View Full Version : Wow, new thing from JT, Voice Comm thing, looks cool

05-31-2003, 08:09 PM
Check this out, looks cool, i wonder if it works good


05-31-2003, 08:20 PM
It's a plain old mic and earpiece you can buy for FRS radios. Nothing 'new'.

"Our system is so advance you can plug in your mp3™ player, i-pod™ or CD player too!"

How is it so advanced?

05-31-2003, 08:29 PM
It isnt high tech anything but its made to fit the mask so thats good ... I sure could use that for tournies, we have an extremely bad communication problem

05-31-2003, 08:31 PM
i think it has potential. But if you get used to it, when it breaks, your team is gonna be screwed.

05-31-2003, 08:57 PM
I don't see the point. :confused: Most leagues ban the use of radios on the field anyway.

05-31-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Remington
I don't see the point. :confused: Most leagues ban the use of radios on the field anyway.

Most leagues? I thought it was ALL leagues. Anyways, isn't redz coming up with a mask with a radio?

05-31-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by ß.C.

Most leagues? I thought it was ALL leagues. Anyways, isn't redz coming up with a mask with a radio?

OMG, if redz came out with a mask, id take the 10 minute drive down the road to there headquarters and get one the day they are availible.

05-31-2003, 09:56 PM
I think that redz mask thing was just a concept sketch. just like the gun sketch that came out a few years ago. Although I've been out of the paintball loop for a year now. I may have missed something.

05-31-2003, 10:32 PM
Well it looks like this product is mainly appealing to scenario players.

05-31-2003, 10:44 PM
NPPL rules ban radios

05-31-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by 56kSomeGuy
Well it looks like this product is mainly appealing to scenario players.

And refs!

Will Wood
05-31-2003, 10:49 PM
Still, for scenario games, it would rock.

05-31-2003, 11:10 PM
yea i can definatly see the advantages that would have for refs

06-01-2003, 07:32 AM
for refs the idea is excelent

for playing with it.... I have tried at a few different big games to use a vox headset with very little luck
if you set them to pick up quiet to normal voice , when you fire your marker it keys the mic and you block the radio. if you set it loud enough to not pick up your marker you have to speak quite loud in order to transmit.
I have 5 headsets kicking around in a box upstairs the plan was to shield them from the outside of the mask but it never worked too well

06-01-2003, 09:30 AM
what a piss poor design. Welcome to the world of BE.


06-01-2003, 11:11 AM
But imagine the horrible cheating that could happen in speedball games... I mean, a normal 2 way radio? But anyways this would be awesome for so many things. I mean if you were walk on I doubt they would make you take the radio off

06-01-2003, 11:58 AM
That would be so fun to play with in a cenerio. But even if they did alow them in comp's, they would be useless. If both teams had them they could be listening to each others conversations. and mabey some of the guy's on the other feilds and guy's who forgot to turn theirs off after a game. I could see some guy on the other team pretending he's on your team and tricing you into running right into him. It would just make the game more confusing. You may as well just stick to yelling.

06-01-2003, 12:22 PM
You can rig your mask with ear and mic pieces that you buy at the local Radio Shack. It takes like 5 minutes. Then when the scenario/big game is over you take it off your mask (we rig it with a little duct tape).

The poster above who said vox sucks is correct. A buddy of mine was using vox in the last big game and every time he was shooting or walking up a hill (and breathing really hard because of it) we'd hear him. Not to mention the fact that every time he was out we'd hear him yelling "HIT!!!":)

Mostly you use the radio to know where your buddies are when you get reinserted. Also useful when you need to get more paint out of the car etc....

06-01-2003, 12:59 PM
Any FRS radio is useful in scenario games. My team, The Virginia Irregulars uses both the regular FRS radios and the Garmin Rhinos. The Rhinos are a bit more complex (GPS, scrambled FRS, etc.), but they work great. Withought FRS communication, we'd be screwed.

For example...

I was carrying the team's stun rocket when we abandoned the command post to get a mission done. I went along a trail with one of my teammates (my dad), firefight when on... blah blah. But then I got a call on the FRS telling me that my team needed the stun rocket at the Town. Well, the Town was on the complete opposite side of the giant field, so yelling would have done them absolutely no good.

One of our missions was to accompany our general to the Town so that he could duel the opposing general. Well, on our way walking through the woods (siece fire had been called between the two main sides), we come across two guys behind a couple fallen trees. They start firing (what horrible shots... they missed). There's about 30 of us, and 2 of them. We're tryin to tell them that there's a damn ciece fire. They don't believe us. Guess what? They didn't have radios, so they couldn't call their general. Well, it ended up we made a deal with them to let our general and two bodyguards go past, and they broke the deal by shootin them in the backs. Then when a ref came over and asked what was goin on, he decided to yell "Game on!" out of nowhere. Here we are, 27 of us, standing up in the open, with 2 enemies behind the trees. We did get both of them out within a matter of seconds (taking no casualties ourselves). The moral, always have a radio with your squad.

I can probably think of more stories too, but not right now. :D

06-01-2003, 10:45 PM
I have lived many scenario games with FRS headsets taped into my ear. I can tell you they would have very little use in most speedball games. They can be set up vox. In that case the noise from the marker firing normaly sets them off. That is really irritating in a firefight trust me or they can be set up with a remote button. This is what I do I clip the button to the bottem on my jersey. It works well but you still cannot talk and shoot. As for an monitoring the opponents channel... it is possible but even more of a pain. You would have to hold down the monitor button on the walkie itself. again a non-shooting position. I guess in 10 man if you wanted to give up a guy to be your caller and monitor and he doesn;t shoot it might work but it's value is limited.
In scenario that is another story. It is a whole differnet game with and without radio communication.

06-01-2003, 11:06 PM
I just played my first 12 hour game ... and w/o the radios, it would have been even MORE chaotic!!!

All I have to say is, 'runners' sux .. use FRS radios...

As far as speedball, give up that idea in a hurry ... you'll only hurt yourself :p