View Full Version : Need help with Warp problem fast!

05-31-2003, 09:23 AM
I've taken apart my warp, and looked everywhere, but I can't find the cause of this problem. The warp only spins when I turn it on it's right side (the bracket side), and I cannot get it to spin when turned the other way, or even when it's standing up, the button wont even work! Please help!!

05-31-2003, 10:17 AM
sounds like a broken wire. when you tilt it just the right way it makes contact and then it works. check the battery terminals and the point that they connect to the board.

also look for anything that might be loose. if something is moving at a certain angle and then shorting out a part of the circuit, that could make it only work in one position.

05-31-2003, 06:17 PM
Xen, you were right. It was one of the wires connected to the board. It looked like it was connected, but when I tilted the gun, it came loose. Quick solder, and it works great! Thanks for the help!!