View Full Version : gimme-gimme world

Mag Master 04
06-01-2003, 01:29 PM
this was an article in july edition of APG written by Dave Norman on young kids having expensive markers that were just given to them and how they dont respsct that item b/c they dont know what it feels like to have a marker that you put sweat, tears and YOUR OWN money into. i read this article and realized that this was very very true, i was at my local field and i watched a kid get shot off the break b/c he wasnt paying attention to the game, and no sooner did he get shot, the mask was thrown, the marker was on the ground(angel ir3 fly, halo B, shocktech drop, pmi 45/45 fibre tank w/ no cover very very nice marker) and the kid didnt even shead a tear b/c his marker was messed up to the max...cracked halo, deep scrtch on tank, scratched up everything else b/c he threw it on cement. at the end of the game i seen him by the chrono with a 2k3 oricle E class, and i had to ask him if he was mad, he responded that he wasnt b/c his b day was coming up and his parents would buy him a new one. i am the person to usually not get mad at little things like that but i remembered that article written in APG and i realized how true it was. i fall into the catogory that earns everything he has, i payed for every part on my mag and its got alot of $ invested. and it pissed me off to see that little kid just shrug it off like nothing happened. i know i would cry for ever if anything ever happened to my marker. and the respect that i have for my mag is outragious, i love my mag.

just a little piece of mind for the little 12 yr old that has 4 angels and everything else under the sun that they ever could want. you give us a bad reputation little kids

you hit it right on the nose, keep it up!

06-01-2003, 02:21 PM
Spoiled brats, no need for them in our game.

06-01-2003, 02:28 PM
I am also a working paintballer. But the generalizations of the people you refer to are somewhat sterotypical. I know many of the se types of people whos parents bought them everything. yes your correct saying that you cant fully apreciate something unless you sweat for it, but most of these people do apreciate what they have. Its like any other walk of life, not just paintball. Besides you should become good friends with him and mabey his parents will buy you stuff!

06-01-2003, 02:29 PM
Wow, what a spoiled kid. I've known alot of spoiled people, but non of them would throw over $1000 onto the ground like that.

06-01-2003, 02:43 PM
I really didn't work for my mag, I just didn't spend my lunch money, and pretty soon, I had enough for a used mag. I considered it an indirect purchase by my parents for me. I respect it a lot though, because it would take me a long time to save up for one again. Sometimes I get angry when I see kids do this, but I eventually realize that its not my money lost(although sometimes I'm still jealous).

BTW, I just looked at your profile, and Happy birthday.

06-01-2003, 02:46 PM
i see this all the time. At CPX i saw a kid holding a brand new Black Magic cocker. The kid behind himasked him how long he had been playing and he replied "This is my first day." Then i saw his dad say "we'll need some more guns" for the other 2 kids in their little group. He left and i thought he went to rent some guns but he came back with a brand new shocker and a 68/4500! These kids had never even played before and they had better gear than i had and i've been playing for 3 years. I spend months earning enough money to upgrade my mag(i had to buy it used to afford it) and i hate seeing these rich kids with guns they have no clue how to use. At the same place i saw a group of about 17 kids, all with nice jerseys and gear and each one had a Freak kit They all had top of the line markers (I think one had a Viking). Turns out in game all of them were some of the worst players i've seen. what a waste

Mag Master 04
06-01-2003, 02:52 PM
hobo, thanks for the happy b day(even though i dont like your method of getting yur marker where it is now...:rolleyes:

nt2004, thats what im talking about

and thanks for every 1 else for agreeing with me

Mag Master 04
06-01-2003, 02:53 PM
i dont wanan be friends with a kid like that, even though hes rich

06-01-2003, 03:02 PM
wow.. around me i never see this, All and i mean all of my friends work to buy there paint and guns. I think if anything im the most spoiled being that my dad bought me my emag, and i only payed for half of it. My dad knows that i love the sport and that its really the onlything i do in my life outside of school and hanging out with my friends.

also just a little story, i have a little 6th grade niebor(sp), and me being in 11th. He saw us all playing paintball and he really wanted to get into it. Also he rides, and well his dad bought him a 400ex:rolleyes:. That really has nothing to do with it, but he has been saven up every dollar he has for a wile now and him being 12? is going to buy i think an emag? or e-cocker.. I give this kid so much credit for saveing all that money.. and him buying a nice gun all on his own

06-01-2003, 03:17 PM
I occasionally (sp?) see people, mostly younger kids, like 13 with $1000+ setups playing rec woodsball. All they do is whine. It happens to me. Ill take them out, then they will go cry to their parents, who come complain to me. "oh dont be so mean to my kid. You are bigger and older" It pisses me off maybe more than anything else, ever. Anyone else get that?

