View Full Version : what is the rarest gun?

06-01-2003, 02:08 PM
so people, what is the rarest paintball gun of all? LMK

06-01-2003, 02:50 PM
Probably Glenn Palmers "Camille" ... only one made and it was stolen sometime ago.


06-01-2003, 03:35 PM
any one of a kind gun really id say that dan(triggernomics) micro cocker was teh rarest and probally most valuable

06-01-2003, 03:39 PM
I dont think "one-ofs" should count... just think of how many one-ofs that PPS, Doc, Punisher, etc.. have made... I think to quallify it should have been a multiple production.

That said I think there was only like 70 or so nanocockers yet built (with more on the way as people order them)

06-01-2003, 04:05 PM
there were only like what....35 SFL E-mags ever made. That's what i'd think.

06-01-2003, 04:10 PM
not the rarest but pretty rare

06-01-2003, 04:10 PM
How many of those desert ducks were made? That is a sweet looking gun.

06-01-2003, 04:23 PM
desert ducks i would think are some of the rarest. Also, the 5 or so made element angels in all their different colors etc. Also, the sfl's

06-01-2003, 04:25 PM
There were roughly 100 Desert Ducks made. Rarer still would be the Lapco Daystar, only 15 produced. (Although I think some argument could be made that they were just made from leftover Grey Spirit parts.)

06-01-2003, 04:49 PM
I don't know if it's the rarest but a store in my town has a gold-plated Emag, it's cool.

06-01-2003, 04:52 PM
some of the custom faded ULE-emags.. I think there were like 17 or so made of the yellow/orange ones.. and I'm not talking about tequila sunrise ones.

06-01-2003, 05:00 PM
Those aren't really rare models in and of themselves though... they're still E-Mags. A fade or a mill doesn't make a rare gun, it makes a custom gun. I think lgavin was asking about actual production guns.

06-01-2003, 05:02 PM
The Ducks would definitly be on my list.

So would the Rebel Executive. It was an all brass pump that was sold in a fitted atache case and came with a barrel extension and brass gravity feed tubes. I've been keeping my eye out for one for years without any luck. The regular Rebels are around (again all brass pumps), but the Executive versions are very rare.


06-01-2003, 05:23 PM
My Alien Abduction Angel is supposedly the rarest production-level Angel, there aren't too many around:


Sorry bout the huge pic:D

06-01-2003, 05:31 PM
I think the best criteria is a gun that went into production but only had a short life. In my book thats the Desert Duck of which the Slam Change is the rarest with less than a dozen made.

The other rarity on my list is the 3 barreled PGP with the ball feed tube on the side. It was the first PGP ever made.

The third rarest gun I know of is the 007 steel barreled paintgun with the Crossman frame. No one is really sure where these came from but they are speculated to be the first batch of Daisy 007's.


06-01-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Probably Glenn Palmers "Camille" ... only one made and it was stolen sometime ago.

Aaron That's what I was thinking. No one even knows who the owner (THEIF) is.

06-01-2003, 07:53 PM
what about SMG 60s and crossman 3557s?

06-01-2003, 09:42 PM
:D :D My blue ir3 is the rarest! :D :D

06-01-2003, 09:48 PM
anyone got a pic of a desert duck?

06-01-2003, 10:10 PM
One of the few Carl Bonta E-Mags?

06-01-2003, 10:20 PM
Probably those limited edition desert ducks carter made in the name of that one Hawaiian guy (forget the guys name)

Doc Nickel
06-01-2003, 11:09 PM
Okay, first we have to define "rare".

As already mentioned, mere milling and anno doesn't make a "rare" gun. Sure, it's one of a kind, but it's a custom- just because you paint a Celica in neon lime green doesn't make it a rare car.

Gold plating, engraving, custom grips, etc, are just add-ons, and don't make the base gun "rare"- unique, yes, but not rare. There's a difference. One of my comic strips is unique. A Rembrandt painting is rare.

Alien Abduction, Stars & Stripes and other Angels are just Angels with different milling jobs or anno. If that was all it took to qualify, my right-hand-feed Gabriel-Visioned red-black fade LCD I made for Mondo is even more rare than an Alien, C&C or Stars & Stripes: those were one of several, mine's unique.

