View Full Version : wierd design ideas

05-30-2003, 10:59 AM
I was pondering the design flaws of some of the current equipment and came up with these ideas. I shoot an IR3 and some of the issues I have with the gun are the kick when the gun cycles and its incompatibility with a Halo. (I know that some halos work on some angels.) I was also thinking about paint to barrel match and gas efficiency. I was wondering what purpose the bolt serves. It pushes the paintball past the ball retaining system and serves as a conduit for the gas while sealing the verticle adaptor. Bolts cause problems. They chop balls, they wear out and their mass moving back and forth cause inaccuracy when firing rapidly. Granted there are some boltless designs out there but they suffer from horrible gas efficiency. Here is the marker I would design if I had the know how. (Unfortunately all I have are wierd ideas :D )

I would use the halo design but have its software communicate with the guns software so that it only pushes on the ball stack when the gun is firing. I wouldn't have some janky cable running between the two I would have a plug on the verticle adaptor and on the halo feed neck so that it snaps into place and forms the connection. The hopper would be powered by a power source located in the marker.

Boltless seems the way to go. How about a flap ancored at the top of the marker sitting directly behind the ball waiting to be fired. When the gas is expelled it simultaneously pushes the paintball foreward and the flap up sealing the asa. The flap is spring loaded so that when the gun finishes its cycle it flips back and the next paintball falls into place.

What if the control bore section of the barrel were lined with a liquid filled bladder that the paintball was pushed through by the gas propellant? The bladder would serve as the ball retainer and would form a perfect paint to barrel match. Kind of like a liquid filled pillow.

05-30-2003, 03:57 PM
Boltless has been done. The Epic by I.C.E.

05-30-2003, 04:22 PM
Granted there are some boltless designs out there but they suffer from horrible gas efficiency.

Boltless has been done. The Epic by I.C.E.

ECHO, ECho, Echo, echo....

Archangel Kid
05-30-2003, 04:37 PM
Lol... i got a good laugh outa that thanks phil... and i do mean the Echo part :)

05-30-2003, 04:56 PM
Woulnd't a closed bolt design eliminate some innacuracy?

05-30-2003, 05:40 PM

05-30-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Alfredo
Woulnd't a closed bolt design eliminate some innacuracy? Nope.

05-30-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Alfredo
Woulnd't a closed bolt design eliminate some innacuracy?