06-01-2003, 03:24 PM
im 11, i worked for my guns, and i think everyone else should too. and when i mean i payed for my guns i mean my past guns. i started with a be,that got stolen, insurance replaced it with a spyder, saved some extra cash, bought the parts i needed (my dad loaned me some of his extras stock valve, body rail) then i sold my spyder to my cousin and bought the parts i needed to buy a mag. i was at a tourney yesterday and after the tourney we played some rec with our left over paint. there was this kid with a proteus, wgp sto, dye 2k3 jersey and dye pack, he looked like the tourney players i had been playing with earlier. his parents bought him everything and he wasnt good at all.

and that kid that threw the ir3 fly, everything is better when you buy it yourself. i would never throw my gun, even into grass.;)

06-01-2003, 03:25 PM
that kid is stupid. That is an amazing gun and he has no remorse smashing it. He also has no common scence or he would have known that throwing a tank that is full of gas at a very high preddure at a cement floor could end up very bad. I get lots of things, like i'm going to camp this year, and because I'm in my last year as a camper I'm going on this 2 week trip and all this other stuff so it's going to end up costing alot of money, like 3 grand for the month, but I am very thankfull that my parents do this for me and I know it's alot of money. Kid's like that EXPECT their parents to buy that kind of stuff for them and probably don't even thank them. They have no concept of how much money a grand is.

06-01-2003, 04:33 PM
I think the example given in the frst post is an extreme case of bad parenting.

Its more than just spoiled kids. They are a byproduct of the parents. If your folks are rich, but make you earn whatever money you get to buy what you want, you learn the value of a dollar.

Unfortunately in some cultures everything is about status. If the kids are decked out, then the family must be doing well. In the parents eyes, they are trying to "keep up with the Joneses". The kids get used to getting anything they want because of it.

You can see this every year at Christmas. Remember tickle me elmo (or for us old timers Cabbage Patch kids). No one in their right mind would pay huge amounts for some stuffed toy. I think it becomes a pride point for the parents to tell their friends "I got my kid the insert hot toy here".

06-01-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Blennidae
Remember tickle me elmo

Yes I do. People in Toys R US and ebay would pay hundreds of dollars for that thing. When Toys R US had them in stock, like 1 week before christmas, I was their searching for a gift for my little brother, people were jumping on each other to grab one of the few tickle me elmos left. I was laughing so hard, my little brother wanted one, but we couldnt find one anywhere, then our neighbor saw one in a store, picked it up for us.

06-01-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556

Yes I do. People in Toys R US and ebay would pay hundreds of dollars for that thing. When Toys R US had them in stock, like 1 week before christmas, I was their searching for a gift for my little brother, people were jumping on each other to grab one of the few tickle me elmos left. I was laughing so hard, my little brother wanted one, but we couldnt find one anywhere, then our neighbor saw one in a store, picked it up for us.

they were jumping on eachother? kind of like in that one crismas movie with arnold schwarrzenegger, and everyone wants that superhero toy.

06-01-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Mag Master 04
this was an article in july edition of APG written by Dave Norman on young kids having expensive markers that were just given to them and how they dont respsct that item b/c they dont know what it feels like to have a marker that you put sweat, tears and YOUR OWN money into. i read this article and realized that this was very very true, i was at my local field and i watched a kid get shot off the break b/c he wasnt paying attention to the game, and no sooner did he get shot, the mask was thrown, the marker was on the ground(angel ir3 fly, halo B, shocktech drop, pmi 45/45 fibre tank w/ no cover very very nice marker) and the kid didnt even shead a tear b/c his marker was messed up to the max...cracked halo, deep scrtch on tank, scratched up everything else b/c he threw it on cement. at the end of the game i seen him by the chrono with a 2k3 oricle E class, and i had to ask him if he was mad, he responded that he wasnt b/c his b day was coming up and his parents would buy him a new one. i am the person to usually not get mad at little things like that but i remembered that article written in APG and i realized how true it was. i fall into the catogory that earns everything he has, i payed for every part on my mag and its got alot of $ invested. and it pissed me off to see that little kid just shrug it off like nothing happened. i know i would cry for ever if anything ever happened to my marker. and the respect that i have for my mag is outragious, i love my mag.

just a little piece of mind for the little 12 yr old that has 4 angels and everything else under the sun that they ever could want. you give us a bad reputation little kids

you hit it right on the nose, keep it up!

Sounds like somebody is jealous :rolleyes:

06-01-2003, 07:50 PM
Man If I had an angel I would be scared to hold it... This ref that was with us one day at an indoor field asked me if I wasnted to try his angel for one game, and I said "na that ok I wouldn't want to mess it up".. If I saw some 12 year old throw there angel on the floor I would smak him in the mouth.. I have plans to get a mag and I will be saving every penny I have.. money from work, here and there, and holidays, should take me to the end of the year but it will be worth it.