Camille is an iffy one: It's rare due to what it is, the first direct-feed semiauto. But again, it's a handbuilt custom.

Ducks are right up there, but that's still something of a grey area- Technically they're handmade customs, but done on a semi-production standpoint. And, as rare as they are, there's still actually quite a few out there, in various styles.

SMG-60s and 3357s are nothing like rare. Tippmann made many thousands of the '60s, and Crosman made probably tens of thousands of the SpotMarkers. They seem rare because you never see them on the field, but that's not because there's so few of them, it is because it's so hard to find the .62 or .50-caliber paint they need, and ballistically, both are pretty damn poor compared to a modern .68 cal.

The Rebel Executive and the side-tube PG pistol mentioned are excellent candidates for "most rare". I'm told there were supposed to be quite a few Executives made, but only a few, possibly three, actually were created- it might be just one that got put in the briefcase setup. The PG pistol was the first paintball gun Sheridan made, and the side-tube configuration supposedly got dropped in short order in favor of the vertically-stacked three-tube. (Those are tubes, Tom, not "barrels". :D )

There was an early side-tube KP rifle that had a bolt-action instead of a pump: I saw one on Ebay once, but that's it. Who knows how many made it out on the streets, and how many have survived conversion to direct feed or pump.

Another very rare one is the Satco 700 (http://www.docsmachine.com/tech/satco700.html): Have Blue picked this one up off of Ebay, and found out that it's one of only two that made it out of the factory, and no one knows where the other one went.

I have an old F-1 Illustrator that came out of the factory in tan/gold "desert" camo anno- as far as I know, the only one, made by the long-defunct FASTech in early 1991. I even have the matching 7-ounce CO2 tank for it, dated 1990. That's probably pretty rare as factory customs go.

Some others: The old Southern Pneumatics Phoenix is pretty rare, though about 38 were made. The very earliest Spyders had a "choke" screw on the left side, that restricted air through the valve up to the bolt (much like Tippmanns) but this feature was dropped early on- that's an example of a rare variant of a common production item.

Nobody seems to know how many brass-tube Nightmares were made before they changed over to extruded aluminum bodies; presumably more than a few, but considering the changeover was about '87 or '88, there's not that many survivors.


06-01-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
One of the few Carl Bonta E-Mags?

ooooh... what do those look like?:eek: :p

06-02-2003, 12:25 AM
I read the whole article of the Satco 700 and was quite impressed by the complexity of the gun. That was quite a find. Pretty neat-o in my book.

06-02-2003, 12:39 AM
I have a Tippman SELECT-FIRE, SMG-68, not the "60".
I even have the catch-bag to collect the stripper clips as they exit the magazine.
How rare do you think THAT is?
I did have a Line SI Bushmaster Pointman, with telestock, and the short barrel. I believe it was ripped off out of the back of my truck.
Brent Jackson, PFB.

bacci paintball
06-02-2003, 12:57 AM
I though over 200 phoenixs (sp?) were made? I have heard around 280 i think. I think mine is number 230 something. Also any one know how many mercenary conversion kits were made?
What about sweeny guns, although they are not exactly made for the game of paintball?
Or the "macho fire", don't see one of those everyday.
-Bacci Paintball

Doc Nickel
06-02-2003, 02:37 AM
I have my doubts a functional "Macho Fire" was ever made. The ads usually showed a drawing, and the one "photo" of one looked suspiciously like a pumpless Phantom that had a "magazine" mounted to it.

I'll defer on the Phoenixes- I thought I recall 38, could be 200 or more. They do have, however, the added "rarity" of not only being rare, but being unheard of as well. :D

Sweeney guns are special-effects guns: they're rare because they're not necessarily "production" (they're mostly handmade) and they're not intended for paintball use.

The SMG-68 is indeed far more rare than the SMG-60, since it was an "interim" gun- they whipped it up just to try and satisfy demand a little until the 68-Special was finally ready. Once the 'Special hit the streets, the SMGs were dropped, and that meant the .68 had a production span measured in months, if not mere weeks.

They're definitely more popular than the 60, as you can use normal paint. But the stripper clips are hard to come by (years of production made for a healthy supply of 60 clips, but weeks of production meant the 68 clips got left short.)

