View Full Version : warp feed

06-01-2003, 08:27 PM
for the warp feed for it to feed 20+ bps dont you need a hopper that can feed that fast. i guess what i am getting to should i get a warp feed and how do i hook it up to my standerd feed mag

06-01-2003, 08:39 PM
Try one if there is anyone at your field with one and see if you like it. Some people love them and some hate them.

06-01-2003, 08:49 PM
UGA has a good point. Warps deffinatly arent for some people. Especialy if your a front man(some find them too cumbersome for fast movement).

06-01-2003, 09:05 PM
Welcome to AO. I use a warp on a mag, but on most electros it simpy doesn't feel right. The tall bodies and vert feeds make it very awkward.

06-01-2003, 09:07 PM
Yea i tried it on my Mephisto, and it just was not right. Plus you are just adding one more thing to mess up on you at the field

RT pRo AuToMaG
06-02-2003, 01:38 AM
I could never get mine set up right, then i broke the vibration sensor. Oh well, I don't get shot in the hopper anyway. HALO power.

06-02-2003, 02:25 AM

you own a ferrari and want to buy a $1000 CRX???

06-02-2003, 08:57 AM
Warps are alright, but the stupid vibration sensor on mine in kaput.:(

06-02-2003, 03:18 PM
Chances are if your vibro sensor is not working and you at one time took the electronics out of it, you lost the contact springs. Make sure there are two springs under your warp board.

06-02-2003, 05:26 PM
I played with mine for the first time yesterday, and loved it. I really like the way it feels on my setup.

06-02-2003, 05:34 PM
Hopefully Ill be getting a warp later this week and I can write about it.

Tom provides a free TSB in the AGD store about how to adjust your warp. Theres two sensors, one thats a relay that you can plug into an Emag or an Xmag. The other is sound activated for a blowback gun. LIke a spyder.

To read teh TSB you need Adobe Acrobat. Just download it from the store.

The TSB says the Warp Feed sparks when new. The SParking activates the sound sensor if you use the sound sensor. So you have to run it for a while by adjusting the sensor up and down. So it runs for a while and stops. Than cycle it a few times to burn off the carbon that causes the sparking.

Theres a plate that bolts under the grip and between the drop area. I plan to drill a hole in my plate to mount it to my spyder.

You put a feed neck on the warp feed to connect the hopper.

The other end of the Warp feed, pushs the balls up to the feed neck, through the tube.

Theres jumpers to adjust the power feeding.
Warp 1 - feed one ball per activation
Warp 2 - Feed two balls per activation
Warp 3 - Feed 3 balls? per activation
Warp 4 - feed 4 balls? per activation

Obviously if you miss a ball you have to catch up. Attempting to grab more than one ball per activation will catch the warp up if your running out alot.

I dont have a motorized loader yet. The Ricochet and the revy says it feed 10- 12 balls. ALot of people with more money than Ill ever have buy the Halo cause it feeds up tp 14. Obviously if you want to feed 20 BPS, you will only be able to do over 14 in short bursts until the revy catchs up.

When and if I get my Warp Ill be able to let you all know what it comes with. Mounting plate, feeds, hoses, adapters and ect.

The warp runs at around 9 volts. In can up to 12. You dont want to run over 12 will fry the board.

Photo from the store.

Evil Bob
06-02-2003, 06:18 PM
Info update:

HALO B/TE will do 22+ BPS, it will have no trouble keeping up with even a 12v modded warp.

EggoII with Y board will do up to 20 bps, it also will have no trouble keeping up with a 12v modded Warp.

12v Revy with X board can hit 12-14 pretty solid if held upright, if you tilt it to stay tight behind a bunker, the feed rate will drop to 10-12 as is normal with agitated loaders that rely on gravity. Tilting does not adversely affect either the HALO or the EggoII due to their designs until they are low on paint.

Basicly if you're willing to spend the money for a high end loader, you will have no trouble keeping up with the Warp feed.

-Evil Bob

06-02-2003, 06:22 PM
ok i have one question about warp to emag/xmag..

if i got the intel cable, and i puller the trigger and help it.. would it keep spinning untill i let the trigger go? Or is there some way to adjust it so that it spins enouph to feed say 2-3 balls?

Evil Bob
06-02-2003, 06:29 PM
Every time the X/Emag fires, it sends a signal to the warp to spin. How long the warp spins is dependant upon the jumper settings in the warp itself. You can set it up for it to spin long enough for 1 ball to feed or to longer durations (3+ balls to feed).

The only way it would continue to spin when you held down the trigger is if you had a full auto capable board.

-Evil Bob