06-01-2003, 08:18 PM
my parents have bought me some gear, they got me my mag for my birthday.

but now i'm shooting a matrix, i love it, i payed for it with mostly my money, my parents payed for 1/3 and i sold my old stuph and paid with money I had saved. i'm not an amazing player but i love the sport and somebodies parents paying for their stuph isnt terrible. yeah they need to save for their own stuph but dont come and rag on people using REALLY GENERAL statements. not all people who have had their parents buy them stuph are just spoiled little kids.

06-01-2003, 08:25 PM
I throw my marker around a lot... in my room... onto an extremely soft surface that would break the fall... like my bed... or maybe the stack of huge stuffed animals... or my folded up sleeping bag with pillows on it... you get the point, I throw onto something that will break the fall and give no damage whatsoever. When I'm actually playing... I'm even afraid to set it down because I don't want to scratch anything on my mag... lol

06-01-2003, 08:39 PM
if my parents bought me anything...i wouldn't throw it on the ground. i worship free stuff just as much as stuff i paid for. unless its women

Recon by Fire
06-01-2003, 08:40 PM
Don't let these spoiled kids irk you by their poor behavior. Ignore them and carry on with your business. Be content to know they will grow up and everyone around them will consider Class A *EDIT* You are new here, so I'll be gentle; DO NOT CUSS OR CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS. YOU AGREED TO DO THIS, YET YOU VIOLATED A VERY SIMPLE RULE. DO IT AGAIN, AND A 3 DAY BAN WILL HIT YOU. aRMY Their parents are breeding monsters and let it be their problem not yours.

As for parents who would approach you and ask that you not shoot their precious little darlings: I would either recommend that their child play in a private game with their spoiled posse or that maybe their child is not quite big enough to play in the big games. If you cannot run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

06-01-2003, 08:41 PM
Like posted by yeahthatsme, not every kid who was given an awsome setup by their parents are rotten brats. Example is this kid Ricky out at my local field. He has pretty much everything I've dreamed of, multiple 1k+ setups and such.
But is he a pain in the rump who has no repect?
Not at all.
He's one of the nicest kids out there, and is one who is almost a role model of such. He probably has more respect for his gear and such than most people

06-01-2003, 08:49 PM
interestin, yesterday I saw the same thing, three kids with dye outfits, and angels timmys ect, all came in without a clue what to do on the field...it was amazing how they would just sit and wait, oh, and I can recall them asking if my freinds gun was like a shot gun (he played pump that round)

06-01-2003, 08:53 PM
I never see kids that act like that. I have seen some spoiled kids before, but I've never seen them throw temper tantrums where they abuse their equipment like that. I played with a 12 year old that was playing for his first or second time, and his dad had bought him a Black Magic Cocker. He actually turned out to be willing to take advice and tips from more experienced players and ended up being someone decent to play with (a good sport, but he could use a lot more practice). Don't hate on spoiled kids, you can't do anything about it, and it will only get worse as paintball gets bigger. The most you can do is let out a sigh, and that's about all that needs to be done. Just know that you have the satisfaction of earning your equipment (which is a great feeling), and that you love it like your own child.

06-01-2003, 08:53 PM
A lot of people need to realize is your skill is more important than your gun. That's why I see a lot of good players use mags. People with expensive guns harass me until I wup them with a tippmann or something else.

06-01-2003, 09:03 PM
As someone who has had to purchase most of my gear with my own money, I respect and care for my equipment. However, even in my younger days, when I was given moeny to purchase things, I still knew the abstract value of it, because my father took great care to make sure I did. Sure, many of these kids are spoiled, and haven't a real grasp of the workings of everyday life, as it applies to most people. However, we shouldn't be too quick to start bashing people for having worked to get to a point where they can afford to give their children expensive markers and not worry about it, or for being the child of one of these people. I think it is an acceptible practice, as long as the giving isn't empty, and as long as there is a value system in place. I have known kids who are the sons of rich parents, and have had everything handed to them. Yet, becuase of their values, they never mistreated anything, or anyone.

We should, though, be concerned about the values that are being instilled into some of these children, and the way in which material goods are used to pacify. To many parents simply push children aside, and hope to appease them with material goods. They never really connect them with reality. They see objects as totally expendable.
I must agree, though. There are many out of touch children all too willing to destroy things as it suits them. I have seen plenty of this behavior on the field, and in everyday situations.