Quite a few "Pointman" Bushies got made- for a while, the SI Bushmaster pump was the de facto "tourney" gun, much like the Angel is today. SI made piles of 'em. They're rare today, having been out of production for over a decade, but hardly in the sam class as SATCOs and Phoenixes.

One other: Brass Eagle (the early version, the Canadian guys who made the old Cobra pumps and whatnot) actually had a direct-fed semiauto before either Palmer or Tippmann, called the Eagle.

It was a blowback, spring-fed and based off the aluminum-bodied Nightmare pump chassis. It was troublesome and unreliable, mainly due to the fact it was 12-gram powered and sensitive to pressure fluctuations, but it worked, more or less, and a few were even fielded by a sponsored team- this was, as I recall, '86, though I'm not sure.

Find one of THOSE- if any exist- and you'll have an ultimate collectors' item.


06-02-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
There was an early side-tube KP rifle that had a bolt-action instead of a pump...

I've played with one of those. :D

Originally posted by Doc Nickel
Nobody seems to know how many brass-tube Nightmares were made before they changed over to extruded aluminum bodies; presumably more than a few, but considering the changeover was about '87 or '88, there's not that many survivors.

A friend of mine owned one of those.

Does that make me rare? Or just old! ;)


06-02-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by M-a-s-sDriver
I have a Tippman SELECT-FIRE, SMG-68, not the "60".
I even have the catch-bag to collect the stripper clips as they exit the magazine.
How rare do you think THAT is?
I did have a Line SI Bushmaster Pointman, with telestock, and the short barrel. I believe it was ripped off out of the back of my truck.
Brent Jackson, PFB.

Does it still work?

06-02-2003, 11:51 AM
The PnueVentures Cyber 9000 is pretty rare. I don't know how many where made though. My friend had one( he just sold it for 650 dollars). They are the first electronic gun with an LED screen.

06-02-2003, 12:34 PM
there is a guy in our club that works as a supervisor at a machineshop. he made his own supernova. every part is a custom part. I guess a one-off is pretty rare.

06-02-2003, 02:39 PM
wow... I have 2 eagle .68's though one is in pieces at the moment... maybe I'll shelve them now.

06-02-2003, 02:48 PM
what is the rarest gun?
A working cocker?? :D

Doc Nickel
06-02-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by squidboy69
wow... I have 2 eagle .68's though one is in pieces at the moment... maybe I'll shelve them now.

-The black plastic "Eagles" are a different animal. Those are the cheap BE semiauto pistols made long after the Canadian Brass Eagle guys sold off to Daisy (the US airgun maker) in about '91 or '92. Heck, the "Division of Daisy" Brass Eagle may have bought itself back and split off from Daisy by the time they came out with the Eagle .68, which was about '95 or so, as I recall.

No, the original "Eagle" semiauto is totally different: if you've ever seen a Nightmare longbarrel, the Eagle looks just like it, except for a different trigger and no pump.


Doc Nickel
06-02-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63

A working cocker?? :D

-I can understand why you don't like them, since they do take a little intelligence and skill to keep in top shape, but since there's approaching a quarter of a million 'Cockers out there, one can logically assume that one of them works. Just like we can assume there's a 'Mag somewhere that doesn't chop.



06-02-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by xadamx
The PnueVentures Cyber 9000 is pretty rare. I don't know how many where made though. My friend had one( he just sold it for 650 dollars). They are the first electronic gun with an LED screen.

Ok, all I want to know is who is he, how much does he want and where did he buy it.

In my book the Cyber 9000 is very rare. Thought it never made it into full productions I know of 5 that were out there and worked. The rumor has it that there was enough parts for another 25 to be built...but no one knows where the parts ended up.

I have been looking for one of these ever since I passed up the chance to buy one. I am willing at this point to pay just about anything for one as long as it's in original condition and still working.

06-02-2003, 03:19 PM
I have seen and even held HaveBlue's Satco at Shatner's game last year. It is a cool piece of work and it came in one hell of a nifty box. These are the finds on Ebay that I am never lucky enough to run into.

