View Full Version : Hyperflow/Dynaflow whats the difference?

08-15-2001, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the info, that was the reason I want the dynaflow, because I have a shocktek df.


08-15-2001, 12:19 PM
hey load, i have a hyperflow also. the other day i tried to turn it on and it leaked out from around the on/off button. i could turn it off OK, but if i tried to turn it on it leaked. I gave up on it pretty quick but what do you think that was? think i may not have pushed in the button enough?

08-15-2001, 01:12 PM
i had the same problem with my hyperflow it leaks out of the on off. i talk to my dealer and he said that i didnt turn it on fast enough so i might have rip a o ring

08-15-2001, 11:26 PM
What is the exact difference between the two? I belive the dynaflow has a dovetail and the hyperflow dosen't but i could be wrong. I want to get one but want to weigh the difference. Thanks


Load SM5
08-15-2001, 11:46 PM
The Dynaflow has a dovetail mount (looks cool on a shocktech drop) and has an aluminum reg body and a nice push button on/off.

The Hyperflow is all stainless with no dovetail mount.

I've never used a Hyper but my Dynaflow is great and with the aluminum reg body it's really light.

Black vert.feed E-mag
68/4500 Dynaflow
12" Freak

11-12-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
The Dynaflow has a dovetail mount (looks cool on a shocktech drop) and has an aluminum reg body and a nice push button on/off.

The Hyperflow is all stainless with no dovetail mount.

I've never used a Hyper but my Dynaflow is great and with the aluminum reg body it's really light.

Black vert.feed E-mag
68/4500 Dynaflow
12" Freak

I know this thread i old, but I was also wondering about the dynaflow and after searching, this game up :)

Aren't you glad I used the search feature! :P

Anyway.. I'm looking to get a dynaflow, but have a few questions.

1) I have read that when you turn the dynaflow off it makes a loud POP sound.. Do the new dynaflows still do this or has centerflag addressed and fixed the problem yet?

2) Does it come with a dovetail mount so you can mount it to the bottom of your frame? It doesn't really matter for me anyways, sine I would attach it to a TW QD. I was just wondering.

3) How consistant are these tanks and how light is it compared to a PMI screw-in or 68 Conquest? (I'm talking about the 68/45 btw)

Any other general info? LMK guys! And to those of you that have them, IM me sometime on AIM: OriginalLP2004

I really need some good info on this tank soon! Thanks.

Load SM5
11-12-2002, 09:36 PM
The dynaflow makes the loud pop because all of the gas in the the is escaping explosively through the on/off, like a slidecheck. This is normal and actually a feature of the Dynaflow/Hyperflow tanks. If you press the on/off in slowly it's not as loud.

It does come with a dovetail mount. Be carefull what drop you use with the Dynaflow though. They reg body is aluminm and some drops will cause the body to crack around the dovetail part. It happened to me and it's happening to Wynn's. Check the Centerflag site for approved drops.

They are one of the lightest most consistant tanks out there. I have to say they are one of my favorite tanks.

11-12-2002, 10:09 PM
Nice, I think I am going to get one used. Any reason why I shouldn't start looking for one?

Also do you know what colors they are available in?

How loud is LOUD on the popping noise when you push it in normally and when you push it in slowly.

Also where is the on/off located? Where is the button on the reg? Is it on the end?

Is it just a push button? Do you ever have problems pushing the button accidently..like in a game or cleaning your gun in the deadbox, etc.?

What is the allin wrench hole for at the end? Is this how you adjust it? If not where and how do you adjust the output on this tank?

Another draw back i've read is that you can't see how much psi you have in your tank enless it is hooked up to your gun and the tank is switched on. Is this still true with the new dynaflows?

If these two "problems" (if you can call them problems) are still problems with the new dynaflows.. why does centerflag not fix them or do something about them?

Also do any dynaflows come with microguages?Thanks in advance. If you own a dynaflow and/or know lots about them, please shoot me an email or im me.

My email is [email protected] and my AIM is OriginalLP2004


Load SM5
11-12-2002, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by dcmander
How loud is LOUD on the popping noise when you push it in normally and when you push it in slowly.

When you pop it in fast it sounds like a blown macroline. Just a quick pop but it's enough to usually get a few looks and "That did'nt sound good." comments from people who are'nt used to it. Push it in slowly and it's more of a hiss and slightly quieter pop. It's not like you'll have peole diving to the ground thinking it's a drive-by, either way.

Also where is the on/off located? Where is the button on the reg? Is it on the end?