06-01-2003, 09:12 PM
I dont know which ones i hate more...the ones that get a complete setup for...or the parents of those kids on teams who sent them to thousand dollar tournies. I tell you what...Im having to wait tables 5 days a week until mid july to come up with this money for IAO...and even then Im gonna be scratching by. But even when we lose horribly...im still gonna be proud of myself knowing that I came up with the money all by myself.

06-01-2003, 09:16 PM
I have to buy most of my stuff. My Mom gave me seventy-five dollars for a paintball gun for Christmas and I had to get the rest of the money, I then bought my first gun with it. This past Christmas I got a Richochet AK and some paint and some other unrelated paintball stuff. I'm saving up for a new gun with my own money.

06-01-2003, 09:20 PM
thats not right, i think that kid that threw his angel needs smacked real hard. i also don't think parents should be buying kid's 1000+/- setups. they should earn it themselves. Last summer i spent over a month picking strawberrys to get my tko mag. on my knees for 5 hours a day:D. that was the worst time i ever had, and i'll never do it again.

Mag Master 04
06-01-2003, 09:24 PM
if you do get handouts from your parents they are small and for christmas and b day and stuff liek that, my parents bought me my 1st notrogen system a crossy 48/3k and thats the only thing they have ever bought

RT pRo AuToMaG
06-01-2003, 10:04 PM
I really don't think the issue is that the parents are buying their kids $1k setups, I think the issue is that they have no respect for thier possesions/their parents money. I know if my dad would have bought me something that expensive, and I would have thrown it, he would have beat me, I don't care how much money you have, it's still wrong to just beat up stuff like that.
Someone also said that they have kids with $1k setups and they didn't play well, and that's not right. Well, I strongly disagree with that. I'll use myself for an example. I have $1600 tied up in my Micro emag, and probably well over $2k in all my paintball gear. I'm not near the best player on the field, not even one of the best on my team, but who cares. So what if I have a nice gun but not a ton of skill. I say it's better to have a nice and fast marker after your comfortable playing, so you can build your skill with your marker and learn how to use it properly. You won't know your true skill until you have a fast marker that shoots well. Fact is, rate of fire is now a huge part of the game (my flame suit is on) and anyone who disagrees is either playing rec or is just blind to the fact. As ROF goes up, it makes the game harder and faster. Believe me, it's much harder to be on a field with someone shooting 16bps vs 5bps. Lets just end with, if two people have played for 3 years, one has a model 98, other, an emag, and the guy with the model 98 goes to play ever weekend, and the guy with the emag playes every other weekend, but he does tournies, which one will you bet on? I've got my bet on the guy with the emag, because i know i cant' afford to lose money.

Also, think of this situation: a 14 year old has been playing since he was 10, and wants to do tournies with a team, but the team says he needs a nice gun, and all he has is a spyder. He's not old enough to get a job, and any jobs he can do will not ever pay for paintball, by the time he has $1000, he;ll be old enough to get a real job. Then, his parents see that he's ready for the marker, and they are a pretty well off family, so they decide to suprise their son one day and buy him a brand new Matrix LCD with a HALO B and a Mac Dev conquest. Now, he goes out and plays tournies with a team, and he does quite well, respect his gear, thanks his parents, and now everyone is happy? No, not everyone, because there are some jealous people out there that can't be happy for someone getting a setup like that, and start talking crap about how the kid didn't deserve it, and he should have worked for it. I agree that they shouldn't have an angel as their first gun, but if a well seasoned player gets a gun from his parents, doesn't disrespect it, and is thankful, how is that wrong? If the kid doesn't have enough respect for his things and throws his gun, fine, he breaks it on purpose from mistreating it, he pays for it.

06-01-2003, 10:23 PM
12 year olds tossing there guns and having a tantrum?
Ever see a game with a bunch of "pros"?

06-01-2003, 10:46 PM
Look at the big picture: they're putting that money into the paintball industry.


06-01-2003, 11:00 PM
SOOKY is right about that. The more money Pball industry gets, the the cheaper things will eventually get. Most of yall gotta look past the 2 year burnout/noob + 2k Rig = spoiled idea. I hopes its all for the greater good.

06-01-2003, 11:20 PM
I totlay agree with RT PRO, It's not about how much money the kid's parents spend on them. If they have enough for an angle, then buy an angle. It's about the kid's respect for the stuff their parents buy them. They shouldn't be so scared of breaking it that they wont play hard with it, that wouldn't be as fun for them, but they should respect it and not just smash it if they get mad and expect a new one, I hope that kid's parents teach him a lesson and get him some socks for his birth day instead of a angle. He alredy has that oricle anyway's, not like he's in dire need of a new gun.

RT pRo AuToMaG
06-01-2003, 11:39 PM
hehe, glad someone agrees with me, i was ready to get flamed for that one :D