06-02-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
-I can understand why you don't like them, since they do take a little intelligence and skill to keep in top shape, but since there's approaching a quarter of a million 'Cockers out there, one can logically assume that one of them works. Just like we can assume there's a 'Mag somewhere that doesn't chop.


*ouch* yeah I deserved that... although, as they say: ignorance is bliss!!

(translation: I have zero cocker experience, other than my friend's choking in the middle of a game)

06-02-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel

The Rebel Executive and the side-tube PG pistol mentioned are excellent candidates for "most rare". I'm told there were supposed to be quite a few Executives made, but only a few, possibly three, actually were created- it might be just one that got put in the briefcase setup. The PG pistol was the first paintball gun Sheridan made, and the side-tube configuration supposedly got dropped in short order in favor of the vertically-stacked three-tube. (Those are tubes, Tom, not "barrels". :D )


A friend of mine has one marked with serial #4. He got it only because he was one of the financial backers of the the company that made them.

Have you come across one in your travels Doc? You are one of the first to seem to even know of the Executive.


06-02-2003, 07:34 PM
my vote goes to the desert duck as the rarest....

06-02-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Quickling
what about SMG 60s and crossman 3557s?
I personally own about 30 of the crossmans, so they can't be very rare.

Doc Nickel
06-02-2003, 08:35 PM
The Jaguar/Barracuda/Mini-11 was a double-action made by the same first-gen Brass Eagle, and had the trigger pull of a rusty staplegun.

But it was still a "production" gun- the very first group of people I ever played with had both a Jaguar and a Barracuda. Again, you may not see many, but that doesn't mean they're rare.

The "Mac-10" looking thing was the Para-Ordinance Model 85, and fired a .38 caliber ball out of a primer-powered shell. Again, they're rarely seen, but hardly rare- PO made thousands, since it was specifically designed for military and police training.

Shells, paint and parts are impossible to find, but the guns themselves are surprisingly numerous.

The only experience I have with the Executive was an old Paintball Sports International article, probably '89, or maybe '88. I'd heard a few snippets of info since then, but not much. RebLine put too much money into developing an add-on "autococking" system called the Trojan, that worked a lot like the PMI "Chameleon" kit for the Trracer. As far as I know, they folded or were bought out when that tanked.


06-02-2003, 09:00 PM
here's a pic of a Desert Duck... from a 1991 article entitled "Time Warp" :D


Also, while splatmasters aren't particularly rare, I wonder how many extended barrel versions are still in existence today. I'm thinking about making an adaptor so I can use my AGD MicroCA II with my extended barrel splatmaster... now that would make a doubly rare custom :)

06-02-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by AGD

The third rarest gun I know of is the 007 steel barreled paintgun with the Crossman frame. No one is really sure where these came from but they are speculated to be the first batch of Daisy 007's.

You're talking about the 707, right? The one with the paint tube mounted on the side rather than the top?

Saw one of those on Ebay once. If I'd had a hundred bucks or so to spend at the time, I bet I could have had it.



06-02-2003, 09:39 PM
While Duck are probably the most SOUGHT after collectable gun... according to my sources, there are 500 floating around. I believer from "Yar" who used to work with Carter - I can dig up the reference if need be.

You need to look for the low run production guns for rare - like that Satco 700. Or the Legend/Nemisis.

Our sport is FULL of guns that never took off for one reason or another. You all know I collect old stuff and there is just a ton of stuff out there - and even more setting in some guys garage who hasnt played in 10 years.

While not Rare, Grey Ghosts have a following, as do WGP and Line Si, and PMI/Sheridan guns.

My "gem" I want is a desert duck, as well as a Sniper 1 with wood thompson stock.

Doc Nickel
06-02-2003, 10:34 PM
As far as the SATCO, it's easily in the top five rarest. Have Blue managed to dig up somebody connected with the marker, and found out a few details:

The "RA Williams" mentioned in my article has unfortunately passed away, and the individual HB contacted mentioned that... I'd have to hit up HB again, but it was something like three were actually made and assembled, one was sent out as a test/review gun (PCRI did an overview way back when) and two of the SATCO people took the other two. The test gun was returned and broken down to parts, I believe.

