so anyone with advice or samples that could inspire me with the colors?

What I cant really decide on is the color (black or chrome) of the body rail

05-29-2003, 05:45 PM
Well you're gonna have a real hard time finding either color of the benchy or omega rail. I suggest you prowl the classifieds forum and get the first one that's available in your price range and work your color scheme around that, it'll look great either way.

Welcome to AO man.

05-29-2003, 05:52 PM
That's exactly how mine will be set up when I get my black ULE. I have: X-Valve, black ULE (soon), black Omega rail, chrome Intelli, chrome CP mini gas thru, and chrome vert adapter. Right now, though, I have a polished c/f Emag/RT Pro body.

05-29-2003, 05:56 PM
unless the valve comes with it you'll need a sear and rail bushing and twist-lock adapter.

sides that, looks great!

oh, and you need a barrel.....

05-29-2003, 08:59 PM
Well I dont think I will need the twist lock because the ule takes cocker threads.. unless I am getting it confused with something else, and for th rest I can get that at agd's online store correct?