View Full Version : Virginia Action Games

05-30-2003, 04:30 PM
Does anyone know if Virginia Action Games in Sterling / Leesburg VA is still open? Have been out of the PB loop for about 3 years, and am looking to go back out and loose some of the weight that I suddenly realized I had gained due to getting marred. :D I seem to put Homer to shame.

That is what I considered my home field.


Major Ho
05-30-2003, 04:47 PM
Yep its still there, i was there about 2 weekends ago. Theres two fields that confuse people and even myself, VAG and AG(aka Pevs @ AG) They are basically down the street from each other. Tell me when you plan on goin to play, Ive been itching to play lately.

05-30-2003, 04:47 PM
I wouln't know for sure but check at warpig.com
They have a list for all the fields and stores in Virginia.

05-30-2003, 04:50 PM

05-30-2003, 04:57 PM
Roger that, and thanks. It's good to hear that Pev didn't drive Chris out of business. I am going to try to get out Sunday assuming that Ma' nature cooperates and the "list" is done. New ULE and LX to try. Does he still permit Barrel plugs, or do I have to get a barrel cover?


05-30-2003, 06:56 PM

05-30-2003, 08:26 PM
www.pbreview.com has the best field and review listing on the net....far better than warpigs

Major Ho
05-30-2003, 08:36 PM
Barrel condom/bags are far more stylish ;) But they are slack on their rules and plugs are still accepted though they recommend condom/bags.

05-30-2003, 08:44 PM
hte pevs jimmy's are very snazzy though, i've got a blue fade fairfax one...

Major Ho
05-30-2003, 10:40 PM
I got a few of the pevs ones. But i ALSO have a half naked baby blue shocker girl that makes people jealous including myself :p

05-30-2003, 11:24 PM
How is VAG anyways, ive only ever gone to Pevs

05-31-2003, 12:00 AM
is VAG the place where they use mags as rentals? i think thats all i remember about the place cept it also had a pretty neat (organized and clean) staging area.

05-31-2003, 12:04 AM
psh, splatbrothers is the place to be in VA.

Major Ho
05-31-2003, 12:05 AM
HaHa! I finally got my race cocker to work. So if you are really going on sunday drop me a line. Im itching to get out there and try the beast out. Look out for a silver freeflow race cocker and ill most likely be wearing an all red outfit for the day ;)
Falcon, its right down the street from pevs. Literally, the streets they are on are parallel with each other. its ok, a lot more woodsball than the modern day speedball/hyper/sup'air stuff they have at like pevs

05-31-2003, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Major Ho

Falcon, its right down the street from pevs. Literally, the streets they are on are parallel with each other. its ok, a lot more woodsball than the modern day speedball/hyper/sup'air stuff they have at like pevs

Thats what I heard :)
When I first went to pevs I was very confused by the VAG signs, but we finally got there. Maybe ill go there someday

05-31-2003, 01:15 AM
I've been to Splatsbrothers once... was a great field. And this was BEFORE all of the renovations to the field. I have heard that a lot has changed since March of last year (Trapper's told me). I went up to Hopewell for a scenario game called the Clash of the Mason Dixon. Was a fun game, and is where my scenario teammates met and founded a team! I'll probably go up there to play/ref a MSX game eventually. Unless BCP gets there first though... :D

05-31-2003, 08:16 AM
I am good to go. Look for a corpulent guy with new jump boots and black ULE body (on the Gun ;) ).

Yep they use Mags for rentals. If they haven’t done any life cycles on them, those babies are probably 10 years old. And they still shoot straight.

I wonder if there is advertising potential for Tom and VAG there, Hmmm....


05-31-2003, 10:19 AM
They are called Virginia Adventure Games, not Virginia Action Games. VAG and Pevs@AG are on the same road (assuming you take Belmont Ridge Rd or Dullus Toll rd exit 4). I used to work at VAG, and yes they do have Mags for rental, however they aren't the greatest preformers. They aren't cleaned very well. We used to just wipe off the external from paint and dirt and drop a bit of oil into the gas line. I assume they still do the same. It really isn't the best field out there, but it's still fun if you want to get away from the large crowd and play almost rule-less. What out though, many people get their stuff stolen there... guns, barrels, money. I'm predicting the field will be closed in the near future because the land lease is almost up and i really dont think Chris (owner) will go on with the buisness competing with Pevs@AG, because honestly, i dont think they can.