There's apparently a stash of parts, enough to make 20+ more (not counting cases, tanks and other bits) but the owners aren't interested in selling, and don't want to let 'em go for liability reasons.

So as far as a production gun goes (and not a special-edition, like the gold-trimmed pumps given away at Shatnerball, etc) we know for very close to certain that there's only two S-700s out there.


06-02-2003, 10:51 PM
I have a question about the steel barrel 007,
does the marker you are talking about have a rolled barrel with a HEAVY seam ? if so I have two of them that I got from a local field for free, when I was looking for a 007 to restore. I also have a pair of early bolt action pgs (not slant feed but still quite old)

06-03-2003, 12:28 AM
ok, one I saw here on the classfieds today called the cyber9000, HAS to be the rarest. There were only a few prototyped madde, but it never got off the burner because of a lawsuit with SP in 96. Owned.

06-03-2003, 02:42 AM
Toxic Toys Tribals are possibly worth mentioning.

While a few thousand of the guns were made, some of the milling designs are quite rare (exact numbers are not known, but estimated less than 100, 50 or less of each of the rarer body styles were produced, and problems and poor quality have reduced these numbers even more). Have Blue knows much more than I, but the Addicted, 2.2 Flusters, chrome BBTs, and some versions of the Mephistos are all very hard to find.

Each one of them is unique as well; the serial numbers sometimes seem to jump around, there were mutliple boardsets used, different styles of trigger frames, as well as various anno jobs and other small parts that seem to have been randomly selected for each gun.

06-03-2003, 10:30 AM
IM him: baseballaddict23 . ill point him in the direction of this post

Originally posted by Muzikman

Ok, all I want to know is who is he, how much does he want and where did he buy it.

In my book the Cyber 9000 is very rare. Thought it never made it into full productions I know of 5 that were out there and worked. The rumor has it that there was enough parts for another 25 to be built...but no one knows where the parts ended up.

I have been looking for one of these ever since I passed up the chance to buy one. I am willing at this point to pay just about anything for one as long as it's in original condition and still working.

06-03-2003, 04:00 PM
Hmmm, did any of these make it past the prototype stage?


06-03-2003, 04:18 PM
huh. i own a phoenix. cool.

actually, i own a lot of cool guns. wish i had the heart to sell 'em. :(

Doc Nickel
06-03-2003, 04:34 PM
The "Destroyer" was very likely a scam. The gun was a mockup, probably nonfunctional and possibly never intended to function.

The people who made it (person?) supposedly took in a bunch of preorders, and got some investors on the line as well. Remember, this was supposed to be a true semiauto, and drum-fed, in the days when a 40-round "ammo box" and pumps were the norm.

Anyway, the story goes this fellow or fellows took in a bunch of money from investors looking to get on the bandwagon and buyers looking to get some of the first ones produced. After a certain period, the fellow simply disappeared with the money.

thei3ug- what else do you have? I've been trying to get my hands on a Phoenix, and some of the other obscure guns so I can do writeups like I did with the SATCO. Not really looking to buy (unless you're interested in selling) just looking to borrow for a while so I can get pictures and such.


bacci paintball
06-03-2003, 07:34 PM
Anybody know if any proline sovereigns (im not talking about the sovereigns made by lada-sterling) were ever made?
I have been looking for one of those for a while, never really seen anything though?
Also, this is kinda off topic, but Doc, do you have any sovereign parts that you might what to sell?
-Bacci Paintball

06-03-2003, 09:15 PM
Bug: If you ever go to sell ANY of your guns, I want first crack at all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-03-2003, 09:17 PM
your gun is always the rarest...that is unless it's stock. cause it's yours, and no 1 else has yours

06-03-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster
Our sport is FULL of guns that never took off for one reason or another.

That's the truth. There are so many guns that, while not exactly rare, are more or less completely unknown these days.

I have a couple of Darkside, Inc. Uzi Mk. 2 pumps. They're not really rare; there were thousands of them made. Heck, I have a couple of old APG's with a bunch of pics of players using them.

