View Full Version : Level 10 shooting 230-310 fps

06-04-2003, 09:57 AM
X-value, I-frame, LX 1.5 2-shims middle spring. This set up is working good. I just can’t get my velocity set in. I have shot 2000 + ball through it. At about 1000-1200 balls I went to a # 2 carrier(with the same o-ring) thinking the friction was the problem and I started leaking down the barrel. I went back to the 1.5 ( Switching o-rings back) shot 400-500 balls and still the same 270, 270, 230, 260, 310, 310 ,270, 285, and so on. I have oiled the gun including the o-ring very well. I am thinking I need to change my o-ring all together but I would need to break it all in again correct? Is there something else to look at? The paint is not that all great and I was shooting a Lapco big shot and it matched up ok. Plastic Nubbies seem to be ok, not that I see it could make a difference in the velocity. I have seen this issue posted but can not find a answer. Thanks for any help.

06-04-2003, 10:16 AM
Chronoing an RT/X-Valve requires a specific procedure. Are you following this?

And for the leak down the barrel, when it does that, you go to a SMALLER carrier using the SAME oring. It's the oring breaking in. You went the opposite direction. with the level 10, friction is a GOOD thing. It's how the system works.

06-04-2003, 01:08 PM
Ok I will rememder that friction is good, but any ideas on my FPS consistency issue? Thanks.

06-04-2003, 01:36 PM
If you're not following the RT Chrono procedure, your velocity will seem to be erratic.

06-04-2003, 01:51 PM
How long have you had the valve?

There could be some dirt on the reg piston, explaining erratic velocities.

06-04-2003, 04:24 PM
Ok this is the how to as per the F&Q @ AGD(below). I have tryed this some what, but will give it a better shot know that I have read it 100 times. I would take it that I would adjust my velocity only at the time between/after the quick fire. I would not adjust after just shooting a few balls? After I set my velocity to rapid fire I would assume my velocity at a slow rate would be lower, and in hand might through off the the leval 10???? But still even not chronographing to this would not seem to be why I am going from 230-310fps. I could see a 10-20fps change but not a 90fps difference.

"Set the pressure going into the RT to 700 psi.
To record your highest rapid fire velocity:-
Fire a paintball and hold the trigger back.
Then release the trigger completely, and fire the next paintball as quickly as possible, once again holding the trigger back.
Repeat as necessary. "

The X-valve and levelX is new 2000 + balls. I would not think it is dirty.

More than likely this why NASA rejected me!!!lol.

06-04-2003, 05:11 PM
check your nubbins.

Mav D MagMan
06-04-2003, 06:50 PM
Ok guys, how would you explain the exact same problem on a Classic valve?

It wasn't as extreme, but I either had to run itaround 230s+ or when I turned it up it jumped to 300+


(BTW brand new nubbin and reg seats!)