Major Ho
05-31-2003, 10:36 AM
Maybe the mods could move this to the regional meet and greet forum. I bet they would do it eventually.
But manowar, its prolly gonna be uber muddy and gross cuz its supposed to rain today and tonite. I really really wanna play, maybe Ill suck it up and play in the mud but as two certain members of this forum would know very well, We are tired of playing in the mud.

05-31-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
. Maybe ill go there someday

you'll be sorry you wasted a day of playing there.

05-31-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by _Spork_1

you'll be sorry you wasted a day of playing there.

Then I wont :)

Major Ho: Its only been raining straight for an entire month, nothing serious, wont be muddy at all

05-31-2003, 05:20 PM
/old cranky man voice:

"when I was a kid, we played in mud all spring, and all summer, up hills, both ways, in the rain, that was the year '03, and 'mags were 'mags, and 'cocker players were scared, and you whippersnappers never know how good you've got it now..."

/end cranky old man voice. Wait, I can't stop, I AM cranky.

Bah, it's been muddy since the MGO. I saw LoadSM5 swimming for a back bunker, now that was mud. Heh. Seriously, unless it's actually raining tomorrow morning, I'm gonna be at Pevs@AG.

05-31-2003, 09:01 PM
I'm a Pevs of Fairfax regular. RobAGD takes care of both my mags. RobAGD sold me my mags, but it was Chris of VAG who introduced me to mags. Because it's a little closer to Arlington, VA were I work, its easier to get work group there doing the week. Chris and the staff have always conducted themselves well. Saftey was never taken lightly. The more fields, more the sport grows.

05-31-2003, 09:19 PM
VAG sucks IMHO. There is virtually zero improvement (bunkers, forts, speedball fields) and it seems like no matter where you on the field you must walk up hill (and I mean UP hill) to get to where you want to go. In all fairness VAG does have 2 small speedball fields - but nothing like the 5 or so that Pevs has.

Pev's is only 2 miles or so away - and a world apart in terms of fields, refs, rentals, and over-all "bang for your buck."

If you are looking for a less crowded, more laid back crowd them Pev's try Hogback. The are still light years ahead of VAG - but a little less structured and more rec ball oriented in the skill level of players. (Pev's has a lot of hard-core and team player walk-ons...) They are also located in Leesburg - off of 15.

My 2 cents...


E==Mag MAN
05-31-2003, 10:59 PM
Pevs has 3 good fields, The 2 hyperball and the sup air. Much better than VAG's fields but when was the last time pevs let you guys go play on them. They are always muddy and never open.

VAG's 2 little speedball fields are the fields we use for practice and it wouldnt be a waste of your day if you brought some people and scrimaged us when we are there.

06-01-2003, 05:40 PM
I just got home from VAG, and I was looking for some of you, sorry I did not catch you. I forgot what a rush that was…

I will be going out again hopefully very soon. I think I lost 5 lbs!!!! WhooHooo! <homer grin>

Thanks for all the help and advise. See you on the field!!


Major Ho
06-02-2003, 03:28 PM
You wouldnt happen to want to go out this weekend do you? Ill prolly be out there this time.

06-02-2003, 03:54 PM
i wouldn't even say 2 speedballs. I'd say 1 and a half. They got this one 5 man size-ish field, and this one really really small probably suitable for 1 on 1 field or 2 on 2. They use to have another field where they had tents as bunkers. It was supposed to be ghetto sup air but the tents eventually tore and its gone now.

06-02-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by cledford

(Pev's has a lot of hard-core and team player walk-ons...) -Calvin

oh so true. It gets preety hard sometimes.

E==Mag MAN
06-02-2003, 09:10 PM
Jon thats at least a 3 man size field. You could play 5 man if you filled in a couple bunkers that have those holes lol. But 1 on 1 maybe 2 on 2 I dont think so buddy.

06-04-2003, 02:00 PM
I may be able to go out the 15th, but I will have to cut out early: father’s day festivities. I know that I have to work all this weekend. Pesky network upgrades... I may be able to slip out early. I will keep you informed on both days.


Major Ho
06-04-2003, 07:53 PM
15th it is :p

06-04-2003, 08:17 PM
just so everyone knows, there is a 5 man tourney at splatbros on the 22nd...should be a real nice turn out. Its part of Atlantic Cost Tourney Series. got to www.splatbrotherspaintball.com for more info