Take them to a field today, though, and all you get is "Whoa! Where'd you get the raygun?" and "Wait, where's the hopper go?" :)

On a related note, anyone know about how many B.E.C. BE-90's are out there? I know of a total of eight; I'm sure there are a bunch more, but I'm not having any luck finding them. I'll attach a picture just in case someone recognizes one in their garage... ;)



06-04-2003, 08:31 PM
kemikos- if you look towards the top of this picture you can see one that looks alot like that BE-90. i just wish the owner would take more pics of his gun collection. http://www.peglegpaintball.com/sitepics/oremstore/gunwall.jpg

06-16-2003, 02:19 PM
Cryer, a Carl Bonta E-Mag is one of I think 4 or 5 out there. I have one, it's number 33. Carl used to work for Tom, and (I'm guessing here) recieved several as a gift. He then modified the hell out of them (anno, internal work, moving the battery off the gun etc.) and sold them. I guess Tom didn't like it that he sold the gifts. I doubt he works there anymore, (who knows?) But there are very few. The one I have is E-Mag #33, it has a Blue/grey/silver fade of sorts, and is splashed with blue/grey/white. It's awesome looking.

06-16-2003, 03:45 PM
I remember something called a ninja. It was a full-auto mechanocal only gun, they looked like a browning BAR.

06-16-2003, 04:52 PM
There was an auction on ebay for 2 of the BE90's, one working and one not. I thought about emailing and seeing if the buyer would sell the broken one...

BE90 Auction (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3608050874&category=16048&rd=1)

S.S Bandit1
06-16-2003, 08:29 PM
I heard they only made 25 tequilla sunrise E-mags.

06-17-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by AGD
I think the best criteria is a gun that went into production but only had a short life.


Just a little reminder regarding 'rare' for the purpose of this thread. Different anno combinations, or milling don't really qualify.


06-17-2003, 09:44 PM
i'm going to have to say "camille" is the rarest....if anyone can find it....its a part of paintball history.


06-18-2003, 10:08 AM
Another thing about Ducks that people should be aware of is that Ducks are still being made. Carter will make one for you as long you provide over $1,000 and are willing to wait.


07-07-2003, 08:38 AM
Hey Doc you mentioned that you doubted a functional Macho Fire had ever been produced.


He claims to have shot 500 rounds through it :) guess only one way to find out if it really works. Maybe whoever buys it will let ya check it out.

07-07-2003, 02:10 PM
I'll cast vote towards the Desert Duck. Only 26 made ever, and the going bare bottom rate for one is still $1,000. I've seen some in excellent condition going for over $2,000.

07-07-2003, 04:11 PM
What about some of the Lapco Markers?

The Grey Ghosts are pretty plenty, and several are just varients, but there are a few that are different enough and small production enough to be 'rare'.

Grey Spirit? It was Bore Drop instead of Breech, and had a double pump arm and loger bolt. Not too many were made.

And the AutoSpirit. A Semi-Auto marker he produced. REALLY RARE.

I would think Colin and Lapco have some rare markers...


07-07-2003, 04:15 PM
I would go with the Autosprit...that is pretty damn rare...but I will stick with the other guys...the Desert Ducks are probably one of the rarest.

07-07-2003, 04:27 PM
Roughly how many Autospirits were made? I've never heard a number people agree on.....

07-07-2003, 04:28 PM
Er - there are more than 26 ducks. Ive seen like 10 in one picture. According to one source - there are 500 floating around.

07-07-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster
Er - there are more than 26 ducks. Ive seen like 10 in one picture. According to one source - there are 500 floating around.
And one of those is sitting in my office. :D Nice equipment those things are. (Yes, it is Carter’s.) I will post pictures of it when I get through with it, if folks like.

Originally posted by Mr.Orange
What about some of the Lapco Markers?

The Grey Ghosts are pretty plenty, and several are just varients, but there are a few that are different enough and small production enough to be 'rare'.

Grey Spirit? It was Bore Drop instead of Breech, and had a double pump arm and loger bolt. Not too many were made.

And the AutoSpirit. A Semi-Auto marker he produced. REALLY RARE.

I would think Colin and Lapco have some rare markers...

And Gray Ghosts…. Heck I have had at least 4 of them pass through my shop, and another one is sitting in my office as we speak. They may not be the most plentiful out there, but they are out there. What is really nice though is getting low serial numbered Ghosts that are in mint condition. :) I love the smoothness of action with the ghosts.