It's between the side guage and the tank on the side of the tank.

Is it just a push button? Do you ever have problems pushing the button accidently..like in a game or cleaning your gun in the deadbox, etc.?

It's just push button. The air pressure makes it hard to accidentally push. It's easy with the tank empty.

What is the allin wrench hole for at the end? Is this how you adjust it? If not where and how do you adjust the output on this tank?

That's the velocity adjustment.

Another draw back i've read is that you can't see how much psi you have in your tank enless it is hooked up to your gun and the tank is switched on. Is this still true with the new dynaflows?

That's true, It's still more of a design feature as it allows you to repair virtually any part of the reg or replace almost any o-ring without having to empty your tank. I don't see pushing a button to check how much air is in your tank much of a hassle.

If these two "problems" (if you can call them problems) are still problems with the new dynaflows.. why does centerflag not fix them or do something about them?

Because they are'nt problems.

Also do any dynaflows come with microguages?

Not that I'm aware of. They do come with some nice Ashcroft gauges which are known for being pretty reliable. At least mine always were.

I also forgot to mention that Centerflag has some nice customer service. I slipped and broke a gauge off of mine on the way back to the staging area one day and when I tracked CF down at Mardi Gras the next weekend they gave my tank a once over and replaced the gauge for free.

11-12-2002, 11:30 PM
Thank you, very nice post it helped a lot.

Yah the customer support is defiantly a plus for centerflag.

"Another draw back i've read is that you can't see how much psi you have in your tank enless it is hooked up to your gun and the tank is switched on. Is this still true with the new dynaflows?"

Originally posted by Load SM5
That's true, It's still more of a design feature as it allows you to repair virtually any part of the reg or replace almost any o-ring without having to empty your tank. I don't see pushing a button to check how much air is in your tank much of a hassle.

Pushing the button isn't the hassle. The hassle would be getting macroline and plugging it into the tank fitting and the reg fitting. This could get annoying instead of a quick glace like other regs.

Am i correct with this? To check the pressure, yah you can push the button in, but enless the tank is totally empty air will gush from your outlet enless you have your air system hooked up to your gun. Also the gun will air up and that could get annoying.

Is there any other way to check the pressure without doing this? Perhaps plugging the outlet on the tank with a piece of macroline that has the outside edges melted together, stopping the air flow.

Actually, that sounds like a great solution. When I am done playing, I take out my macrolines and then plug my fittings with a short piece of macroline (about an inch) that has one side of the macroline melted in such a way that the edges come together. I do this just to keep my reg clean so no dirt can get in the fitting inside of my bag. I do this with the fittings on my tank and on my gun.

So if i have the "macroline plug" in.. Couldn't I just push the button in and it would "air up" and I could read how much psi was in my gun (and the guages would be fullly readable)?

Would this work?

Congrats! You have probably convinced me to buy this tank! Now I just gotta find one used.... :)

Thanks a lot..Your posts have helped me very much!!

I love AO!

Load SM5
11-12-2002, 11:45 PM
Actually you could just buy a good slidecheck. That would hold the air in and allow you to check the tank pressure. Trying to seal a bit of macro sounds scary to me.

11-13-2002, 12:02 AM
Where can i get more info on slidechecks?

Where to buy, how they work, etc?

Thanks man. You don't think the macroline trick would work to well? Think it would pop?

11-13-2002, 07:15 PM
I have hard time believing you could ever melt marcoline in a controled enough way to actaully have it hold air(600-900PSI is alot of pressure)

also, lets pretend it would work.......how would you relieve the pressure in the little peice of macro to get it back off the tank?

11-13-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by xen_100
I have hard time believing you could ever melt marcoline in a controled enough way to actaully have it hold air(600-900PSI is alot of pressure)

also, lets pretend it would work.......how would you relieve the pressure in the little peice of macro to get it back off the tank?

Ok.. bad idea :) I've never used them in that way before.. Only to keep dirt out of it.

I ilke the idea of the proconnect but its so freaking huge i only need 4-6" at most of line..and the proconnect alone is that long! :eek:

Is the sidecheck any smaller and i still dont know fully how either work yet!

11-13-2002, 07:33 PM
proconnects work very well.........they are only about 2 1/2" though..........but a slide check has a metal peice that slides. It has an "on" position and an "off" posistion. it also vents the air in your gun in the "off" position. they work well and you can replace the o-rings in most of them with tank o-rings.

if you decide to get a proconnect, just get it from Staubli directly.........costs about $25.

part "RBE3"