07-07-2003, 05:02 PM
I know a magazine ad of a Duck was posted already, but I just ran out and snapped this one off for folks to see. These are truly beautiful markers. I will post another picture after I get done dressing it.

I hope folks enjoy… and the owner is one lucky guy (great guy too… we have to go play pump play sometime) Hope he does not mind me posting a picture of his baby, I don't think he will since he has posted it on his site too (he is free to grab this shot too if he likes)…

07-08-2003, 10:54 AM
Here is an Email from Colin at Lapco posted all over the internet. I would say from this that several of his markers would qualify as rare, especially the AutoSpirit...


To: The Paintball Community
From: Colin Thompson, LAPCO
[email protected]

I built Grey Ghosts from 1988 to 1993. About 2000 were produced. The Grey Ghost is a breech drop gun, with a spring under the pump to keep the breech closed. No new Ghosts are available anywhere, to my knowledge.

The Grey Spirit is a bore drop version of the Ghost. I made 500 of them from 1990 to 1995. The last 60 were custom guns, made to order, between 1993 and 1995.

Three other variants were produced in numbers. The Wrath was a black Ghost without the pump spring and barrel honing. 500 were built.

The Vamp was an english export version of the Wrath. 80 were built.

The Spectre was a black Spirit without the pump spring and barrel honing. This gun was sold as a field gun. 600 were made.

The breechdrop guns were 100% Nelson 007 compatible. The boredrop guns were produced to compete with the Bushmaster. The parts are interchangable.

110 AutoSpirits were produced between 1993 and 1994. These semis are no longer available.


07-08-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman

Ok, all I want to know is who is he, how much does he want and where did he buy it.

In my book the Cyber 9000 is very rare. Thought it never made it into full productions I know of 5 that were out there and worked. The rumor has it that there was enough parts for another 25 to be built...but no one knows where the parts ended up.

I have been looking for one of these ever since I passed up the chance to buy one. I am willing at this point to pay just about anything for one as long as it's in original condition and still working.

I didn't think that these made it into production either, as I was on the waiting list when they died.

07-08-2003, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Mr.Orange

The Grey Spirit is a bore drop version of the Ghost. I made 500 of them from 1990 to 1995. The last 60 were custom guns, made to order, between 1993 and 1995.

Wow, even Colin's memory is fuzzy. I've had Grey Spirit #0518 since early '92. ;)

Lapco numbers get muddled towards the end, going mostly on an "on demand" basis. The Force Recons were mostly made of leftover Spirit parts, and I think they are in the same # sequence (though not all have #s, and some are really odd colors, like teal). There's also a few special order colors in the sequence, that were stamped "The Brown Spirit", "The Green Spirit", etc.(Similarly there are "Purple Ghosts" and "Black Ghosts".)
I think we established earlier that the Daystar was the rarest of all Lapcos, at only 15, though they are basically just champagne-colored Spirits.

07-08-2003, 04:02 PM
What about the original airtech industry "Image" matrices? Im not sure they are anywhere near the rarest of the guns being discussed, but hey, for a late nineties gun it sure is hard to come by.

07-08-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by LoveMyMagMoreThanYou

I didn't think that these made it into production either, as I was on the waiting list when they died.

Well, I guess in a sense you can say they never made it into a full productions. There were 5 out there as prototypes and the rumor has it that there were enough parts for the frist 25 to be built...they were just never put together. The rumor also has it that someone bought the parts, plans and patent on this gun. Would be interesting if these rumored parts would ever surface. I have personaly seen two of these guns in person and had the chance to buy one *bangs head off wall* Oh well, such is life.

07-08-2003, 04:56 PM
Doesn't Smart Farts (oops, did I say that?) own the patent? When I asked Mary Ellen with PVI about it, she told me that them and SP shared the patent and the agreement was for 2 years, then they would each produce their own stuff...that's the way I heard it.

They had some cool features too. The on gun chrono was way cool.

07-08-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by BradAGD
They had some cool features too. The on gun chrono was way cool.

I know! That's why I was on the waiting list. Wish I could have gotten one.

07-08-2003, 06:46 PM
one of a kind:D